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Expanding the Soul and LightBody Integration

You have forgotten you, but are continuing to remember. Your LightBody gives you access to you in your truest and purest form.

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Expanding the Soul and LightBody Integration

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  1. Expanding the Soul and LightBody Integration The journey of the Awakening Soul during this time of Ascension is one of EXPANSION. The soul grows by the introduction and integration of light INTO it's BE'ing here. Picture it as an expanding light trying to bust out of your physical body. (That is what I get to see). So WALK WITH ME, if you will. All start out by trying to find their soul. One looks UP at the Universe above and "waits" for it to answer by way of a higher self or other things that we identify according to our own belief systems already in place (i.e. Angels, Fairies, God, the Universe, etc.) As a soul, they are all the same, just depicted different according to the level of consciousness that one taps into to "see". As one grows "through" these levels, identity of any difference also falls away and all just become ONE that exists within as the ENTIRETY of all that is. In the beginning, the soul is fragmented, broken, and full of "holes" in its energy body. The soul is pure light and everything that is an imperfection (present within the ego) is literally SEEN and presented as "dark" energy. The SOUL body is what many refer to as their ENERGY BODY or LIGHT BODY. Dark carries a lower vibrational frequency. All of this serves as the purpose of duality and the experience we CHOSE to have here in order to ascend. ALL of our souls are already HERE in the physical. They are no longer "up there" where all tend to look when trying to connect. This is a very huge part of the understanding process that is imperative to SHIFT one INTO understanding that they are walking soul energy. How much of that one's soul is present is dependent upon the priority that they place on EXPANDING their own light within. KNOWLEDGE of a soul comes through the AMOUNT of LIGHT that one holds WITHIN their own soul energy. The ENTIRE purpose of one here is to bring in more light in EVERY moment and release all dark that becomes visible by that light. Period. Everything else is just "details".

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