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A Great Partnership = Great Opportunities

A Great Partnership = Great Opportunities. AATH: Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor http://www.aath.org/index.html and Portland State University Graduate School of Education http://www.ceed.pdx.edu/ and Educational Explorations http://www.educationalexplorations.org.

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A Great Partnership = Great Opportunities

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  1. A Great Partnership = Great Opportunities AATH: Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor http://www.aath.org/index.html and Portland State University Graduate School of Education http://www.ceed.pdx.edu/ andEducational Explorations http://www.educationalexplorations.org

  2. Association of Applied and Therapeutic HumorProudly Presents Exploring Strategies to make Teaching and Learning Fun

  3. Welcome AATH peeps Picture printed with permission from Richard Wiseman, Quirkology

  4. AATH initiated the Humor Academy because of their commitment to: • Solid scientific research and inquiry. • Recognition of the importance of the dissemination of resources for humor/laughter research. If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? Albert Einstein

  5. AATH is Committed to….. 3) Promoting the mission of AATH and the opportunities to share research, resources and networking opportunities. 4) Supporting research practitioners by providing opportunities for them to teach, write and share their knowledge. Copy from one, it's plagiarism; copy from two, it's research. Wilson Mizner

  6. AATH is dedicated to….. 5) Encouraging professional relationships and networking opportunities. 6) Providing volunteer opportunities for service in the AATH organization and in the field of therapeutic humor. 7) Interdisciplinary studies and international outreach. When you become senile, you won't know it. Bill Cosby

  7. Real Reasons for Initiating the Humor Academy • Marketing AATH so people will quit mistaking us for AARP! • Increase our revenues by selling HA graduates on e-bay! • Tickle us PINK! Really!!! I ask people why they have deer heads on their walls. They always say because it's such a beautiful animal. There you go. I think my mother is attractive, but I have photographs of her. Ellen DeGeneres

  8. HA Instructors • Barbara N. Miller D.Ed • Adjunct Professor; Portland State University • Director; Educational Explorations • Professional Development • AATH Conference 2010 Committee • Mary Kay Morrison MS.Ed • Author: “Using Humor to Maximize Learning” • Instructor; Grad education courses • Administrator Academy Courses –Illinois State Board of Education • AATH Board/2010 conference co-chair

  9. Humor Academy Advisors • Humor Academy advisors are those AATH members who have made significant contributions to the field of applied and therapeutic humor, and who are willing serve share their time and energy with the Humor Academy program. • Program Advisors • Dr. Don Baird • Roberta Gold R.T.C. • Dr. Linda MacNeal • Dr. Enid Schwartz • Dr. Joel Schwartz • Steve Wilson • Patty Wooten RN BSN • With special thanks to Shirley Trout, past president of AATH, who initiated the certificate concept several years ago, and to Dr. Ed Dunkleblau, Dr. Steve Sultanoff and to the AATH Board of Directors for their advice and support.

  10. Humor Academy

  11. The Humor Academy is Student-Centered4 Guiding Principals • Collaborative learning environment • Research-Based Information • Differentiated and Inquiry Based instruction • Interdisciplinary Focus

  12. Learning to Play in the Same Sandbox! 1. Collaborative learning environment: AATH members bring valued perspectives to the class. Participants will clarify, study about and discuss issues related to humor therapy and possible applications.

  13. Making Us Smarter! 2. Research-Based Information: Access to current humor/laughter research and resources will be shared, reviewed and discussed.

  14. Easy to Learn! 3. Differentiated and Inquiry Based instruction: Participants will construct knowledge and build skills necessary to transform their own learning. Participants will think about how to apply these skills in their respective fields. Everything is changing. People are taking their comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke. Will Rogers

  15. United in Laughter 4. Interdisciplinary Focus: Professional development will be enhanced by learning about theoretic applications in a variety of occupations including, but not limited to, the professional areas of medicine, health and wellness, business, education, mental health, spirituality, performance, writers , speakers, and trainers. Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects. Will Rogers

  16. Meeting Member’s Needs!2 Options Available • Participants choose the best option for them: • Graduate College Credit - $450 - completed June 2010 • Humor Academy $325 - Certificate of Completion awarded at the April 2011 conference

  17. A Closer Look Humor Academy Option 1 • Humor Academy: Level 1 Certificate Requirements • Pre conference class • AATH Conference attendance - all keynotes and 6 breakouts • Post conference class – report on conference • Collaborate with an AATH advisor • Participate in any 4 AATH webinars  (choice of several during the year) • Participation in an AATH study group during the year • Completion by the 2011 Conference: Humor Academy Certificate • COST for Certificate Program only: $325. This program is for those who do not want or need graduate college credit. Cost includes pre-conference, post conference, text, Webinars, study group participation and an advisor.   . Be thankful we're not getting all the government we're paying for. Will Rogers

  18. Humor Academy Option 2 •  Humor Academy; Graduate School of Education College Credit (Portland State University) Spring Term 3 credit course to be completed by June 1, 2010 • Pre-conference class • AATH Conference attendance - all keynotes and 6 breakouts • Post-conference class – Shared insights and summary • All coursework to be facilitated with PSU (Portland State University) Instructor at the AATH conference • Requirements detailed in Course Description Document • Cost for Humor Academy Credit of 3 hours through Portland State University is $450.  Cost includes pre-conference, post conference, text, Webinars, and an advisor from Portland State University Dept. of Education. The Humor Academy Certificate option is available for same price. A fool and his money are soon elected. Will Rogers

  19. Participants Can Continue HA Studies!3 Year Program Available Humor Academy 2: Application-Starts at 2011 conference Humor Academy 3: Leadership- Starts at 2012 conference These programs will have a similar format as Level 1

  20. What you will Gain….

  21. Seriously, What You Will Gain! • Participants will know and understand: • The mission and role of AATH in therapeutic humor • The role of ethics in Humor Therapy Applications • Definition of Therapeutic Humor and related terms • Information on current cognitive research and humor • The differences between humor and laughter • The benefits of humor • Inappropriate, hostile and hurtful humor; impact versus intent • Where to find reliable humor/laughter research and resources • How to improve their own humor practice • Participants will participate in a discussion of humor theory and research. • Participants will learn about humor therapy applications in occupationally diverse fields. • Participants can belong to a study group consortium. • Participants will learn about current humor/laughter research via webinars. • Participants will have the opportunity to have an an advisor who will mentor and coach them during the year.

  22. Don’t Miss the Boat!Enrollment is Limited…..

  23. Join Us! • Research Based Instruction • Collaborative Environment for Learning • Coaching and Mentoring by Advisors • Incredible Resources • Leadership Opportunities • Fun!!

  24. Be a Graduate of the very FIRST2010

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