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The Great Abrahamic Religions:

Why are they referred to as Abrahamic traditions?. The Abraham referenced in the Hebrew Bible (Torah) ISThe Abraham referenced in the Christian Bible AND ISThe Abraham referenced in the Quran.Abraham was the Patriarch of each tradition.. ONE GOD KNOWN AS:Elohim, Adonai in ancient timesModern Judaism:Eloheynu (Our God)HaShem (The Name)MOSES WAS

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The Great Abrahamic Religions:

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    1. B.C.E. not BC (Before Common Era) CE not AD (Common Era not Anno Domini (Latin: "In the Year of the Lord“)B.C.E. not BC (Before Common Era) CE not AD (Common Era not Anno Domini (Latin: "In the Year of the Lord“)

    2. The Abraham referenced in the Hebrew Bible (Torah) IS The Abraham referenced in the Christian Bible AND IS The Abraham referenced in the Quran. Patriarch = primary male ancestor Jewish – Father of the people of Israel thru son, Isaac Ch = Abraham as the Model of Faith I = Father of the Arab people thru son, Ishmael Moses, Jesus and Muhammad all claim to be DESCENDANTS OF ABRAHAMThe Abraham referenced in the Hebrew Bible (Torah) IS The Abraham referenced in the Christian Bible AND IS The Abraham referenced in the Quran. Patriarch = primary male ancestor Jewish – Father of the people of Israel thru son, Isaac Ch = Abraham as the Model of Faith I = Father of the Arab people thru son, Ishmael Moses, Jesus and Muhammad all claim to be DESCENDANTS OF ABRAHAM

    3. ONE GOD KNOWN AS: Elohim, Adonai in ancient times Modern Judaism: Eloheynu (Our God) HaShem (The Name) MOSES WAS “FOUNDING” PROPHET APPROX DATE OF ORIGIN – 2000 B.C.E. this date is approximate because hard evidence is unknown at this time JERUSALEM IS THE HOLY CITY Moses = The Jewish belief is that Moses received Commandments on Mt. Sinai directly from God. You may be familiar with the 10 Commandments, but Judaism teaches there were 613 Commandments given to Moses by God Jewish Symbol: Ancient = Menorah Modern = Star of David ONE GOD KNOWN AS: Elohim, Adonai in ancient times Modern Judaism: Eloheynu (Our God) HaShem (The Name) MOSES WAS “FOUNDING” PROPHET APPROX DATE OF ORIGIN – 2000 B.C.E. this date is approximate because hard evidence is unknown at this time JERUSALEM IS THE HOLY CITY Moses = The Jewish belief is that Moses received Commandments on Mt. Sinai directly from God. You may be familiar with the 10 Commandments, but Judaism teaches there were 613 Commandments given to Moses by God Jewish Symbol: Ancient = Menorah Modern = Star of David

    4. Largest Forms of Judaism: Orthodox Oldest Most conservative Reform Liberal Late 18th Century CE Allows for Individual discernment regarding observance of laws and traditions Conservative Newest (19th Century CE) Founded in response to Reform movement Largest Forms of Judaism: Orthodox Oldest Most conservative Reform Liberal Late 18th Century CE Allows for Individual discernment regarding observance of laws and traditions Conservative Newest (19th Century CE) Founded in response to Reform movement

    5. Hebrew acronym = TNK according to Rabbinic tradition, the TNK was received by Moses and written by God the Torah (aka Pentateuch): Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus*, Numbers and Deuteronomy. *Includes 613 Commandments, of which ‘The 10 Commandments’ is a part. ( 248 Do’s and 365 Do Not’s ) the Nevi'im: (the Kings) Joshua, Judges, Samuel (2), Kings (2), Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zachariah, and MalachiIsaiah. the Ketuvim, (the Writings) lessons and inspirations - including Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, Ruth, Esther, Lamentations, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Chronicles (2). Hebrew acronym = TNK according to Rabbinic tradition, the TNK was received by Moses and written by God the Torah (aka Pentateuch): Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus*, Numbers and Deuteronomy. *Includes 613 Commandments, of which ‘The 10 Commandments’ is a part. ( 248 Do’s and 365 Do Not’s ) the Nevi'im: (the Kings) Joshua, Judges, Samuel (2), Kings (2), Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zachariah, and MalachiIsaiah. the Ketuvim, (the Writings) lessons and inspirations - including Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, Ruth, Esther, Lamentations, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Chronicles (2).

    6. The Talmud - stories, laws, medical knowledge, debates about moral choices, etc. and comes mainly from 3 sources: Midrash – Critical Interpretation of TNK Mishnah - hundreds of chapters - includes many laws from the Hebrew Scriptures – compiled about 200 CE. Gemara – encyclopedic and evolving Includes comments from hundreds of Rabbis from 200 - 500 CE Elaborates/reflects on the Mishnah with additional historical, religious, legal, sociological, etc. material There are no surviving texts of the Hebrew Bible older than the Dead Sea Scrolls from the 2nd C. B.C.E. The Talmud is an evolving sacred text b/c important prophets keep adding to it.The Talmud - stories, laws, medical knowledge, debates about moral choices, etc. and comes mainly from 3 sources: Midrash – Critical Interpretation of TNK Mishnah - hundreds of chapters - includes many laws from the Hebrew Scriptures – compiled about 200 CE. Gemara – encyclopedic and evolving Includes comments from hundreds of Rabbis from 200 - 500 CE Elaborates/reflects on the Mishnah with additional historical, religious, legal, sociological, etc. material There are no surviving texts of the Hebrew Bible older than the Dead Sea Scrolls from the 2nd C. B.C.E. The Talmud is an evolving sacred text b/c important prophets keep adding to it.

    7. Place of worship is a Synagogue Day of Worship is Saturday (“the Sabbath”) Prescribed Charity (Tzedakah) = 10 % Place of worship is a Synagogue Day of Worship is Saturday (“the Sabbath”) Prescribed Charity (Tzedakah) = 10 %

    8. This is a picture of the inside of a synagogue in Morocco (NW Africa)This is a picture of the inside of a synagogue in Morocco (NW Africa)

    9. Great Moral Teacher NOT the Messiah False Prophet Some more Orthodox sects of Judaism won’t even speak the name of Jesus b/c they prohibit idols and they think that Jesus is a Christian idol Great Moral Teacher NOT the Messiah False Prophet Some more Orthodox sects of Judaism won’t even speak the name of Jesus b/c they prohibit idols and they think that Jesus is a Christian idol

    10. Rituals and Behavior Infant Circumcision (8 days old) Reading/studying the Torah Observing the Law Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah – 12 y.o. Regularly attending Synagogue Regularly observing the Sabbath as the day of rest Rituals and Behavior Infant Circumcision (8 days old) Reading/studying the Torah Observing the Law Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah – 12 y.o. Regularly attending Synagogue Regularly observing the Sabbath as the day of rest

    11. Passover, or Pesach - Jews' deliverance out of slavery in Egypt circa 1300 BCE. Includes Seder meal of bitter foods to remind them of the bitterness of slavery Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year - also the anniversary of the completion of creation during the Fall season Yom Kippur is a day of fasting until sundown. “Day of Atonement” VERY SACRED HOLY DAY Sukkoth (Feast of Booths) is an 8 day harvest festival; a time of thanksgiving. Hanukkah (Feast of Lights) is an 8 day feast of dedication. usually in December, recalls the Maccabees successful fight for religious freedom also commemorates the miracle in the Tempe when 1 days worth of oil burned for 8 days Purim (Feast of Lots) recalls the defeat by Queen Esther of the plan to slaughter all of the Persian Jews, circa 400 BCE. Shavout (Feast of Weeks) recalls God's revelation of the Torah to the Jewish people through Moses. Passover, or Pesach - Jews' deliverance out of slavery in Egypt circa 1300 BCE. Includes Seder meal of bitter foods to remind them of the bitterness of slavery Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year - also the anniversary of the completion of creation during the Fall season Yom Kippur is a day of fasting until sundown. “Day of Atonement” VERY SACRED HOLY DAY Sukkoth (Feast of Booths) is an 8 day harvest festival; a time of thanksgiving. Hanukkah (Feast of Lights) is an 8 day feast of dedication. usually in December, recalls the Maccabees successful fight for religious freedom also commemorates the miracle in the Tempe when 1 days worth of oil burned for 8 days Purim (Feast of Lots) recalls the defeat by Queen Esther of the plan to slaughter all of the Persian Jews, circa 400 BCE. Shavout (Feast of Weeks) recalls God's revelation of the Torah to the Jewish people through Moses.

    12. Incorporeal ONE GOD: “FATHER” “LORD” “CREATOR” God exists as Spirit (Incorporeal = without a material body…God exists as “Spirit”) God as a Trinity-a single entity with three personalities: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit OR Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer JESUS WAS “FOUNDING” PROPHET APPROX DATE OF ORIGIN – 30 CE JERUSALEM IS THE HOLY CITY Symbol = CRUCIFIX, CROSSIncorporeal ONE GOD: “FATHER” “LORD” “CREATOR” God exists as Spirit (Incorporeal = without a material body…God exists as “Spirit”) God as a Trinity-a single entity with three personalities: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit OR Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer JESUS WAS “FOUNDING” PROPHET APPROX DATE OF ORIGIN – 30 CE JERUSALEM IS THE HOLY CITY Symbol = CRUCIFIX, CROSS

    13. NO - Ancient Jewish beliefs did not include any Life after Death YES – some modern forms of Judaism Not immediately following death After the Messiah comes Resurrection of the Dead NO - Ancient Jewish beliefs did not include any Life after Death YES – some modern forms of Judaism Not immediately following death After the Messiah comes Resurrection of the Dead

    14. Catholic Eastern/Russian/Oriental Orthodox Protestant – formed by Martin Luther (a Catholic Priest) during 16th Century CE Reformation i.e. Puritans, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, Congregational, Quakers, Episcopal, Latter Day Saints, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, and numerous others Catholic Eastern/Russian/Oriental Orthodox Protestant – formed by Martin Luther (a Catholic Priest) during 16th Century CE Reformation i.e. Puritans, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, Congregational, Quakers, Episcopal, Latter Day Saints, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, and numerous others

    15. The Bible many translations over the years Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) – 39 “books” (up to 10 additional books for Roman Catholic, Orthodox) New Testament - 27 “books” Several authors, majority of the letters written by Paul of Tarsus or his assistants, some of them not actually written by whom they are named after Includes 4 Gospels = 4 perspectives of Jesus’ life and teachings * Exclusive to Latter Day Saints (aka Mormons): The Book of Mormon – Joseph Smith Pearl of Great Price Doctrine and Covenants NOT considered Sacred by most Christians: The Nag Hammadi Library discovered by local peasant in Egypt in 1945 original leather-bound Papyrus codices found in a sealed jar most famous codex is probably Gospel of Thomas – “sayings of Jesus The DaVinci Code is based on some of the Nag Hammadi writings.The Bible many translations over the years Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) – 39 “books” (up to 10 additional books for Roman Catholic, Orthodox) New Testament - 27 “books” Several authors, majority of the letters written by Paul of Tarsus or his assistants, some of them not actually written by whom they are named after Includes 4 Gospels = 4 perspectives of Jesus’ life and teachings * Exclusive to Latter Day Saints (aka Mormons): The Book of Mormon – Joseph Smith Pearl of Great Price Doctrine and Covenants NOT considered Sacred by most Christians: The Nag Hammadi Library discovered by local peasant in Egypt in 1945 original leather-bound Papyrus codices found in a sealed jar most famous codex is probably Gospel of Thomas – “sayings of Jesus The DaVinci Code is based on some of the Nag Hammadi writings.

    19. The Son of God – the “only” Son of God, the 2nd personality in the Trinity, sinless, immortal The Jewish Messiah referenced in the OT The Final Sacrifice Exemplar God Incarnate The Son of God – the “only” Son of God, the 2nd personality in the Trinity, sinless, immortal The Jewish Messiah referenced in the OT The Final Sacrifice Exemplar God Incarnate

    20. The Sacraments Catholic Protestant Baptism 1. Baptism Reconciliation 2. Confirmation Communion 3. Communion Confirmation Holy Orders Marriage Annointing of the Sick The Sacraments Catholic Protestant Baptism 1. Baptism Reconciliation 2. Confirmation Communion 3. Communion Confirmation Holy Orders Marriage Annointing of the Sick

    21. Day of Judgment followed by Heaven or Hell* Heaven = eternity with God, Jesus, saints, loved ones who passed before you Second Coming of Christ - crucial to Resurrection of the Dead * Hell is not a universal Christian belief Day of Judgment followed by Heaven or Hell* Heaven = eternity with God, Jesus, saints, loved ones who passed before you Second Coming of Christ - crucial to Resurrection of the Dead * Hell is not a universal Christian belief

    22. Christmas – celebrates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth (aka Jesus Christ) Easter – commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth (aka Jesus Christ) Pentecost – commemorates the first time the Holy Spirit was recognized via “speaking in tongues” According to Christian tradition and beliefs, Good Friday is called GF because it was good that Jesus of Nazareth was crucified and died, otherwise he could not have been resurrected as was prophesied according to scriptureChristmas – celebrates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth (aka Jesus Christ) Easter – commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth (aka Jesus Christ) Pentecost – commemorates the first time the Holy Spirit was recognized via “speaking in tongues” According to Christian tradition and beliefs, Good Friday is called GF because it was good that Jesus of Nazareth was crucified and died, otherwise he could not have been resurrected as was prophesied according to scripture

    23. Allah – means “God” in Arabic Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did not completely reject Judaism and Christianity, but said that he had been sent by God in order to complete and perfect those teachings…”God’s final prophet” Date of Origin = 622 C.E. most Muslims believe that Islam existed before Muhammad (pbuh) Holy City is Mecca Symbol = Crescent and StarAllah – means “God” in Arabic Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did not completely reject Judaism and Christianity, but said that he had been sent by God in order to complete and perfect those teachings…”God’s final prophet” Date of Origin = 622 C.E. most Muslims believe that Islam existed before Muhammad (pbuh) Holy City is Mecca Symbol = Crescent and Star

    24. Sunni Shiite Sufi – mystic based Islamic sect The Sunni/Shiite split is based on disagreement over the successor of Muhammad (pbuh) Sunni Shiite Sufi – mystic based Islamic sect The Sunni/Shiite split is based on disagreement over the successor of Muhammad (pbuh)

    25. Quran - Muslims also call the Qur'an the "Final Testament", "The Book", "Book of God" and "The Revelation.“ Received by Muhammad (pbuh) from Archangel Gabriel on Mountain “Read!” “Read!” “Recite!” Literal words of God 114 Suras (chapters) Includes several stories from Hebrew Bible Arabic text is ONLY divine scripture Translations into other languages are considered ONLY interpretive. The written Quran was compiled and recorded several decades after the death of the Prophet (pbuh)Quran - Muslims also call the Qur'an the "Final Testament", "The Book", "Book of God" and "The Revelation.“ Received by Muhammad (pbuh) from Archangel Gabriel on Mountain “Read!” “Read!” “Recite!” Literal words of God 114 Suras (chapters) Includes several stories from Hebrew Bible Arabic text is ONLY divine scripture Translations into other languages are considered ONLY interpretive. The written Quran was compiled and recorded several decades after the death of the Prophet (pbuh)

    26. Sunnah Hadith – deeds and sayings of the Prophet (pbuh) Siras - biography of the Prophet (pbuh) Sunnah Hadith – deeds and sayings of the Prophet (pbuh) Siras - biography of the Prophet (pbuh)

    28. This is a very typical Muslim prayer roomThis is a very typical Muslim prayer room

    29. Second to last Prophet and Messenger of God before Muhammad (pbuh) One of God’s most beloved messengers NOT the Son of God Human, NOT Divine Second to last Prophet and Messenger of God before Muhammad (pbuh) One of God’s most beloved messengers NOT the Son of God Human, NOT Divine

    30. Ablution – the type of ablution is dependent upon certain behavior related impurities Major = full ritualized bath Minor = extremities, face, ears, mouth, nostrils Physical cleanliness before Allah (God) is deemed a necessity and purification is intended for not only one's soul, but body as well. Ablution remains valid for up to twenty-four hours (or in case of a journey, three days) and is nullified if blood, pus or vomit is drawn, if one urinates, passes wind or stool, or falls into deep sleep. If clean or sufficient quantities of water are unavailable, worshippers are allowed to use clean sand or earth on the face and hands. Cleansing oneself is also required before one touches the Qur'an.Ablution – the type of ablution is dependent upon certain behavior related impurities Major = full ritualized bath Minor = extremities, face, ears, mouth, nostrils Physical cleanliness before Allah (God) is deemed a necessity and purification is intended for not only one's soul, but body as well. Ablution remains valid for up to twenty-four hours (or in case of a journey, three days) and is nullified if blood, pus or vomit is drawn, if one urinates, passes wind or stool, or falls into deep sleep. If clean or sufficient quantities of water are unavailable, worshippers are allowed to use clean sand or earth on the face and hands. Cleansing oneself is also required before one touches the Qur'an.

    31. Jihad - Most misunderstood tenet of Islam by non-Muslims Greater – the internal struggle toward living a holy life according to the Quran Lesser – “holy war”-primarily observed by fundamental radical Muslims Jihad - Most misunderstood tenet of Islam by non-Muslims Greater – the internal struggle toward living a holy life according to the Quran Lesser – “holy war”-primarily observed by fundamental radical Muslims

    32. LIFE AFTER DEATH Day of Judgment followed by Heaven or Hell Various levels of both According to greater/lesser deeds/sins The only sin beyond repentence is “Shirk”: Worshipping anything/anyone other than Allah Muslims believe that anyone with “one atom of faith” will eventually reach Heaven.LIFE AFTER DEATH Day of Judgment followed by Heaven or Hell Various levels of both According to greater/lesser deeds/sins The only sin beyond repentence is “Shirk”: Worshipping anything/anyone other than Allah Muslims believe that anyone with “one atom of faith” will eventually reach Heaven.

    33. Mawlid al-Nabi:  The celebration of Muhammad’s birth in 570 C.E. Laylat Al-Isra wa Al-Miraj (Isra wa Al-Miraj):  Literally “the night journey and ascension,” marks the day Muslims believe that Muhammad traveled from Mecca to Jerusalem, ascended to heaven and returned to Mecca all in the same night. On this night Muhammad established Islam’s five daily prayers. He prayed with Abraham, Moses, and Jesus in Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque, demonstrating that Muslims, Christians, and Jews follow the same god. Ramadan (Ramadhan, Ramazan):  many regard it as the holiest time of the Muslim year. The principle outward characteristic of Ramadan is that Muslims are expected to fast all day, every day. Eid Al-Adhha:  This “feast of sacrifice” and marks the anniverary of Abraham’s attempt to sacrifice his son Ishmael on God’s orders (In Jewish and Christian traditions, Abraham tried to sacrifice Isaac). Around this time of the year people try to make the Haj, or pilgrimage to Mecca. Yom Arafat:  People on the Haj assemble for the “standing” on the plain of Arafat, which is located near Mecca. Muslims elsewhere in the world gather at a local mosque for prayer and solidarity on Yom Arafat. Laylat Al-Baraa:  “night of repentance” and it commemorates the night when all who repent are granted forgiveness. Muslims believe that it is on this night that God sets each person’s path for the coming year. Thus, Muslims ask God for forgiveness for past sins and for blessings in the coming yearMawlid al-Nabi: The celebration of Muhammad’s birth in 570 C.E. Laylat Al-Isra wa Al-Miraj (Isra wa Al-Miraj): Literally “the night journey and ascension,” marks the day Muslims believe that Muhammad traveled from Mecca to Jerusalem, ascended to heaven and returned to Mecca all in the same night. On this night Muhammad established Islam’s five daily prayers. He prayed with Abraham, Moses, and Jesus in Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque, demonstrating that Muslims, Christians, and Jews follow the same god. Ramadan (Ramadhan, Ramazan): many regard it as the holiest time of the Muslim year. The principle outward characteristic of Ramadan is that Muslims are expected to fast all day, every day. Eid Al-Adhha: This “feast of sacrifice” and marks the anniverary of Abraham’s attempt to sacrifice his son Ishmael on God’s orders (In Jewish and Christian traditions, Abraham tried to sacrifice Isaac). Around this time of the year people try to make the Haj, or pilgrimage to Mecca. Yom Arafat: People on the Haj assemble for the “standing” on the plain of Arafat, which is located near Mecca. Muslims elsewhere in the world gather at a local mosque for prayer and solidarity on Yom Arafat. Laylat Al-Baraa:  “night of repentance” and it commemorates the night when all who repent are granted forgiveness. Muslims believe that it is on this night that God sets each person’s path for the coming year. Thus, Muslims ask God for forgiveness for past sins and for blessings in the coming year

    34. Dr. Goldstein killed 29 and wounded 125 Muslim men and boys while they were kneeling in prayer in the shrine with 111 rounds of amunition from an assault rifle. Timothy McVeigh planned in detail the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City. Hundreds were injured and 168 died. 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda hijacked 4 commercial passenger jetliners. 2 of the plane crashed into the World Trade Center Twin Towers, causing the collapse of both towers within 2 hours. The 3rd aircraft crashed into the Pentagon. The 4th aircraft was taken over by passengers that prevented the plane from crashing into its designated destination…the White House. 2986 people died. It changed the security of the world.Dr. Goldstein killed 29 and wounded 125 Muslim men and boys while they were kneeling in prayer in the shrine with 111 rounds of amunition from an assault rifle. Timothy McVeigh planned in detail the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City. Hundreds were injured and 168 died. 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda hijacked 4 commercial passenger jetliners. 2 of the plane crashed into the World Trade Center Twin Towers, causing the collapse of both towers within 2 hours. The 3rd aircraft crashed into the Pentagon. The 4th aircraft was taken over by passengers that prevented the plane from crashing into its designated destination…the White House. 2986 people died. It changed the security of the world.


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