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Biotechnology. Biotechnology is the manipulation of living things to make useful products! There are many different types of biotechnology, and new methods and fields are being developed (future jobs). Types of biotechnology. Crossbreeding: 2 different types of organisms are breed together!

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  1. Biotechnology • Biotechnology is the manipulation of living things to make useful products! • There are many different types of biotechnology, and new methods and fields are being developed (future jobs).

  2. Types of biotechnology • Crossbreeding: 2 different types of organisms are breed together! This is some of the earliest biotechnology. Some examples: * Pluots are the result of crossing plums and apricots. * Loganberries are the result of crossing blackberries and red raspberries.

  3. Types of biotechnology • Selective breeding (Artificial selection): Is the intentional mating of selected organisms with specific or desired traits. Examples of this include: * Breeding of certain dogs * Breeding of certain types of plants

  4. Types of biotechnology • Genetic modification: Where changes are made to the genetic material of a living organism. Gene splicing is one form of genetic modification (the genes of one organism are inserted into the DNA of another organism). • The complete DNA sequence of an organism is called that organism’s genome. In order to perform gene splicing, scientists must identify the genome of that organism. One example of this is human DNA for making insulin, being inserted into bacteria, thus the bacteria can make human insulin, which can be used by people with diabetes! Other uses for gene splicing include: * Create crops resistant to disease * Create crops resistant to wilting during droughts * Create crops that taste better * Create crops that are resistant to herbicides * Have bacteria create vitamins for human use * Have bacteria create vaccines for human use

  5. Types of biotechnology • DNA Fingerprinting: Scientists have mapped out the genome for humans, which can be used as a fingerprint to identify or link certain individuals to certain activities (crimes). Police can collect DNA samples at the scene of a crime from blood or other body fluids. A DNA analysis can then be performed, and compared to samples taken from suspects from that crime! The samples can prove or disprove that the suspect was involved!!!

  6. Types of biotechnology • Animal cloning: Useful? Ethical? First successful in 1997 (Lamb named Dolly). • Procedure: Nucleus of a donor sheep cell was fused with an egg cell, which had the nucleus removed (Thus the egg cell nucleus was removed). This fused cell begins to divide, and is then implanted into the uterus of a foster mother sheep! The dividing cells grew into a lamb which was genetically identical to the sheep which donated the original nucleus, thus making it a clone! Useful: Can clone animals that have desirable traits, like cows that give lots of milk, or chickens that lay lots of eggs! Ethical: Would humans ever clone other humans to use their body parts to repair other humans?!!!

  7. Types of biotechnology • Bioremediation: Any process that uses microorganisms or their enzymes to return the environment, which was altered by contaminants, to its original condition: Ex- Chlorinated pesticides Ex- Oil spills • Different kinds of bacteria will work on different kinds of substances. • Bioremediation scientists know which bacteria to use for each kind of chemical or substance that needs to be cleaned up!!!

  8. Types of biotechnology Where can Bioremediation be used? Lakes Estuaries Oceans Inlets or Maybe used in difficult to reach areas: Areas that might need to be excavated such as groundwater sites (water buried beneath the surface of the Earth-Aquifers)!!!

  9. Types of biotechnology Bioremediation can be classified as: In situ- This is where treating of the contaminated material is done at the site where the contamination occurred! Ex situ- This is where the contaminated material is removed from the site where it was contaminated and treated elsewhere!!!

  10. Risks of Biotechnology • All of the human genome has already been mapped. • This information can lead to treatments or cure for some diseases. • This information may also be used against some individuals by insurance companies, that might deny coverage, if a person has some type of gene for a specific disease. • Cloning is also controversial: what if scientists were to clone humans to be used for spare body parts! • There is also concern that crop plants might be difficult to control if they got into the wild (spread beyond the fields). • Genetically modified organisms (GMO): plants may also be linked to allergic reactions by humans. None of these are labeled as GMO in stores, thus people would not know that they are buying a GMO!!!

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