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Postdoc Data Collected by NCSES

Postdoc Data Collected by NCSES. Emilda B. Rivers The National Academy of Sciences Postdoc Committee Meeting October 3, 2011 National Science Foundation National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) www.nsf.gov/statistics. Today’s Discussion.

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Postdoc Data Collected by NCSES

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  1. Postdoc Data Collected by NCSES Emilda B. Rivers The National Academy of Sciences Postdoc Committee Meeting October 3, 2011 National Science Foundation National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) www.nsf.gov/statistics

  2. Today’s Discussion • The National Center for Science andEngineering Statistics (NCSES) • NCSES Education and Workforce Surveys • NCSES Research and Development Surveys • Postdoc Data from NCSES Surveys

  3. The National Center for Science andEngineering Statistics (NCSES) • As part of the America Competes Act of 2010, signed on December 6, 2011 NCSES was created • NCSES is one of the few named “entities” in NSF with stated responsibilities • NCSES carries with it the responsibilities of the Division of Science Resources Statistics (SRS) as well as new responsibilities

  4. Comparison of SRS and NCSES

  5. Comparison of SRS and NCSES

  6. Education and Workforce Surveys • Surveys of Individuals • Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) • Survey of Doctorate Recipients (SDR) • National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG) • National Survey of Recent College Graduates (RCG)

  7. Education and Workforce Surveys • Surveys of Institutions • Survey on Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering (GSS) • ECDS, the Early Career Doctorate Survey • A survey of individual doctorates who received their doctorate, doctorate-equivalent, or doctorate-equivalent professional degree within the past 10 years (upcoming survey)

  8. Research and Development Surveys • Surveys of Institutions/Organizations • Higher Education Research and Development Survey (HERD, formerly Survey of Research and Development Expenditures at Universities and Colleges) • Survey of Federal Funds for Research and Development • Survey of Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges and Nonprofit Institutions

  9. Research and Development Surveys • Surveys of Institutions/Organizations • Survey of Science and Engineering Research Facilities • Business R&D and Innovation Survey (BRDIS, formerly Survey of Industrial Research and Development) • Survey of State Government R&D

  10. National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG) The NSCG is a biennial survey of college-educated U.S. residents educated or employed in an S&E field S&E fields Computer and mathematical sciences Life sciences Physical sciences Social sciences Engineering S&E-related (Health, S&E teaching) 2003 NSCG response rate: 73 percent

  11. Selected Survey Items on the NSCG Demographics • Gender • Race/ethnicity • Citizenship • Disability Educational Information • Degrees (institutions, fields of study, year of award) • Current employment (employer, field, work activities) • Work experiences (publications, patents, training) Occupational Information • Current employer (location, industry, size) • Position (academic (postdoc) vs. non-academic) • Job details (salary, work activities, start date) • Other (job satisfaction, relationship to degree)

  12. NSCG Postdoc Question Was your principal employer an educational institution? Mark (X) one Yes No (If Yes) What type of academic position did you hold at this institution? Mark (X) all that apply President, Provost, or Chancellor Dean, department head, or chair Research faculty, scientist, associate, or fellow Teaching faculty Adjunct faculty Postdoc (e.g., postdoctoral fellow or associate) Research assistant Teaching assistant Other

  13. Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) SED is an annual census of all new research doctorate recipients from accredited U.S. academic institutions Research Doctorate Requires an original contribution of knowledge to the field (typically a dissertation); and Is not primarily intended for the practice of a profession (e.g., M.D., D.D.S., J.D., Psy.D, D.Min., Pharm.D.) 2010 Response rate: 92 percent

  14. Selected Survey Items on the SED Demographics • Gender • Race/ethnicity • Citizenship at time of doctorate Educational History • Degrees (institutions, fields of study, year of award) • Financial support • Education-related debt Postgraduation Plans • Definite commitments for next year (Y/N) • Employment vs. postdoc • Sector of employment • Location of employment • Starting Salary

  15. SED Postdoc* Questions What best describes your postgraduate plans (within the next year)? Mark (X) one “Postdoc” or further training Employment What best describes the nature of your further training or study? Mark (X) one “Postdoc” fellowship “Postdoc” research associateship Traineeship Internship, clinical residency Other Training – specify * Postdoc is defined on the SED as “. . . A temporary position primarily for gaining additional education and training in research, usually awarded in academe, industry, government, or a non-profit organization.”

  16. Relationships AmongSED Postgraduation Plans Data No definite commitments in coming year (at time of survey) New Doctorate Recipient Definite commitments in coming year Definite commitments for postdoc U.S location Postgrad location Foreign location Academe Industry Employment sector Government Other Definite commitments for employment

  17. New Doctorate Recipients with Definite Commitments for Postdoc by Field of Study: 2000–09 SOURCE: NSF/NIH/USED/NEH/USDA/NASA, Survey of Earned Doctorates

  18. New Postdoc Rate by Field of Study: 2000–09 NOTE: New postdoc rate is the proportion of new doctorate recipients with definite commitments who are committed to a postdocin the coming year. SOURCE: NSF/NIH/USED/NEH/USDA/NASA, Survey of Earned Doctorates

  19. New Postdoc Rate by Race/Ethnicity and Field of Study: 2009 NOTE: New postdoc rate is the proportion of new doctorate recipients with definite commitments who are committed to a postdoc position in the coming year. This figure includes only new doctorate recipients who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents. SOURCE: NSF/NIH/USED/NEH/USDA/NASA, Survey of Earned Doctorates

  20. New Postdocs with Position in Academeby Field of Study: 2004–09 NOTE: New postdocs with position in academe is the proportion of new doctorate recipients with definite commitments for postdocwho are committed to positions in academic institutions. SOURCE: NSF/NIH/USED/NEH/USDA/NASA, Survey of Earned Doctorates

  21. New Postdocs in U.S. on Temporary Visas by Field of Study: 2000–09 NOTE: New postdocs in U.S. is the proportion of new doctorate recipients with definite commitments for postdoc who are committed to positions located in the U.S. Includes only temporary visa holders with doctorates from U.S. universities. SOURCE: NSF/NIH/USED/NEH/USDA/NASA, Survey of Earned Doctorates

  22. Survey of Doctorate Recipients (SDR) • Biennial longitudinal survey of individuals from the SED • Research doctorates in science, engineering, or health (SEH) fields • Followed through age 75 • 2008 Response rate: 81 percent

  23. Selected Survey Items on the SDR Demographics • Citizenship status • Marital status • Age Recent Educational Experiences • Degrees • Field of study • Year of degree award Employment • Occupation • Sector of employment • Postdoc status • Work activities • Salary

  24. SDR Postdoc Questions • What was the title of the principal job you held during the week of [survey reference week]? • Was this job a “postdoc”? • A “postdoc” is a temporary position awarded in academe, industry, a non-profit organization, or government primarily for gaining additional education and training in research. • Yes • No • (If Yes) What were your reasons for taking this postdoc?

  25. Doctoral scientists and engineers on postdoctoral appointments, by citizenship status and sex: 2006 & 2008 NOTE: Numbers are rounded to nearest 10 in 2006 and nearest 100 in 2008. Due to rounding, data may not add to total. SOURCE: NSF/NIH, Survey of Doctorate Recipients

  26. Employed doctoral scientists and engineers on postdoctoral appointments, by sex: 2006 & 2008 NOTE: Numbers are rounded to nearest 10 in 2006 and nearest 100 in 2008. Due to rounding, data may not add to total. SOURCE: NSF/NIH, Survey of Doctorate Recipients

  27. Postdoc status of doctoral scientists and engineers, by years since doctorate and broad field of doctorate: 2008 SOURCE: NSF/NIH, Survey of Doctorate Recipients

  28. Doctoral scientists and engineers employed as postdocs, by field of doctorate: 2008 NOTE: Numbers are rounded to nearest 100. Due to rounding, data may not add to total. SOURCE: NSF/NIH, Survey of Doctorate Recipients

  29. Doctoral scientists and engineers on postdoctoral appointments, by employment sector: 2006 & 2008 NOTE: Numbers are rounded to nearest 10 in 2006 and nearest 100 in 2008. Due to rounding, data may not add to total. SOURCE: NSF/NIH, Survey of Doctorate Recipients

  30. Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in S&E (GSS) • Annual census survey of all U.S. academic institutions granting research-based master’s or doctoral degrees in SEH • 2010 GSS – • 574 institutions • 692 affiliated schools • 13,711 units (departments, programs, research centers, health facilities) • Institutional Response Rate: over 99%

  31. Postdoc Data from the GSS • Demographics • Largest Source of Support • Mechanism of Support • Doctoral Degree Type • Origin of Doctoral Degree

  32. Distribution of Postdocs in S&E

  33. Female Share of Postdocs in S&E

  34. Foreign Postdocs in S&E Proportion of postdocs in science and engineering fields with temporary visas: 1989–2009

  35. Survey of Postdoctoratesat Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDC Survey) • Annual census survey of all FFRDCs from NSF’s Master Government List and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Intramural Research Program • 2010 survey • 39 FFRDCs • NIH’s Intramural Research Program • Response Rate: 100%

  36. Postdoc Data from the FFRDC Survey • Postdoc definition • Demographics • Sex • Citizenship Status • Financial Support • Field of Research

  37. Postdocs at FFRDCs NOTE: FFRDC - Federally Funded Research and Development Center. Data were not collected in 2008 SOURCE: Survey of Postdoctorates at Federally Funded Research and Development Centers, FY 2007, 2009, 2010

  38. Postdocs at FFRDCs by Source of Support and Citizenship NOTE: FFRDC - Federally Funded Research and Development Center. Data were not collected in 2008 SOURCE: Survey of Postdoctorates at Federally Funded Research and Development Centers, FY 2007, 2009, 2010

  39. Postdocs at NIH Intramural Research Program by Source of Support and Citizenship NOTE: Data were not collected in 2008 SOURCE: Survey of Postdoctorates at Federally Funded Research and Development Centers, FY 2007, 2009, 2010

  40. Early Career Doctorate Study (ECD) • Fill gaps in data from current NCSES surveys, including GSS, SED, and SDR • Collect information from ECD holders, including postdocs, about their characteristics, experiences, and outcomes • Education • Professional activities • Employer demographics • Professional and personal life balance • Training and research opportunities • Career paths and plans

  41. ECD • 2012 Pilot study of individual ECDs in the Academic and Government employment sectors • GSS eligibile institutions • FFRDCs • NIH Intramural Research Program (IRP) • Develop frame for employment sectors • 2013 full-scale data collection of the individual ECDs in the Academic and Government sectors

  42. Higher Education R&D Survey (HERD) • Census of all universities and colleges with minimum of $150,000 in R&D spending (N = 725 in FY 2009) • Conducted annually from FY 1972–2009 as the Survey of R&D Expenditures at Universities and Colleges, expanded and renamed Higher Education R&D Survey for FY 2010 • Voluntary (response rates regularly over 95%)

  43. HERD • Collects expenditures for all separately budgeted R&D performed at institutions during previous FY • Data published at the institution level, public release of FY 2010 data expected in late 2011/early 2012

  44. HERD • Expenditures by source of funding and field of R&D • Character of work (basic research, applied research, or development) • Amount expended on research equipment, by R&D field • Amount passed through to subrecipients or received as a subrecipient • R&D expenditures with funds from foreign sources

  45. HERD • R&D expenditures within a medical school • Federal and nonfederal clinical trial R&D expenditures • R&D expenditures from ARRA awards • Specific cost elements of R&D expenditures (salaries, software, equipment, etc.) • Number of personnel and postdocs paid from R&D accounts • FY 2010 requested number of postdocs paid from salaries and wages included in total R&D expenditures reported

  46. HERD Postdoc Definition • 1. Holds a recent doctorate awarded within the last 5 years • PhD or equivalent degree such as an ScD or DEng or • first professional degree in a medical or related field (MD, DDS,DO, DVM) or • Foreign degree equivalent to a U.S. doctoral degree  • 2. Has a limited-term appointment, no more than 5–7 years • Primarily for training in research or scholarship; and • Working under the supervision of a senior scholar in a unit affiliated with institution

  47. NCSES Contact Information • John Finamore, NSCG: 703-292-2258, jfinamor@nsf.gov • Mark Fiegener, SED: 703-292-4622, mfiegene@nsf.gov • Lynn Milan, SDR: 703-292-2275, lmilan@nsf.gov • Kelly Kang, GSS: 703-292-7796, kkang@nsf.gov • Kelly Phou, ECDS: 703-292-4722, kphou@nsf.gov • Ronda Britt, HERD: 703-292-7765, rbritt@nsf.gov

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