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Vocabulary 1. Acclimate. I need to acclimate myself to my new fish tank. To get used to. Synonym: Habituate; accustom . Bizarre. Strange or eccentric in manner or appearance. Synonym: Odd; eccentric Antonyms: normal, ordinary .
Acclimate I need to acclimate myself to my new fish tank. To get used to Synonym: Habituate; accustom
Bizarre Strange or eccentric in manner or appearance Synonym: Odd; eccentric Antonyms: normal, ordinary The bizarre appearance of the man attracted the audience’s curiosity.
Concise Synonym: Brief; short Antonyms:verbose Expressed in few words In writing a telegram, a person must be concise, since he pays for every word transmitted.
Corpulent Very fat Eating too much and getting too little exercise has made him corpulent. Synonym: Obese; plump Antonyms: lean, gaunt
Err Definition: To make a mistake Synonym: Error; blunder The unsuccessful candidate erred in his election campaign when he wouldn’t speak about the main issues.
Lurk To lie in wait, hidden or in a sneaky manner Synonym: Slink; skulk The policeman stopped to question the kids lurking near the corner drugstore.
Omen A prophetic sign or utterance Synonym: Prophecy; portent Walking under a ladder is regarded by the superstitious as a bad omen.
Radiant Shining brightly; emitting rays of light Synonym: Gleaming; brilliant Antonyms: murky Mary’s radiant smile reflected her optimism. The model house is warmed by radiant energy from the sun.
Rustic A country person who is unsophisticated; rural or living in the country Synonym: bumpkin, unpolished; bucolic Antonyms: Urbane sophisticated My mother loved going away to our rustic, log cabin every summer and getting away from the crowds of the city.
Wrath Intense anger, rage or fury Synonym: animosity, ire Antonyms: calm The wrath of the workers and peasants was rooted in decades of poor living, and this is what caused the bloody revolution.