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Naper Settlement Virtual Tour!

Naper Settlement Virtual Tour!. By: Christie Kozak Lindsey McDowell. Beforehand….

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Naper Settlement Virtual Tour!

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  1. Naper SettlementVirtual Tour! By: Christie Kozak Lindsey McDowell

  2. Beforehand…. Students will be reading the book “B is for Battle Cry: A Civil War Alphabet” by Patricia Bauer. On the day of the field trip, students fill in portion of Venn diagram for the book about what life was like in the 1800’s with the Civil War. Students will travel with their classrooms. There will be three chaperones total in each class for about 10 students per chaperone.

  3. Itinerary • Students start school at 8:10 • Students will fill in “B is for Battle Cry: A Civil War Alphabet” portion of Venn diagram until 8:35 a.m. • Students will begin boarding buses at 8:40 a.m. • Students will leave Farragut Elementary school by 8:50 a.m. • Students will arrive at Naper Settlement by about 9:30 a.m. • Students will begin tour at 9:45 a.m. • Students will visit the five stops with the guides • -The Blacksmith • -The Log House • -The Print Shop • -The Copenhagen Schoolhouse • -The Stone Carver’s Shop

  4. Itinerary Continued… • The tour will end at 12:15 • The students will eat lunch at Naper Settlement from 12:15-12:45.(Lunch is not provided. A sack lunch is necessary) • The students will board the buses to go to Farragut Elementary at 12:50 p.m. • The buses will depart Naper Settlement for Farragut Elementary at 12:55 p.m. • The students will arrive at Farragut Elementary at about 1:40 p.m. • Students will fill in Naper Settlement portion of Venn diagram and begin working on their letters and pictures about what life was like in the 1800’s until dismissal time.

  5. Cost Calculations • Cost for admission is $7.75 per student Cost for mileage (about 20 miles) is $19.20 Cost for 2 buses is $145.94 Cost to have buses for 5 hours is $182.40 Total cost for buses is: $347.54 This divided by 120 students is $2.89 Round up to $4 per student to allow for extras or students forgetting their lunch. $7.75 added to $4 is $11.75 per student as final cost for student. • For any chaperones that volunteer, it will be an extra $7.75 per person. We would need 2 chaperones per classroom for a total of 8 chaperones total not including the classroom teachers.

  6. Map and Directions • Map and Directions

  7. Follow-Up Activity • Students will write letters about what life was like in the 1800’s based on their field trip experience and the information from the book “B is for Battle Cry” a Civil War Alphabet using their Venn Diagrams. • They will also create an accompanying picture to go along with their letter depicting what life was like in the 1800’s or something that they saw at the field trip.

  8. Content Standards • 15.A.2a • 17.C.2b • 16.B.2d (US) • 1.B.2a • 3.A.2 • 26.B.2

  9. THE END!

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