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Vocabulary #1

Vocabulary #1. affection inoperable agenda malfunction coagulate operational c ooperate petrify deficient suffice defunct transact facsimile . FAC, FIC, FECT Latin FACERE, FACTUM, “to make do” FACSIMILE n. A copy; in imitation Syn. __________.

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Vocabulary #1

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  1. Vocabulary #1 affection inoperable agenda malfunction coagulate operational cooperate petrify deficient suffice defunct transact facsimile

  2. FAC, FIC, FECT Latin FACERE, FACTUM, “to make do” FACSIMILE n. A copy; in imitation Syn. __________

  3. DEFICIENT adj. Not having enough; lacking DE, “DOWN,” +FACERE= made down, made less Syn. __________

  4. PETRIFY v. to scare; to frighten Petra, “stone,” + facere = to make stone Syn. ________ Ant._______ AFFECTION n. a feeling of love or liking; tender feeling Ad “towards” + facere = to do towards Syn. ________ Ant._______

  5. SUFFICE v. to be enough Sub “beneath, under” + facere = to make or be under, support Syn.________ Ant. _______

  6. ACT, AG Latin AGERE, ACTUM, “to do, drive” TRANSACT v. to carry out Trans, “across,” + actum= drive across Syn. ____________

  7. AGENDA n. a list of things to do Agenda, literally, “those things which must be done” Syn. ___________ COAGULATE v. to solidify; to clump or clot Co, “together,” + agere=to drive together Syn. ________ Ant._______

  8. OPER Latin OPERARE, OPERATUM “to work” INOPERABLE ad. 1. not working 2. Not able to be fixed or cured In, “not” + operate= not able to work

  9. COOPERATE v. to work with; to be helpful to Co, “together,” + operare= to work together OPERATIONAL adj. In working order

  10. FUNCT Latin FUNGI, FUNCTUM “to work, to perform” DEFUNCT ad. No longer working; no longer active De, “down from,” + functum= down from work, no longer working Syn. _______ Ant._______

  11. MALFUNCTION n. Something that goes wrong; probem Male, “badly” + functum= working badly Syn. _________

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