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Early Medieval Europe

“Dark Age(s)” 6 th to 8 th Centuries Charlemagne 768-814 Manors Peasants Nobles Feudal System Serfs. Wergeld “Holy Roman Empire” (Germany) Vikings Knights. Early Medieval Europe. High Medieval Age 1000-1300 Peasants Feudal Serf Demesne Vassals Suzerain Parish Clergy

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Early Medieval Europe

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Dark Age(s)” 6th to 8th Centuries Charlemagne 768-814 Manors Peasants Nobles Feudal System Serfs Wergeld “Holy Roman Empire” (Germany) Vikings Knights Early Medieval Europe

  2. High Medieval Age 1000-1300 Peasants Feudal Serf Demesne Vassals Suzerain Parish Clergy Regular Clergy (monks) Monasteries Bourgeoisie Ghettos Pogroms William the Conqueror 1066 Doomsday Book 1080 Philip II (Augustus) Frederick Barbarossa Medieval Europe

  3. The Crusades

  4. St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica Gothic Architecture The Black Death Hundred Years War 1337-1453 Joan of Arc Parliament “Babylonian Captivity” Great Schism Guilds

  5. Renaissance Humanism Sir Thomas More, Utopia Erasmus Machiavelli, The Prince 1516 Magna Carta 1215 Tsar (Czar) Renaissance/Early Modern Europe

  6. “Indians” Corn (Maize) Maya Tikal Caciques Zapotecs Oaxaca Monte Alban Mixtecs Teotihuacán Toltecs Quetzalcoatl Itza Chichen Itza Tula League ofMayapan Aztecs Chichimecas Nahuatl Tenochtitlan Montezuma II Huitzilopochtli Yaqui Mexico- the Indigenous Background

  7. Aztec Empire

  8. The Inca Empire: Lake Titicaca Incas Quechua Peru Cuzco Huayna Capac Huascar Atahualpa Pizarro Peru- The Indigenous Backgroud

  9. Reconquest (Reconquista) 711-1492 Santiago Inquisition “Black Legend” Christopher Columbus Treaty of Tordesillas Hispaniola (Santo Domingo) 1493 Diego Velazquez Hernán (Hernando) Cortes (Cortez) Aguilar Malinche (Dona Marina) Quetzalcoatl Legend Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz Tenochtitlan Tlaxcalans Montezuma II Panfilo de Narvaez Pedro de Alvarado Smallpox “Noche Triste” Encomienda Cuauhtémoc Spanish Background to the Conquest of America

  10. Bartolomé de las Casas Breve Relación (Brief Relation): Tells of Spanish actrocities against the Indians 1550-1551 debates whether Indians are “gente de razón” with Dr. Juan Gines de Sepulveda at the Spanish court. 1544-1555: Bishop of Chiapas Mexico

  11. Francisco Pizarro Diego de Almagro Fernando de Luque Tumbez Hernando de Soto San Miguel Huayana Capac Atahuallpa Huascar Cajarmarca Valverde Requirimiento Quinto Real Hernando Pizarro Lima (Rimac) Gonzalo Pizarro Inca Manco Battle of Las Salinas 1538 Spanish Conquest of Peru

  12. Pedro de Valdivia Araucanians Lautaro

  13. Cortes (Parliament) “Obedezco pero no cumplo” Casa de Contratacion 1503 Council of the Indies 1524 Adelantados Cabildo (town council) Regidores Alcaldes Audiencia Oidores Viceroy Visitador Residencia Early Spanish Colonial Administration

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