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Reconstruction. Reconstruction opener. 1)What does the prefix RE mean? 2) What does CONSTRUCTION mean? 3) What does Reconstruction then mean? 4) Based on the previous unit, list things that would need to be Reconstructed. Reconstruction Issues. With your group, look over the documents

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  1. Reconstruction

  2. Reconstruction opener 1)What does the prefix RE mean? 2) What does CONSTRUCTION mean? 3) What does Reconstruction then mean? 4) Based on the previous unit, list things that would need to be Reconstructed.

  3. Reconstruction Issues • With your group, look over the documents • Knowing what a CIVIL WAR is, and knowing our country needed to be RE-CONSTRUCTED, use the documents to create a list of ISSUES our country would face in coming back together quickly • Use at least FOUR documents in creating your list • Rank them in order from the HARDEST to overcome to EASIEST (1= most difficult issue)


  5. Union (Out of 30million) Total dead: 359,500 Wounded: 275,200 Confederate (Out of 6million) Total dead: 258,000 Wounded: 137,000+

  6. Deaths in American Wars

  7. A severe facial wound suffered in the Civil War.

  8. Infrastructure Destroyed a.90% of bridges destroyed b. Miles ofRailroads Destroyed

  9. Can Slavery Expand???? -Lincoln NO!!!! -South YES!!! 2. South Good Early (Better Generals & Morale) 3. North has more factories, railroads and men • North Turns Tide: General Grant & Sherman -Grant throws men and material at Lee over & over -Sherman cuts south in half with March to Sea • Lee Surrenders . . .1865 (South out of EVERYTHING . . Men, supplies, & will to fight)

  10. Answer one of the following in your spirals: • Do you think two people who have gotten in a HUGE fight can ever be friends, or friendly, again? Explain why or why not: • Do you believe in forgiveness if someone has wronged you? Why or why not? • Can someone who is racist or discriminatory against someone can ever change? Why or why not?

  11. Pick TWO stats and explain how they would impact Reconstruction • More than 600,000 people died during the Civil War • Between 4,000,000-5,000,000 Slaves were freed • 11 States formally withdrew from the United States • Over three million soldiers fought total, 2,000,000 from the North, 1,000,000 from the South • Total war was used (do you remember who used it?)

  12. I. Review of challenges facing American during Reconstruction (put in chart on bottom of vocab) A. South Destroyed 1. Sherman Burns the South (Atlanta) 2. Infrastructure Destroyed a.90% of bridges destroyed b. Miles ofRailroads Destroyed 3. Human Cost a. 285,000 southern soldiers dead b. 4 Mil. freedmen - no education **Freedman’s Bureau c. Helped freed slaves & poor whites Southern Troops Free to Go Home –NO PUNISHMENT!!*

  13. Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

  14. Objective #1: Plans for the South B. RECONSTRUCTION 1. Lincoln’s Plan – “10% Plan” a. 10% of Southern voters swear loyalty & States are let back into Union b. Pro-union southerners take charge -Not tough enough -Only Confed. Leaders banned **Ex. J. Davis (Pres.) & Lee c. Radical Republicans want to punish South **Say 10% Plan too easy come back!

  15. Ford's Theater

  16. Objective #1: Plans for South 2. Lincoln Assassinated (April 14, 1865) a. Ford’s Theatre -John Wilkes Boothe Southern Sympathizer b. Vice President Johnson becomes President: 1. Southern Senator (Tenn.) 2. Plan Called ‘RESTORATION’ -Personal Grudge against South -Rich and Powerful Southerners must ask the president personally to be pardoned 3. Congress has other ideas and takes control of Reconstruction I hate the SOUTH!!

  17. II. OBJ #2- Radical Reconstruction A. Radical Reconstruction 1. Radical Republicans in Charge a. Want to Punish South b. Have total control of Congress 2. Plan for Reconstruction a. Divide South into Military Districts **Military will run the south b. Confed. leaders cannot hold office c. States must make new Constitutions **Constitutions to be approved by Congress** 3. Impeached Johnson a. Disobeyed Laws Congress had passed b. Impeached by House (accused) c. Not Guilty by Senate- By one Vote

  18. What Southern State was never part of Radical Reconstruction?? Why?

  19. II. OBJ #2- Reconstruction Roller Coaster B. Constitutional Changes 1. 13th – Outlawed Slavery (1865) a. Remember Nevada . . Added to help pass new amend. 2. 14th- Citizenship to all MEN born in U.S (1868) a. States must use ‘Due Process’ to take away citizen’s rights! 3. 15th- All MEN have right to vote (1870) a. No matter race, color, or having been a slave

  20. Objective #2: Radical Reconstruction • Results of Radical Reconstruction 1. Good- a. Blacks Vote(Protected by Army) b. Schools for Blacks and Whites c. Black Representatives (2 Senators) 2. Bad a. Violence and Terrorism

  21. South Carolina had the most black representatives, because_____________?

  22. Answer these questions in your spirals • 1) What were the THREE plans for Reconstruction? • 2) Support this statement with evidence: Andrew Johnson and Congress did not get along • 3) What role did the MILITARY play in Radical Reconstruction?

  23. Label page- KKK video Questions from video • 1) Explain the CREATION of the KKK: • 2) Summarize the MAIN IDEA of this video in 12 words or less • 3) Ask one question the video leads you to:

  24. Objective #3: Abuse of African-Americans A. Southern Whites Fight Back 1. During Reconstruction a. Violence (Terrorism) b. KKK (Ku Klux Klan) . . . keep blacks from voting c. Black Codes (Old slave Codes) - Laws to keep blacks from voting or participating

  25. OBJ #3: Roller Coaster 2. Share Cropping(Bad as Slavery?) a. Borrow goods from landowner pay him back with crops. More DEBT!! 3. Scalawags & Carpetbaggers a. Hated by Southerners 4. After Reconstruction, Southern Democrats are back in power, don’t need HOODS anymore!!!!

  26. African-American ROLLER COASTER

  27. Label page: Packet. Choose THREE questions to answer

  28. Question 1. In what STATE(S) would the KKK need to be the strongest? What led you to this conclusion?

  29. A lynching is basically MOB justice (taking the law into your own hands with no TRIAL. -2) What do you notice about the 1880’s?

  30. Reconstruction Campaign Poster Questions: 3. Compare and Contrast the two individuals shown: 4. Based on this, what do you think was the intended message? Why? 1866

  31. 1868 Explain… 5. Explain the SCENE and the GOAL of this cartoon -Use EVIDENCE from cartoon to support your answer

  32. 6. What do you think this cartoonist is saying? How can you tell? 1874

  33. 1866

  34. Document 5 http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAkkk.htm “There has existed since 1868, in many counties of the state, an organization known as the Ku Klux Klan, or Invisible Empire of the South, which embraces in its membership a large proportion of the white population of every profession and class... The Klan is inflicting summary vengeance on the colored citizens of these citizens by breaking into their houses at the dead of night, dragging them from their beds, torturing them in the most inhuman manner, and in many instances murdering.” • Ulysses S. Grant, 1871

  35. Roller Coaster Activity • The claim you must prove, using EVIDENCE and REASONING, is that, for blacks, Reconstruction was like a ROLLER COASTER • Find evidence that Reconstruction had UPS, or POSITIVE aspects • Find evidence that Reconstruction had DOWNS, or NEGATIVE aspects • Write an outline on the back. Where is says “SUM UP PARAGRAPH,” state whether Reconstruction had more UPS or DOWNS

  36. Questions 1) Provide EVIDENCE to support this statement: President Johnson and Congress REALLY did not get along. 2) Explain the role the MILITARY played in Radical Reconstruction 3) Defend, with evidence, which of the following amendments is MOST important to blacks: 13th, 14th, 15th 4A) What was the goal of the KKK? 4B) How did they try to accomplish this goal? 4C) What other ways did Southern whites try to accomplish this?

  37. IV. OBJ #4- END of ReconstructionDescribe the end of Reconstruction. How did the Democrats regain control of Southern politics? What president was seen as corrupt that hurt Reconstruction? Describe the results of the 1876 election. Describe how the ‘Compromise of 1877’ ended Reconstruction. “No white man can live in the South in the future and act with any other than the Democratic Party unless he is willing and prepared to live a life of social isolation.” A. Grant Administration 1. Corrupt – Bribery, Fraud, Top People 2. Republican Revolt / Reconciliation a. Want peace w/white South b. Amnesty Act- All white men can vote & hold office again B. Republican Decline in South 1. Whites begin to take Control 2. Violence threatens Republicans Ex. Pg. 509 – quote (KKK) of the BLUE BOOK 3. Democrats gain seats in Congress, and State Houses (Old Southern leaders)

  38. What observations can you make using this map/graph? Does anything stand out???

  39. OBJ #3: END of Reconstruction C. Election of 1876 1. Rutherford B. Hayes – ‘Honest’ Republican governor of Ohio 2. Samuel Tilden – Governor of NY stopped corruption in NY City 3. Trouble w/Votes a. Tilden appears to have won b. 3 states dispute results (La,Fl,SC) **All have Union troops in control HAYES TILDEN

  40. OBJ #3: END of Reconstruction D. Compromise of 1877 1. Democrats. and Southerners Furious a. Immigrants & Southerners – Dems 2. Secret meetings between Rep./Dem. a. Hayes declared Winner b. Republicans Promise - End Recon. c. Democrats Promise – Protect Af. Am. *** RECONSTRUCTION IS OVER!!!!!!!

  41. OBJ #5: END of Reconstruction E. After Reconstruction: The New South 1. Democrats/Conservatives take Control a. Violence now Legal b. KKK doesn’t need hoods **They’re the Cops & Mayors and Elected officials~!! 2. Segregation and ‘Jim Crow’ Laws a. Keep Af. Am from Voting *Just change name: Slave Code to Black Code b. Af. Americans very disappointed **NO CHANGE UNTIL 1960’s!!!!!!!

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