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Fine Arts Update Debra Wehrmann DeFrain Debbie.DeFrain@nebraska

Fine Arts Update Debra Wehrmann DeFrain Debbie.DeFrain@nebraska.gov. ARTS-MEDIA. DANCE. ARTS-VISUAL. MUSIC. THEATRE. Fine Arts Standards Development -participants Debbie DeFrain Debbie.DeFrain@nebraska.gov. ARTS-VISUAL Bennington Elkhorn Elm Creek Grand Island Holdrege

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Fine Arts Update Debra Wehrmann DeFrain Debbie.DeFrain@nebraska

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fine Arts Update Debra Wehrmann DeFrain Debbie.DeFrain@nebraska.gov ARTS-MEDIA DANCE ARTS-VISUAL MUSIC THEATRE

  2. Fine Arts Standards Development-participants Debbie DeFrain Debbie.DeFrain@nebraska.gov ARTS-VISUAL Bennington Elkhorn Elm Creek Grand Island Holdrege Lincoln Millard Omaha Scottsbluff UN-Lincoln DANCE Lincoln Omaha Studio MUSIC Ashland-Greenwood Bellevue Bennington David City Doane College ESU 17 Fremont Lincoln Millard Norfolk Norris Papillion-La Vista Tri-County ARTS-MEDIA Aurora CCC-Columbus Lincoln Nebraska City Southern Valley UN-Kearney THEATRE Bellevue Blair Grand Island Lincoln McPherson Omaha Scottsbluff Westside

  3. Fine Arts Standards Development-tentativetimeline Debbie DeFrain Debbie.DeFrain@nebraska.gov June 2013 : Writing I: June 4-5; Editing I: June 17 July 2013: Writing II: July 16-17; Editing II: July 17 Oct 2013: Writing III: Oct 9-10; Editing III: Oct 10 Nov/Dec 2013: Public Input Jan/Feb 2014: State Board Consideration July 2014: Debut! ARTS-VISUAL MUSIC ARTS-MEDIA THEATRE DANCE

  4. Fine Arts Partners in Education: State support District support Teacher support Debbie DeFrain Debbie.DeFrain@nebraska.gov ARTS-MEDIA DANCE ARTS-VISUAL MUSIC THEATRE

  5. Fine Arts… National Perspective: NCCAS Nebraska perspective: non-assessed District Perspective Local Perspective Debbie DeFrain Debbie.DeFrain@nebraska.gov ARTS-MEDIA DANCE ARTS-VISUAL MUSIC THEATRE

  6. Grade Bands: teacher/district Artistic Processes: ~Create~ ~Perform/Present/Produce~ ~Respond~ ~Connect~ Debbie DeFrain Debbie.DeFrain@nebraska.gov ARTS-MEDIA DANCE ARTS-VISUAL MUSIC THEATRE

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