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Trash in our Oceans

Trash in our Oceans. By: Ally, Quiana , Maria, Julie & Brittany. The Problem. Plastic and trash is discarded everyday and gets into the sewer systems or storm drains by rainwater This can happen by littering or putting garbage down the toilet

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Trash in our Oceans

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  1. Trash in our Oceans By: Ally, Quiana, Maria, Julie & Brittany

  2. The Problem • Plastic and trash is discarded everyday and gets into the sewer systems or storm drains by rainwater • This can happen by littering or putting garbage down the toilet • When trash reaches the oceans, it can be eaten by marine life and damage their habitat, thus killing the animals that come in contact with it

  3. Stats • In 1975 the National Academy of Sciences estimated that 14 billion tons of garbage was being dumped into the ocean every year • The United States alone is responsible for one third of ocean pollution!! • Until 1988, it was legal for ships to dump plastics into the oceans

  4. Continued • In 1970, the National Marine Mammal Laboratory found that plastic entanglement was causing 40,000 seal deaths a year • In the last 30 years, 50% of the Northern Fur Seals have died due to trash in their environments • Plastic has been found in 63 of the world’s 250 species of seabirds

  5. The Great Garbage Patch • A gyre of marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean • Said to be twice the size of the United States • 80% of the trash in the patch comes from land • The other 20% comes from shipping routes between Asia and North America where frequent storms send hundreds of pounds of containers overboard containing trash and plastic items

  6. This is what happens..

  7. What can we do?

  8. Our Idea • We want to keep trash out of our oceans • To do this, we’ll build a net that goes down into the storm drains, in order to catch the trash that gets washed into the drainage systems • It will allow for the water to fall down, but it will catch the solid trash that normally falls down into the water below • The net will have to be emptied periodically, about once a month • By doing this, we can keep trash out of oceans and save the wildlife

  9. Why? • This idea is inexpensive and easy to install • It will also create jobs and employ people who need them • If each major city used our idea, we could keep thousands of pounds of trash out of oceans every year • This means cleaner environments for marine life and cleaner oceans!

  10. We look forward to seeing more of this…

  11. Sources • http://www.whoi.edu/science/B/people/kamaral/plasticsarticle.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pacific_garbage_patch • https://www.google.com/search?q=marine+life&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=5NWbUunECdXpoATfgoGgAg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=950&bih=590#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=1buB5Gqmfa9CVM%3A%3B0YBJDArG6Gx7JM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fupload.wikimedia.org%252Fwikipedia%252Fcommons%252Ff%252Ff9%252FChelonia_mydas_and_bubbles.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fen.wikipedia.org%252Fwiki%252FMarine_biology%3B1700%3B1275

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