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6 th Grade Assignments

6 th Grade Assignments. T3 Week 3. Physical Education Assignments: ______P.E. Log (320 Minutes) 5 PE Credits Due May Grade__________ TW____________%. 6 th Grade Independent Study Assignments T3Week 3 Due March 24th. Name__________ Total Work Completed: _______%

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6 th Grade Assignments

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  1. 6th Grade Assignments T3 Week 3

  2. Physical Education Assignments: • ______P.E. Log (320 Minutes) • 5 PE Credits Due May • Grade__________ • TW____________% 6th Grade Independent Study Assignments T3Week 3Due March 24th Name__________ Total Work Completed: _______% Help: dbusk@psusd.us www.mrssyfert.wikispaces.com 760-404-7289 (1-3) *No Messages Please

  3. Math Ch. 9 Lessons 4/5/6 CD Powerpoint PPT Go.hrw.com

  4. Objectives: Students will… -use angle relationships to find angle measures -identify and name polygons -classify triangles • Assignments: • __________Do go.hrw.com Lessons 9-4, 9-5 and 9-6 • Parent Signature__________ • __________Chapter 9 Lesson 4-all • __________Chapter 9 Lesson 5-all • __________Chapter 9 Lesson 6-all • __________Quiz Pg. 446 • __________Vocab Matrix • __________Workbook 9-4, 9-5 and 9-6 • Study for Quiz 9A • Grade_________ TW__________ • TW___________% Math

  5. World History Objectives: Students will: -Describe Greek Political organization -compare limited and unlimited democracy -describe spartan government -explain how the persian wars led to greek unification

  6. History Benchmark

  7. World History Assignments: Into/Through ____Read Chapter 11 Lesson 3. Take Cornell Notes. ____Questions Pg. 376 ____Read Chapter 11 Lesson 4. Take Cornell Notes. ____Questions Pg. 383 ____Citizenship Venn Diagram (See Yellow Box Pg. 376) ____Workbook 11.3 and 11.4 ____ Map Activity Grade__________ TW___________% Beyond: - Watch History Channel…movie based in Greece

  8. Language ArtsT3-Week 3 Objectives: Students will…. (Lang. Objective)Write a short Autobiographical Narrative Identify and use Adjectives and Adjective Phrases Compare and Contrast Biographies and Autobiographies Identify and use imagery in writing Identify and use figurative language in writing

  9. Chapter 6 Autobiography Biography Pg. 556 First Person Pg. 556 Third Person Ch. 6 Pre-Test

  10. Into (Strategic Students)____Fluency Builder Activities (3 per week administered by parent)____Weekly Essay Through(All Students) • ____Read “What do fish…” Pgs. 621-629. Do all Focus Questions • ____Literary Response Pg. 630 • ____Figurative Language Worksheet • ____Describe a Character Activity Pg. 631 • ____Autobiographical Narrative Due (Use Figurative Language at least 2x) • ____Read Warriners Handbook Pgs. 79-83. (Adj. Phrases) Do Exercise 5. • Grade__________ TW_____________

  11. HOUSEKEEPING • Stamp • Check Work-marked on blue assignment sheet • Calendar • PE Today

  12. Earth Science Objectives: Students will: -Describe how volcanoes form -identify the different parts of a volcano -discuss how faults led to the Japan earthquake and sunami

  13. Pacific Ring of Fire Cause…Effect Map Label Chile Japan Epicenters Ring of Fire Oceans Continents Write short paragraph what the cause/effect the Ring of Fire had on this tragedy

  14. Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Google search Magnitude Shift of Japan Axis shift

  15. NuclearMeltdown Kesq.com How does this energy work?

  16. Chile/Japan Compare Contrast Bubble

  17. The Big Wave Finish by next week

  18. Earth Science Assignments: Into/Through ____Read Chapter 10 Lesson 1. Take Cornell Notes. ____Do Questions Pg. 208 ____Worksheet 10.1 (Volcano Parts) ____Ring of Fire Cause/Effect Map (Japan Earthquake) ____Research the Japan Earthquake/Tsunami and complete a statistics page for it. ____Chile/Japan Compare Contrast Bubble Big Wave Report due after Spring Break *Volcano Model Due April 7th Grade__________ TW___________% Beyond: - Chapter 9 Activity Page 200.

  19. Tests History-India Test Math 7A

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