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Chapter 11

Chapter 11. Personality. Schacter Gilbert Wegner. PSYCHOLOGY. Slides prepared by: Melissa S. Terlecki, Cabrini College. 11.1. Personality: What Is It and How Is It Measured. PSYCHOLOGY. Schacter Gilbert Wegner. Personality - CLO.

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Chapter 11

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  1. Chapter 11 Personality Schacter Gilbert Wegner PSYCHOLOGY • Slides prepared by: • Melissa S. Terlecki, Cabrini College

  2. 11.1 Personality: What Is It and How Is It Measured PSYCHOLOGY Schacter Gilbert Wegner

  3. Personality - CLO • Your objective: Define and analyze the various aspects (history, theories, types, tests,) of personality . • How are we getting there?: • Intro discussion and Power Point • Study guide • Educational Portal Video • Scientific Mind article • How will you show me you understand?: • Discussion • Study guide and notebook responses and reflections • Exit slip answering this essential question: • “What contributes to a person’s personality?”

  4. Intro to Personality

  5. 4 Temperaments

  6. Personality • Personality: an individual’s characteristic style of behaving, thinking, and feeling. • explanations based on prior events and anticipated events that shape a person’s personality.

  7. Personality also refers to: • the pattern of thoughts, feelings, social adjustments, and behaviors consistently exhibited over time that strongly influences one's expectations, self-perceptions, values, and attitudes.

  8. Rorschach Inkblot

  9. Personality Types • Extraverted or Introverted - Are you energized by the outside world, or by quiet time alone? • Intuitive or Sensing - Do you think in terms of concepts and ideas, or facts and reality? • Feeling or Thinking - Do you value cooperation with others, or personal competence? • Judging or Perceiving - Do you like to follow a plan, or go with the flow?

  10. `

  11. Personality Theories • Psychodynamic - personality is formed by needs, strivings, and desires largely operating outside of awareness. • Humanistic/Existential - Self-actualizing tendency: the human motive toward realizing our inner potential. • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and self-actualization.

  12. Personality Theories • Behavioral – Uses principles of operant and classical conditioning. • Social Learning – Our personality is the result of our interaction with our environment

  13. Personality Tests • There are two major types of personality tests, projective and objective.

  14. House-Tree-Person

  15. Measuring Personality • Projective techniques: a standard series of ambiguous stimuli designed to elicit unique responses that reveal inner aspects of an individuals’ personality.

  16. House-Tree-Person

  17. Henry Murray • Thematic Apperception Test (TAT): respondents reveal underlying motives, concerns, and the way they see the social world through the stories they make up about ambiguous pictures of people.

  18. Rorschach Inkblot Test: individual interpretations of the meaning of a set of unstructured inkblots are analyzed to identify a respondent’s inner feelings and interpret his or her personality structure.

  19. Rorschach Inkblot

  20. Sentence completion test • 1) If only I could…2) People I know…3) I can always…4) I think guys…5) What makes me sad is…6) I think girls…7) My father...8) Where I live…9. My mother was the type . . .10) My health is…

  21. Questions • Why might a projective test like the TAT story be less than reliable?

  22. Measuring Personality • Personality inventories: • self-report: a series of answers to a questionnaire that asks people to indicate the extent to which sets of statements or adjectives accurately describe their own behavior or mental state.

  23. Additional Questions: • Who do you identify with the counterpart animal? Explain. • How does this animal drama pertain to you? • What changes should you make to resolve your conflicts? • What other incidents resemble this conflict?

  24. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

  25. Animal Metaphor Test

  26. Sentence completion test • 1) If only I could...feel more hopeful about things.2) People I know...are usually fair and honest.3) I can always...talk things out with someone.4) I think guys...are less emotional than girls.5) What makes me sad is...not being able to see my kids.6) I think girls...were mysterious to me in High School.7) My father...would always listen to what I had to say.8) Where I live...is quiet and peaceful.9. My mother was the type . . .who always took care of her family.10) My health is...generally very good.

  27. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) • 1.I like mechanics magazines2.I have a good appetite3.I wake up fresh & rested most mornings4.I think I would like the work of a librarian5.I am easily awakened by noise6.I like to read newspaper articles on crime7.My hands and feet are usually warm enough8.My daily life is full of things that keep me interested9.I am about as able to work as I ever was10.There seems to be a lump in my throat much of the time

  28. 11.2 The Trait Approach: Identifying Patterns of Behavior PSYCHOLOGY Schacter Gilbert Wegner

  29. Traits • Trait: a relatively stable disposition to behave in a particular and consistent way. • 1936- Gordon Allport (4,500) • Cardinal Traits • Central Traits • Secondary Traits

  30. Cattell, Eysenck, & Big Five • Raymond Cattell’s Sixteen Personality Factors • Hans Eysenck’s Three Dimensions (1947; updated in the 70s) • Introversion vs. extraversion • Neuroticism vs. emotional stability • Psychotici

  31. Figure 11.3: Eysenck’s Depiction of Trait Dimensions (p. 339)

  32. The Big Five: traits of the five-factor model include conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness to experience, and extraversion.

  33. Table 11.1: The Big Five Factor Model (p. 340)

  34. Questions • How might traits both describe people and explain their behavior? • What are the strengths of the five-factor model?

  35. Genes, Traits, and Personality • In behavioral genetics, personality psychologists investigate the correlation between traits in monozygotic and dizygotic twins. • the average genetic component of personality is between .40 to .60 (heritability coefficient). • must rule out shared environment; studies of identical twins reared apart.

  36. Questions • What do studies of twins tell us about personality?

  37. Traits in the Brain • Eysenck postulated differences in cortical arousal between introverts and extraverts.

  38. Questions • What neurological differences explain why extraverts pursue more stimulation than introverts?

  39. 11.3 The Psychodynamic Approach: Forces That Lie Beneath Awareness PSYCHOLOGY Schacter Gilbert Wegner

  40. Different Approaches • Psychodynamic approach: personality is formed by needs, strivings, and desires largely operating outside of awareness.

  41. Dealing With Inner Conflict • Defense mechanisms: unconscious coping mechanisms that reduce anxiety generated by threats from unacceptable impulses. • rationalization, reaction formation, projection, regression, displacement, identification, and sublimation. • Psychosexual stages: distinct early life stages through which personality is formed as children experience sexual pleasures from specific body areas and caregivers redirect or interfere with those pleasures. • oral, anal, phallic (Oedipus conflict), latency, and genital stages. • fixation: a person’s pleasure-seeking drives become stuck or arrested at that psychosexual stage.

  42. Table 11.2: The Psychosexual Stages (p. 345)

  43. Humanistic-Existential Approach • Humanistic psychologists emphasize a positive, optimistic view of human nature that highlights people’s inherent goodness and their potential for personal growth. • Self-actualizing tendency: the human motive toward realizing our inner potential. • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and self-actualization.

  44. Existential • Existentialist psychologists emphasize the individual as a responsible agent who is free to create and live his or her life while negotiating the issue of meaning and the reality of death. • existential approach: regards personality as governed by an individual’s ongoing choices and decisions in the context of the realities of life and death.

  45. Questions • What is it to be self-actualized?

  46. Personal Constructs • Personal constructs: dimensions people use in making sense of their experiences. • Outcome expectancies: a person’s assumptions about the likely consequences of a future behavior. • Locus of control: a person’s tendency to perceive the control of rewards as internal to the self or external in the environment. • internal vs. external

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