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MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. TYPICAL FOR POLISH CULTURE. FOLK INSTRUMENTS. Creators of the most important methods of music such as Carl Orff or Zoltan Kodaly found the source of musical sensibilities in folklore. shepherds ` trumpets (trąbity ).
FOLK INSTRUMENTS Creators of the most importantmethods of musicsuch as Carl OrfforZoltan Kodalyfoundthesource of musical sensibilitiesinfolklore.
shepherds`trumpets(trąbity) The Podhale shepherds play the long trumpetscalled trąbity. This instrument isup to 5 m long.
dulcimer A dulcimeris a musical instruments withup to 100 stringsplayedwithlighthammers.
Mazanki A threestring instrument usedduring a weedingceremony.
drum Thiskind of drumissimilar to a tambourine. Itismade of skin strechedover a circularframecoveredwithjingles. You play itwithyourhandor a stick.
Musical instruments atthe first stage of education Themainaim of teachingmusicingrades I-III is to preparethestudents for consciouslyusage of musical heritage.
A classroom of music Everyschoolshould be equippedwithvarious musical instruments thatcan be used by children. Itisalsonecessary to have an accompaning instruments for a teacher of Music.
Class I Thestudentsarecreatingtheirown musical instruments from waste and otheravailable materials.
Class II Ourchildren start playingtheflute and theflageolet.
Students: • Play simplerhythms by usingtheirvoice and percussion instruments; • Usethe body language to show a simplepatterns.
Class III Students start playingthemelodicpercussion instruments
Therecognition of some musical instruments Poznaje różne brzmienia instrumentów
Musical instruments inclasses IV - VI Thebasicaim of teachingmusicatthisstageis: • preperingstudents for performing simplecompositionbased on wellknown materials and creationtheirown musical improvisation; • recognition of melody, rhythm, harmony, dynamics and articulationinplayed musical pieces; • Usingthenames of musical instruments correctly.
Studentsrecognizethemain musical instruments: • String instruments • Wind instruments • Percussion instruments
Pluckedstring instruments mandolin guitar
Keyboard instruments Grand piano
Brasswind instrumentsa) Frenchhornb) tubac) trumpetd) trombone
Large and small musical meetings Meetingswith ourtalentedstudents Meetingswithprofessional musicians
Performances of ourtalentedstudents Studentswhoattend musical schoolsharetheirknowladge and experiencewiththeirschoolmates.
PRESENTATION- Alicja Niedbalska FILM MATERIALS– Anna Włodarczyk TRANSLATION-MałgorzataGibek