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Hair Loss Treatments in Bangalore | SK Truderma is the Best Cosmetologist & Dermatologist Centre in Sarjapur Road for all type of Hair Loss Treatments.<br><br>To Know More Click:<br>http://www.sktruderma.com/
Also called androgenic alopecia, male pattern baldness is the predominant type of hair loss in males. In fact, as per the National Library of Medicine (NLM) in the U.S., over 50 per cent of all males above 50 will be afflicted by male pattern baldness in some form. Causes of Male Pattern Baldness A major cause of male pattern baldness is hereditary. Males with a family history of baldness are invariably afflicted by this condition. Male pattern baldness is largely associated with the male sex hormones called androgens. Apart from other functions, androgens are also responsible for regulating the growth of hair. Each hair on the head goes through a cycle of growth. Male pattern baldness sets in when this growth cycle is interrupted due to the shrinking of the hair follicles. The follicles produce shorter and weaker strands of hair. Finally, the growth cycle for every hair strand ends, after no new hair grows from the follicles. Hereditary male pattern baldness generally has no side effects. However, at times, baldness may be accompanied by certain cancers, medicinal side effects, thyroid malfunction and anabolic steroids. Consult your doctor if you suspect that your hair loss is a side effect of medications or may be a result of some other medical condition.
Diagnosing Male Pattern Baldness Doctors take into account the pattern of hair loss in the diagnosis of male pattern baldness. They will start by asking about your medical history and subject you to a physical examination to rule out any underlying health conditions as the cause of the baldness. Fungal infections of the scalp and nutritional disorders are known causes of male pattern baldness. Health conditions leading to male pattern baldness could be a rash on the scalp or redness, peeling off the skin of the scalp, hair breakage or an unusual process of hair loss is preceded by the pattern baldness. Doctors may also recommend a skin biopsy and blood tests to diagnose possible disorders, which may be responsible for the hair loss. Risk Demographic Though male pattern baldness commonly occurs in adult males, with the likelihood increasing over the years, the condition can also develop in teenagers. Genetics play a huge role in male pattern baldness. Men who are closely related to people will pattern baldness, especially on the maternal side, are more vulnerable to the condition.
Identifying Male Pattern Baldness If you see hair disappearing from the temples or the crown of your head, it is highly possible you’re experiencing male pattern baldness. Some men will develop a single bald spot, which grows. Others have increasingly receding hairlines, which form an ‘M’ shape at the top of the forehead. The hair will continue to recede until most of it is gone, or all of it in some men. Can Male Pattern Baldness Be Prevented? There is no known method to prevent male pattern baldness. There is a theory that stress may be a cause of hair loss due to decreased production of sex hormones. If the doctor suspects that stress may be a factor, he or she will recommend activities for relaxation such as listening to music, walking and activities you normally enjoy. Treating Male Pattern Baldness Most men get used to losing hair as they get older and do not seek any treatment. Though, male pattern baldness cannot be completely reversed, there are certain Hair Loss Treatments in Bangalore that can slow the loss of hair, stimulate regrowth of hair or disguise the baldness. Minoxidil and Finasteride are two solutions used in the Hair Loss Treatments in Bangalore for male pattern baldness. If the hair loss is speedy, both can be used together.
1. Minoxidil Minoxidil is a medicated solution to be applied to the scalp twice daily to aid in stopping hair loss and stimulate hair regeneration. Minoxidil for male pattern baldness is available over-the-counter and does not require a prescription. Usually it takes four months of applying minoxidil twice a day religiously for any results to be seen. At the beginning of the treatment, there may be actually some hair loss. This is because the dormant hair follicles are stimulated to move back to the growth phase. Once you begin treatment, you have to be committed to it for the rest of your life. The follicles will stop growing hair within 3 to 4 months of stopping treatment. Minoxidil is not effective in all men and the volume of regrown hair varies. Some men are able to grow hair while some may only experience slowed hair loss. It is recommended that the treatment be discontinued if results are not forthcoming after six months. Side Effects of Minoxidil: Common side effects associated with minoxidil are redness, itchiness and dryness of the scalp. Solutions of higher strength are more likely to result in irritation of the scalp. Also, minoxidil is also available in tablet form and is prescribed by doctors as a treatment for high blood pressure. There is a small risk that minoxidil solution could affect your normal heart function and blood pressure. Hence, minoxidil solution is only recommended for men who do not have existing heart and blood pressure complications. When using minoxidil solution always follow the accompanying directions. Apply only then the scalp and hair are completely dry and wash your hands after application.
2. Finasteride Finasteride is not an over-the-counter medicine and needs to be prescribed. Finasteride comes in tablet form and like minoxidil can stop further loss of hair and stimulate hair regrowth. Finasteride tablets (Propecia is a popular brand name) block the enzyme that alters testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DTH is the male hormone that is thought to cause male pattern baldness. The recommended dose of finasteride is one tablet daily. Like minoxidil, regrowth of hair or reduction in hair loss can only be seen after 4 months, thought it may take 2 years or more to see any noticeable improvement in the volume of hair. Again, you will have to take the tablet for life as the hair loss with resume soon after you atop taking finasteride. Again, finasteride does result in hair regeneration in all men, though it does prevent further loss of hair in most men. It is a good idea to photograph your scalp before starting treatment and comparing with it with another picture after 6 to 12 months to see the effectiveness of the tablet. Side Effects of Finasteride: Side effects with finasteride are uncommon and are usually mild if they do manifest. There are reports of decreased libido (reduced sex drive) and erectile dysfunction from some men. Gynaecomastia or male breast enlargement has also been reported in men taking finasteride, though it is rare.
Hair Transplant Surgery SKTruderma provides the Best Hair Loss Treatments in Bangalore – Hair transplantation is a more effective and natural method of growing back your hair. The procedure involves taking tiny clusters of hair-producing tissue from hair-growing areas of the head (generally the back of the head). These clusters, each containing up to 4 strands are then surgically grafted into the follicles, which have stopped growing hair. Hair transplant procedures are called micrografting or follicular unit transplantation. Hair transplants can be expensive and painful. Also, multiple transplants may be required to achieve the desired results. In certain cases, transplants are performed by taking body hair or using artificial hair fibres to graft into the follicles. Side Effects of Hair Transplantation: Common side effects of hair transplantation are infection and scarring. There can be higher chances of complications with artificial hair transplants. It is important to talk to the doctors whether you are a good candidate for hair transplantation and discuss the benefits and risks.