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Natural Hazards in Brazil

This study examines the causes of natural disasters in Brazil and the government's relationship with managing these hazards, with a focus on the State of Santa Catarina. It analyzes the risk management strategies implemented and suggests areas for improvement.

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Natural Hazards in Brazil

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  1. UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB PMF – FACULTY OF SCIENCE DEPARTAMENT OF GEOGRAPHY Natural Hazards in Brazil Renata Ferrari Pegorettizagreb - 02.05.16

  2. SUMMARY • Mainreference; • Mainaim; • Causes of Natural Disasters in Latin America; • Major natural disasters in Brazil; • Brazilian government relationship with natural disasters; • State of Santa Catarina; • 2008; • Adalberto’s blog (http://adalbertoday.blogspot.hr/2008/11/fotos-enchente-2008.html); • Disaster management • Final considerations • References


  4. MAIN AIM The main purpose of the study consisted of the analysis - through study of case on the disasters occurred in November of 2008 in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil - of the risk management (crisis management) implemented in Brazil and its repercussions in the territorial management of the country.

  5. CAUSES OF NATURAL DISASTERS IN LATIN AMERICA Natural hazards, large cities and poor urban habitat in Latin America. Source : Thouet (2007)

  6. MAJOR NATURAL DISASTERS IN BRAZIL • Dry • Epidemic • Extreme temperature • Inundation • Mudslide • Windstorms Major natural disasters in Brazil between 2000 and 2007. Source: Santos, 2007; organized by Almeida, 2009.

  7. BRAZILIAN GOVERNMENT RELATIONSHIP WITH NATURAL DISASTERS It is noticed by a number of factors, that Brazil doesn't have risk culture, and doesn’t develop a risk management, but crisis management. Losses (human and economic) have increased due to the increase in the frequency and magnitude of the events or because of the increase in the number of people vulnerable to natural hazards?

  8. BRAZILIAN GOVERNMENT RELATIONSHIP WITH NATURAL DISASTERS The concept of risk relates to the perception of an individual or group of individuals, of the possibility of a harmful event or injurious. Therefore, the concept of risk is a human notion (or social) that only exists if people who understand and / or are likely to suffer from the occurrence of a harmful event. In this sense, risk management is the management of the possibility of a dangerous accident or event causing damage or loss; it is implied that this approach covers the management of something that didn’t happen and requires prediction and prevention.

  9. This characteristic of risk management in Brazil, while it tries to promote local participation in the issue of natural disasters, incurs one of its main weaknesses in the implementation of public policies, as many municipalities don’t have enough structure to create the minimum conditions application of risk management (trained personnel, equipment, etc.) LOCAL PARTICIPATION X PRECARIOUS STRUCTURE

  10. BRAZILIAN GOVERNMENT RELATIONSHIP WITH NATURAL DISASTERS Moreover, there is an exorbitant concentration of government actions and the Brazilian government, in general, in the remediation of disasters, or in the post-disaster; which is configured in practice release emergency funds, distribution of food parcels, mattresses, medicines, encouraging food donation campaigns, creating emergency funds in the event of loss of crops and homes, civil defense activities, the firefighters, military, etc.

  11. STATE OF SANTA CATARINA In the State of Santa Catarina severe weather events have been recurrent over its climate history, which since the mid-nineteenth century already has records of precipitated rainfall total high with floods of Itajaí-Açuriver. According to Herrmann (2006) the predominant regional atmospheric circulation in the state of Santa Catarina has the characteristics of the impact of atmospheric adversities characterized by high rainfall totals, long months of drought and intense storms, which according to the author trigger windstorms, hail, tornadoes and storm tides, distributing these throughout the territory of Santa Catarina during the year. But the consequences of such events, today acquire different proportions depending on the existing socio-spatial patterns of organization. Recurrence of weather events with resulting harmful consequences for most of the municipalities of Santa Catarina resulted in the mapping of such events and survey the damage triggered by the same between the years 1980 and 2003 (Herrmann, 2006).

  12. STATE OF SANTA CATARINA • 1983 • SC - 197,790 homeless and 49 dead • Blumenau - 50,000 homeless and 9 deaths • 29.3% of the total population of the municipality And the disaster triggered by anomalous rainfall inherent in the phenomenon of El Nino activity. (HERRMANN, 2006, p. 67)

  13. STATE OF SANTA CATARINA GeographiclocalizationofSanta Catarina. Source: elaboradedbyAlmeida (2009)

  14. Souce: http://www.inf.furb.br/

  15. 2008 With intense winds and strong convergence of moist air from the sea, the convective movements on the eastern portion of Santa Catarina were intensified. The established vortex extended a trough that affected part of the east-central portion of Santa Catarina and Parana causing an intensive descent mechanism in these areas. In this context, the central-eastern portion of the state of Santa Catarina, whose seasonal climate characteristics, in the spring reference period average rainfall between 376-500 mm (Mendonca, DANNI-OLIVEIRA, 2007, p. 147), introduced in some localities records accumulated over 500 mm, while towns near the coastal area (such as Blumenau, Camboriú, São Francisco do Sul, Itapoá and Biguaçú) had daily records more than 200 mm precipitates (INPE, 2009).

  16. 2008 The disastrous impact of such weather events brought, from the environmental damage experienced by the State of Santa Catarina, flooding situations and mass movements that led to: disruptions of gas pipelines, interception of land communication routes, loss of residential areas and commercial, commitment of port activities, commitment of agricultural activities, disruption in the supply of electricity and drinking water in some municipalities, in addition to countless victims by distributing these among the conditions of fatalities, missing, displaced (allocated in provisional relatives homes and / or friends) and homeless. However, it is worth noting also the vulnerability to which the population is submitted after the disaster, before adverse environmental conditions and the possibility of spread of waterborne diseases.

  17. Floods in the Itajaí Valley and the city of Ilhota; mass movements in the village of Ilhota and Blumenau, respectively. Source: http://noticias.uol.com.br/cotidiano/2008/11/26/ult5772u1759.jhtm

  18. 2008 Risk map of natural disasters of Santa Catarina and the location of municipalities affected in November 2008 event. Source:  State Department Report of the Civil Defense of the State of Santa Catarina (2008)


  20. DISASTER MANAGEMENT In 2008 the federal government passed the State of Santa Catarina about R$ 2.4 million with the purpose of application of preventive works, but a value relating to the triple preventive resources, more than R$ 7.4 million were routed through the program disaster response, highlighting the remediation at the expense of disaster prevention. November 2008 - Provisional Measure No. 448 - R$ 1.6 billion - These funds were allocated to direct application by the Special Secretariat of Ports, Ministry of Transport and Ministry of Defense without passing on the State and the municipalities, in order to carry out works aimed at maintaining public health

  21. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS Importance of prevention and preparedness for emergencies; There is a great lack of environmental risk management with respect to prediction and prevention of human and economic losses linked to natural disasters; The shares government focused on post-accident mitigation, namely in crisis management;

  22. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS It is recommended a change: the disclosure of risk knowledge, knowledge that is part of the curriculum of schools; the production of an official risk mapping produced by states and municipalities; the encouragement of research centers and universities in the formation of research groups on risk, vulnerability and disaster reduction; the creation of a system of micro-insurance to the poorest and most vulnerable communities to natural hazardous events.

  23. REFERENCES HERRMANN, M. L. P. (Org.) Atlas de desastres naturais do Estado de Santa Catarina. Florianópolis: IOESC, 2006; MEDIDA PROVISÓRIA nº 448, de 26 de novembro de 2008. DOU 26.11.2008 - ed. extra. Disponibilize: http://www.datadez.com.br/content/legislação.asp?id=77548 ; MENDONÇA, F; DANNI-OLIVEIRA, I. M. Climatologia: noções básicas e climas do Brasil. São Paulo: Oficina de Textos, 2007; SANTOS, R. F. (org.) Vulnerabilidade Ambiental: Desastres naturais ou fenômenos induzidos? Brasília: MMA, 2007. 192 p. THOURET, J-C. Avaliação, prevenção e gestão dos riscos naturais nas cidades da América Latina. In: VEYRET, Y. Os riscos: o homem como agressor e vítima do meio ambiente. São Paulo: Contexto, 2007.

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