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Baldrige National Quality Program

Baldrige National Quality Program. Baldrige National Quality Program. Education Criteria for Performance Excellence . Seven Categories of the Education Criteria. Leadership Strategic Planning Customer Focus Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management Workforce Focus

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Baldrige National Quality Program

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  1. Baldrige National Quality Program BaldrigeNational QualityProgram Education Criteria for Performance Excellence

  2. Seven Categories of the Education Criteria • Leadership • Strategic Planning • Customer Focus • Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management • Workforce Focus • Process Management • Results

  3. Core Values and Concepts • Visionary Leadership • Learning-Centered Education • Organizational and Personal Learning

  4. Core Values and Concepts • Valuing Workforce Members and Partners • Agility • Focus on the Future • Managing for Innovation

  5. Core Values and Concepts • Management by Fact • Societal Responsibility • Focus on Results and Creating Value • Systems Perspective

  6. Baldrige Education Criteria Framework: A Systems Perspective

  7. Item Format

  8. Steps Toward Mature Processes

  9. 2008 2009 Baldrige National Quality Program Baldrige National Quality Program

  10. Organizational Profile P.1 Organizational Description P.2 Organizational Situation • Starting point for self-assessment and application preparation • Basis for early action planning

  11. Category Point Values 1 Leadership 120 2 Strategic Planning 85 3 Customer Focus 85 4 Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management 90 5 Workforce Focus 85 6 Process Management 85 7 Results 450 TOTAL POINTS 1,000

  12. 1. Leadership (120 pts.) Addresses Senior Leaders’ Actions, Governance, and Societal Responsibilities 1.1 Senior Leadership (70 pts.) 1.2 Governance and Societal Responsibilities (50 pts.)

  13. 2. Strategic Planning (85 pts.) Addresses Strategic and Action Planning and Deployment of Plans 2.1 Strategy Development (40 pts.) 2.2 Strategy Deployment (45 pts.)

  14. 3. Customer Focus (85 pts.) Addresses How an Organization Engages its Customers and Listens to the Voice of the Customer 3.1 Customer Engagement (40 pts.) 3.2 Voice of the Customer (45 pts.)

  15. 4. Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management (90 pts.) Addresses Analysis, Review, and Improvement of Organizational Performance and Management of Data, Knowledge, and Information Resources 4.1 Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement of Organizational Performance (45 pts.) 4.2 Management of Information, Knowledge, and Information Technology (45 pts.)

  16. 5. Workforce Focus (85 pts.) Addresses How an Organization Engages, Develops, and Manages Its Workforce and Builds an Effective Workforce Environment 5.1 Workforce Engagement (45 pts.) 5.2 Workforce Environment (40 pts.)

  17. 6. Process Management (85 pts.) Addresses How an Organization Designs Its Work Systems; Prepares for Emergencies; and Designs, Manages, and Improves Its Work Processes 6.1 Work Systems (35 pts.) 6.2 Work Processes (50 pts.)

  18. 7. Results (450 pts.) Addresses an Organization’s Performance and Improvement in Key Areas and Includes Current Performance Levels, Trends, and Comparative Data 7.1 Student Learning Outcomes (100 pts.) 7.2 Customer-Focused Outcomes (70 pts.) 7.3 Budgetary, Financial, and Market Outcomes (70 pts.) 7.4 Workforce-Focused Outcomes (70 pts.) 7.5 Process Effectiveness Outcomes (70 pts.) 7.6 Leadership Outcomes (70 pts.)

  19. Award Recipients We felt that the Baldrige process was best to meet our mission statement . . . that all students can and will learn. We passionately believe that, and we looked for a model that would get us to that level of achievement. The Baldrige process works for us. — Richard E. Maurer, Superintendent of 2001 Award recipient Pearl River School District We recognize the awesome honor and myriad responsibilities that accompany the [Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award] . . . . Jenks staff members look forward to providing contributions on many fronts, and we will be specifically focused on sharing our quality practices with other school districts as we all strive to help lead our country toward a world-class education system. —Kirby A. Lehman, Superintendent of 2005 Award recipient Jenks Public Schools It is a privilege to accept [the Baldrige Award] on behalf of the Monfort College’s faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends. We are here because of their continued commitment to performance excellence and investment in the approach of viewing yesterday’s performance as an opportunity for a better tomorrow. —Joe F. Alexander, Dean of 2004 Award recipient Kenneth W. Monfort College of Business

  20. Resources for More Information • Most Baldrige National Quality Program (BNQP) documents are available both in printed form and on the BNQP Web site. • To obtain these documents, call (301) 975-2036, e-mail baldrige@nist.gov, orvisit www.nist.gov/baldrige.

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