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T HE R OTARY F OUNDATION of Rotary International. The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. T HE R OTARY F OUNDATION of Rotary International. Fourth object of Rotary
THE ROTARY FOUNDATIONof Rotary International The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
THE ROTARY FOUNDATIONof Rotary International Fourth object of Rotary Advance International understanding, goodwill & Peace through a world fellowship of Business and professional Persons united in the Ideals of Service The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
Educational Programs Humanitarian Programs Polio Plus
What is Poliomyelitis? • A highly infectious disease caused by a virus that invades the nervous system • Can cause total paralysis in a matter of hours • Children under three account for over 50% of all new cases; can be contracted by people of any age THERE IS NO CURE FOR POLIO, polio can only be prevented through immunization
What is Polio Paralysis? • Once established in the intestines, the poliovirus enters the blood stream and invades the central nervous system • The limbs become floppy and lifeless - acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) • More extensive paralysis involving muscles of the trunk, thorax, and abdomen can result in quadriplegia • In the most severe cases, the poliovirus attacks the motor neurons of the brain stem, reducing breathing capacity, and causing difficulty in swallowing and speaking • Among those paralyzed, 5%-10% die when their breathing muscles become immobilized 1 in 200 polio infections results in irreversible paralysis, usually in the legs
In 1952 (57 Years Ago) • 58,000 CASES IN USA • 600,000 CASES WORLD WIDE - and rising
Rotary’s Global Polio Eradication Initiative Rotary’s Flagship Program 24 years - 99.8% Reduction 350K to <2K cases per year $5 Billion invested • Rotary ~ $750 Million to Date • 200 countries 20 million volunteers • Rotary ~ 1 million volunteers Over 2.5billion children immunized
Gates Challenge Grant • $100M Gates Challenge Grant – we have the money now • Rotary must match over 3 yrs with $100M January 2008 – December 2010 • Asking $1,000 from every club for 3 years • With over 30,000 Clubs, this would make the $100 Million • How will we - our clubs raise the money – Rotarians, Non Rotarians, Fun/Fund Raisers, Community Events
A polio-free world is at our doorstepThe final push has arrived! • 5 Million people walk today who otherwise would have been paralyzed • More than 500,000 cases of polio are now prevented each year through the efforts of PolioPlus • How can YOU make a difference? • Contribute to the challenge atwww.rotary.org/en/EndPolio • The Gates Foundation $100,000,000 challenge grant is our opportunity to finish the task and achieve Rotary International’s top philanthropic goal – the global eradication of polio • Join an NID
New Funding Opportunities Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Challenge Grant
THE NEW CHALLENGE • Bill Gates announces new US$255 million grant for ending polio – JAN 21 ‘09 • Rotarians, government leaders, and health professionals have made a phenomenal commitment to get us to a point at which polio afflicts only a small number of the world’s children,” Gates said. “However, complete elimination of the poliovirus is difficult and will continue to be difficult for a number of years. Rotary in particular has inspired my own personal commitment to get deeply involved in achieving eradication.
THE NEW CHALLENGE • British, German governments pledge US$280 million to end polio • The British and German governments committed of $280 million – UK $150M; Germany $130M - in new funds; they urge additional donors and leaders of countries to join them in an aggressive push for eradication. • Coincided with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s additional $255M grant to Rotary, Rotary will match with $100 million over 3 years – to 2012. The European Grant during the next 5 years will not count toward what has now become Rotary’s US$200 Million Challenge. • Rotary clubs and individual Rotarians in Rotary’s US$200 Million Challenge remains crucial to its success. Rotary has raised nearly $73 million toward this amount: $62 million in contributions and $11 million in commitments. Challenged to organize a public FUNDRAISERS annually for the next three years. In October, The Rotary Foundation Trustees approved special Paul Harris Fellow Recognition, which begins 1 July, featuring a certificate with the End Polio Now logo.
TRF NEW Challenge • Gates Challenge Grant – Now $355M • British and German Gov - $280M • Total = $555M in new Funds • Rotary must match over 3 yrs with $200M January 2009 – December 2012 • Asking $2,000 from every club for 3 years • With over 32,000 Clubs, this would make the $200 Million • How will we - our clubs raise the money – Rotarians, Non Rotarians, Fun/Fund Raisers, Community Events
The opportunity is ours … “Where if not here? When if not now? Who if not me?” Winston Churchill
PolioPlus: Keep our Promise to Eradicate Polio