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關超然 David CY Kwan 中國醫藥大學 ( 台灣 ) 教師培育暨發展中心 主任 Chair Professor The University of Hong Kong

PBL: an educational concept in learning MANAGEMENT. 高苑 科大 2012 - 1127. 關超然 David CY Kwan 中國醫藥大學 ( 台灣 ) 教師培育暨發展中心 主任 Chair Professor The University of Hong Kong Professor Emeritus McMaster University, Canada. Content of presentation. The origin and spread of PBL

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關超然 David CY Kwan 中國醫藥大學 ( 台灣 ) 教師培育暨發展中心 主任 Chair Professor The University of Hong Kong

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  1. PBL: an educationalconcept in learning MANAGEMENT 高苑科大2012 - 1127 關超然 David CY Kwan 中國醫藥大學(台灣) 教師培育暨發展中心主任 Chair Professor The University of Hong Kong Professor Emeritus McMaster University, Canada

  2. Content of presentation • The origin and spread of PBL • PBL moves to Asia & Taiwan • China Medical University adopts hybrid- PBL in 2002 • PBL is a learning, not a teaching management • PBL learning process: in keeping with concept and purposes • Conclusion: summary and take-home messages

  3. How did PBLoriginate andspread? McMaster University is the PBLMaster indeed. 1965 1969 1972

  4. Hamilton, Ontario Who has been so revolutionarily daring for40 yrs withrisks and growing pain ? It has survived for more than 4 decadeswith continuing growth and improvement Innovation, innovation and innovation! PBL, EBM, PPI, MMI, CBL-PBL McMaster University Home of innovation

  5. Dr. John Evans Dr. Henry Thode Leadership 1968 43 years of innovation – McMaster University Faculty of Health Sciences

  6. in medical education - planning started at McMaster Univ., Canada in 1965, implemented in 1969; first class graduated in 1972. Maastricht Univ (Holland) also adopted a full PBL in 1976. Harvard (USA) started a so-called “new pathway curriculum” (Hybrid-PBL) on the basis of McMaster PBL philosophy in 1985 following their visit to McMaster. I joined McMaster Univ. in 1976, became a PBL tutor in 1980. PBL • 1993 - My first attempt to introduce PBL to Asia at the Univ. Hong Kong • 1995 - to Zhejiang and Beijing Med Universities in China and Taipei Med. Univ. in Taiwan. • 1999 – to the Natnl Yang-Ming Univ, Taiwan • 2000 - to the Natnl Univ. Singapore • 2003 - A short-term PBL consultant for WHO (WPRO, Manila, the Philippines) • 2004 - to all medical schools in Taiwan • 2005 – joined CMU in Taichung and made frequent visits to Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Macau, and China since 2005 以問題為導向的學習 東遊誌

  7. Small Group Tutorial Group dynamics Case problem Tutor • Professional behavior素養 • Self-directed learning 自主 • Team-work spirit 團隊 • Communication skills 溝通 Students

  8. PBL moves to Asia & Taiwan

  9. APA-PHS, APC-PBL, APJC-PBL PBL 在中國與台灣舉行的國際型亞太PBL會議: 以問題為導向的學習 東遊誌 2000 - 香港香港大學醫學院 2002 - 台北長庚大學醫學院 2008 - 瀋陽中國醫科大學 2010 - 台北輔仁大學醫學院 2012 - 上海復旦大學醫學院

  10. 12 medial schools in Taiwan 台北地區: 國立台灣大學 國立陽明大學 國立國防醫學院 台北醫學大學 長庚大學 輔仁大學 馬偕醫學院 • 2300 萬人口 • 1300 醫學生/年 • 50~200醫學生/每校 台中市: 中國醫藥大學 中山醫學大學 花蓮: 慈濟大學 台南市: 國立成功大學 高雄市: 高雄醫學大學 義守大學(學士後中醫)

  11. Problem-based learning, PBL PBL是加拿大McMaster 大學於1965策劃PBL, 1969年首先實施,之後全球逐漸有醫學院採納這種學習理念,有些學校甚至於效法McMaster,幾乎完全以PBL做為醫學教育課程,例如荷蘭的Mastricht大學(1976年開始); 美國的Hawaii 大學醫學院(1989年開始); 台灣的輔仁大學醫學院也己全面採用PBL (2001),但尚未應用到第一,二年級的通識教育. 亞洲地區日本東京女子醫大於1991年開始逐步進行PBL。有些學校則部份採用PBL教案加入現有的課程內,但仍以大堂授課(lectures)為主軸, 這些稱之為hybrid-PBL: 如哈佛大學醫學院的New pathway curriculum(1985), 亞洲的香港大學(1997), 陽明大學(1999), 長庚大學(2000) ,新加坡大學(2000), 中國醫藥大學(2002)及其他在台灣的醫學院校. 早期台大(1992)欲借鏡哈佛大學卻演變成為小班教學,一直在極力改善中. Tutor Tutor 國立陽明大學 東京女子醫大

  12. 台北建中, 北一女

  13. China Medical University adopts PBL in 2002

  14. 參觀東京女子醫學大學PBL課程與流程 Yoshioka Kozu 洪瑞松副校長 陳偉德所長 沈戊忠主任 謝宗岑副主任 蘇百弘主任 陳健仲主任 2001 Sept.13~17 The above “考察長官”are no longer involved in PBL

  15. Tutor Very littleeyecontact

  16. Look where the tutor sits in this PBL group! TWMU, Japan, 2001 The tutors sit away and outside the students group. They are sending the negative message that they are NOT part of the group The tutors could not keep eye-contact with all students. How can they have effective communication with the members? They can only focus on contents NOT group dynamics

  17. Tutor 中國醫藥大學 2004

  18. Where the tutor and the student sit may matter in effective management of PBL tutorial dynamics CMU, 2002-2004 How the tutor responds to group members may also affect their learning dynamics 2001-0914 “Small class teaching” Natnl Yang-Ming Univ. CMU, Since 2005, but…..

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