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The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. Humanitarian Grants Programs. Matching Grants. Assist Rotary clubs and districts in carrying out humanitarian service projects in cooperation with Rotarians in another country. Matching Grants. Match funded through the World Fund.

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The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

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  1. The Rotary Foundation ofRotary International Humanitarian Grants Programs

  2. Matching Grants Assist Rotary clubs and districts in carrying out humanitarian service projects in cooperation with Rotarians in another country

  3. Matching Grants Match funded through the World Fund • US $0.50 matching for every US $1 cash contribution • US $1 match for every US $1 of DDF (SHARE) contribution • Minimum grant award: US $5,000 • Maximum grant award: US $150,000

  4. Matching Grants Two Grant Types • Matching Grants • TRF Award US $5,000 to $25,000 • Competitive Matching Grants • TRF Award $25,001 to $150,000

  5. July March 1 31 Matching Grants Business Cycle Applications Received through

  6. Matching Grants Deadlines Deadlines for Competitive Matching Grants TRF Award $25,001 - $150,000

  7. Matching Grants General Guidelines • Projects must involve active Rotarian participation • Grants must address a humanitarian need • All grants must adhere to the Terms and Conditions of Matching Grants Award

  8. Matching Grants Guidelines: MatchingGrants Rotary clubs & district are required to: • Communicate with co-sponsors for life of project • Establish committee of 3 individuals (host and international partner) to oversee project • Plan project jointly

  9. Matching Grants Guidelines: Competitive Matching Grants (TRF Award US $25,001-$150,000) Rotary clubs and district are required to follow the activities outlined in Matching Grants and: • Perform a community needs assessment • Provide a project sustainability plan • Demonstrate community involvement and ownership

  10. District Simplified Grants Support service projects in the local community or internationally

  11. District Simplified Grants • Use a maximum of 20% of district’s DDF • One grant per year per district • Direct Rotarian involvement required • Requests accepted 1 July – 31 March • Districts strongly encouraged to submit requests in Rotary Year prior to project implementation

  12. District Simplified Grants District Designated Fund DDF is 50% of total Annual Program Funds raised by a district three years earlier. The other 50% goes to the World Fund where it is mainly used for Rotary’s match in Matching Grants, Volunteer Service Grants and to send Group Study Exchange teams.

  13. District Simplified Grants Rotarian Involvement by: • Assessment of community needs and development of a project plan • Establishment of a committee of at least 3 Rotarians for project oversight • Oversight of funds • Involvement in the implementation of projects • Provision of evidence of community involvement • Organization of meetings with local service providers and officials • Promotion of project in the local media

  14. District Simplified Grants Important Criteria • Grants over $25,000: payment made in installments based on spending plan • Districts to provide progress reports delineating expenditures before additional installments are made • Districts may have maximum of two paid open grants at a time. First grant must be 50% spent before second grant can be paid.

  15. 3-H Grants HEALTH HUNGER HUMANITY Funds long-term, self-help, grassroots development projects that use a sustainable, integrative approach to problem solving

  16. 3-H Grants Requirements • Host and sponsor clubs must have successfully served as primary sponsors of a Matching Grant project within 5 years of submitting application • Sponsors must be current on any previous 3-H or Matching Grants project reports • Sponsors must provide a minimum of10% of the 3-H award amount

  17. 3-H Grants Requirements – Integrative Approach • Projects must address humanitarian needs by using multiple program components such as: • Training • Community participation • Rotary Community Corps • Capital assets • Technical expertise

  18. 3-H Grants 3-H Grants should be used to address multiple issues Not only: • Medical equipment But for: • Medical equipment • Training on equipment • Public health education • Public relations campaign on Rotary’s involvement

  19. 3-H Grants 3-H Important Dates 1 July – 31 March 1 August Proposals accepted at TRF Qualified proposals will receive an application to be completed by the sponsor Deadline for submitting Applications for consideration at the April Trustee meeting 1 November Deadline for sponsors to complete application requirements

  20. Volunteer Service Grants Support Rotarian travel for international humanitarian service

  21. Volunteer Service Grants Overview • Flat grant: US$3,000 for an individual or $6,000 for a team of up to five members • Grants are available to qualified Rotarians and spouses • Minimum stay is five days at the project site; maximum stay is 60 days

  22. Volunteer Service Grants Eligibility • There must be a defined community need • The need can be met by the experience and skills of the Rotarians/team • The skills and experience are not available in the community

  23. Volunteer Service Grants Applications • Applications should be received three months prior to departure • Applications must be complete for approval two months prior to departure

  24. Stewardship The Trustees rely on the integrity of the clubs and Rotarians engaged in project implementation to ensure that funds are used effectively for the purpose for which they were given

  25. Stewardship How to comply with TRF’s Stewardship requirements • Treat TRF funds as a sacred trust • Maintain competent and thorough supervision of a project • Comply with standard business practices • Report any irregularities to TRF

  26. Stewardship How to comply with TRF’s Stewardship requirements • Implement projects as approved by TRF • Ensure financial review of projects • Maintain timely and complete reporting

  27. Stewardship Reporting What does it accomplish? • Celebrates successes • Demonstrates good use of TRF funds • Shows transparency • Fulfills government requirements • Highlights lessons learned • Earns future support

  28. Stewardship Reporting When are reports due? • Every twelve months for the life of the project • Within two months of the project’s completion

  29. TheRotary Foundation ofRotary International Humanitarian Grants Programs QUESTIONS?

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