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Digital Integrated Circuits - week one -

Digital Integrated Circuits - week one -. Gheorghe M. Ş tefan http://arh.pub.ro/gstefan/ - 2014 -. Course: 3 hours/week Text book: http:// arh.pub.ro / gstefan /0- BOOK.pdf Seminar: 2 hours every two weeks Laboratory: 2 hours every two weeks Grading: 30% seminar 40% home works

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Digital Integrated Circuits - week one -

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  1. Digital Integrated Circuits- week one - Gheorghe M. Ştefan http://arh.pub.ro/gstefan/ - 2014 -

  2. Course: 3 hours/week • Text book: http://arh.pub.ro/gstefan/0-BOOK.pdf • Seminar: 2 hours every two weeks • Laboratory: 2 hours every two weeks • Grading: • 30% seminar • 40% home works • 30% final exam • Mandatory: 50% from lab & seminar Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  3. WHAT’S A DIGITAL SYSTEM? • Framing the digital domain • Defining a digital system • Our first target Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  4. Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC) • s(t): a continuous, analog signal • clock: periodic square wave with frequency fclock = 1/T • sample rate: samples per second (SPS), is given by 1/T • resolution: number of bits used to express the level (3 bits in our example) Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  5. 1 0 • Both, sample rate and resolution are doubled • Commercial ADC: • up to 6 GSPS • 6 – 24 bits resolution (at 6 GSPS only 12 bits) Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  6. Generic digital system Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  7. What is computer science? Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  8. Digital system. Formal definition DS = (X, Y, S, f, g) X {0,1}nis the n-bit input set Y {0,1}m is the m-bit output set S {0,1}qis the q-bit internal state (state) set f:(X × S) → S is the state transition function g:(X × S) → Y is the output transition function If xt  X, yt  Y, st  S st = f(xt-1, st-1) is a sequential function yt = g(xt, st) is a combinational function Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  9. Digital Circuit: the simplest embodiment of a Digital System • Binary configurations: • input: Xn-1, Xn-2, … X0 • output: Ym-1, Ym-2, … Y0 • state: Sq-1, Sq-2, … S0 with: Xi, Yj, Sk,  {0,1} coded with: • 0 Volt for 0 • 1-2 Volt for 1 • combinational circuits • registers • clock signal Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  10. Combinational circuit On inalln-bit binary configurations must be considered Output can change at any input bit switch : always @(*) On out some (rarely all) of m-bit binary configurations are considered tp: propagation time shaded time interval: transition time from F(in1) to F(in2) Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  11. The Register tsu: set-up time thold: hold time tp: propagation time from active edge of clock to output Tclock: the period of the clock signal … ti-1 ti ti+1 … : discrete ticking time shaded interval: the input can change in this time interval Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  12. Digital system in Verilog HDL Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  13. The content of file 0_parameter.v : Color code: blue – reserved words green – comments orange - numbers Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  14. The result of synthesis stateTransition combinational module is instantiated as stateTrans outputTransition combinational module is instantiated as outTrans fd is the register; its output goes forward to outTrans and backward to close the loop though stateTrans module Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  15. Our first target Rare and isolated wrong pixels must be corrected. No video sensor is perfect. s(t): the input sample at the moment t s’(t): the corrected sample at the moment t The algorithm: s’(t) = if (s(t)= 0) then (s(t-1) + s(t+1))/2 else s(t) Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  16. The error Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  17. The actual timing Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  18. To make the correction, three successive values: in (t-3] in (t-2) in(t-1) must be loaded as the internal state of the circuit. The structure of the internal state consists of 3 sub-states: State[11:0] = {ss3[3:0],ss2[3:0],ss1[3:0]} State transition function: state(t) = {ss3, ss2, ss1} state(t+1) = {ss2, ss1, in(t)} Output transition function: Out(t) = (ss2 = 0) ? (ss3+ss1)/2 : ss2 Results a latency of 2 clock cycles Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  19. in = xxxx clock state[11:8] = xxxx state[7:4] = xxxx state[3:0] = xxxx + /2 = 0 ? xxxx x 1 0 sel out = xxxx Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  20. in = 0111 clock state[11:8] = xxxx state[7:4] = xxxx state[3:0] = xxxx + /2 = 0 ? xxxx x 1 0 sel out = xxxx Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  21. in = 1001 clock state[11:8] = xxxx state[7:4] = xxxx state[3:0] = 0111 + /2 = 0 ? xxxx 0 1 0 sel out = xxxx Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  22. in = 1010 clock state[11:8] = xxxx state[7:4] = 0111 state[3:0] = 1001 + /2 = 0 ? xxxx 0 1 0 sel out = 0111 Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  23. in = 1011 clock state[11:8] = 0111 state[7:4] = 1001 state[3:0] = 1010 + /2 = 0 ? 1000 0 1 0 sel out = 1001 Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  24. in = 1100 clock state[11:8] = 1001 state[7:4] = 1010 state[3:0] = 1011 + /2 = 0 ? 1010 0 1 0 sel out = 1010 Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  25. in = 1011 clock state[11:8] = 1010 state[7:4] = 1011 state[3:0] = 1100 + /2 = 0 ? 1011 0 1 0 sel out = 1011 Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  26. in = 1010 clock state[11:8] = 1011 state[7:4] = 1100 state[3:0] = 1011 + /2 = 0 ? 1011 0 1 0 sel out = 1100 Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  27. in = 1000 clock state[11:8] = 1100 state[7:4] = 1011 state[3:0] = 1010 + /2 = 0 ? 1011 0 1 0 sel out = 1011 Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  28. in = 0101 clock state[11:8] = 1011 state[7:4] = 1010 state[3:0] = 1000 + /2 = 0 ? 1001 0 1 0 sel out = 1010 Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  29. in = 0011 clock state[11:8] = 1010 state[7:4] = 1000 state[3:0] = 0101 + /2 = 0 ? 0111 0 1 0 sel out = 1000 Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  30. in = 0010 clock state[11:8] = 1000 state[7:4] = 0101 state[3:0] = 0011 + /2 = 0 ? 0101 0 1 0 sel out = 0101 Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  31. in = 0010 clock state[11:8] = 0101 state[7:4] = 0011 state[3:0] = 0010 + /2 = 0 ? 0011 0 1 0 sel out = 0011 Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  32. in = 0000 clock state[11:8] = 0011 state[7:4] = 0010 state[3:0] = 0010 + /2 = 0 ? 0010 0 1 0 sel out = 0010 Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  33. in = 0101 clock state[11:8] = 0010 state[7:4] = 0010 state[3:0] = 0000 + /2 = 0 ? 0001 0 1 0 sel out = 0010 Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  34. in = 0111 clock state[11:8] = 0010 state[7:4] = 0000 state[3:0] = 0101 + /2 = 0 ? 0011 1 1 0 sel out = 0011 Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  35. in = 1001 clock state[11:8] = 0000 state[7:4] = 0101 state[3:0] = 0111 + /2 = 0 ? 0011 0 1 0 sel out = 0101 Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  36. Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  37. Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  38. Simulation Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  39. Simulation (cont) Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  40. Synthesis: top level Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  41. Synthesis: second level Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  42. Synthesis: third level Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  43. The functions involved in digital pixel correction • The predicate function - (ss2 = 0) - used to detect the wrong pixel • The addition function , used to compute the interpolation • The division by 2 function, used to compute the interpolation • The selection function, according to the result of the predicate function select the result of interpolation or the current value • The storage function, triggered by the active edge of clock, used to store the internal state of the system Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  44. The first crossing through the matter Main targets: • Form behavioral to structural description in Verilog • Working with simple combinational functions • Learning about the internal structure of register • Simple applications • Provide the motivation for: • Understand the transistor level description of a logic circuit • Designing digital systems using digital circuits Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  45. DIGITAL CIRCUITS • Combinational circuits • Zero circuit • Selection circuit (multiplexor) • Adder • Divider • Sequential circuits • Elementary latches • Clocked latches (transparent on the active level) • Master-Slave flip-flops (triggered by the active edge) • Register • Applications • Shift register • Counter Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  46. Combinational circuits Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  47. Zero circuit: a n-input NOR fan-in: number of inputs of a logic circuit depth: number of logic levels of a logic circuit size: the total number of inputs in all the circuits fan-in = 2 depth = 1 size = 2 fan-in = n depth = 1 size = n fan-in = 8 depth = 7 size = 14 fan-in = 8 depth = 3 size = 14 Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  48. Selection circuit (multiplexer) out = sel in1 + sel’ in0 Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  49. Behavioral: Structural: Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

  50. Synthesis result for n = 4 Digital Integrated Circuits - week one

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