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I.M.P.A.C.T. Sales System

I.M.P.A.C.T. Sales System. The 21 st Century Approach To Creating Customers And Expanding Distribution. I nvestigate. M eet. P robe. A pply. C onvince. T ie-up. INVESTIGATE. “A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds” - Francis Bacon

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I.M.P.A.C.T. Sales System

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  1. I.M.P.A.C.T. Sales System The 21st Century Approach To Creating Customers And Expanding Distribution
  2. Investigate
  3. Meet
  4. Probe
  5. Apply
  6. Convince
  7. Tie-up
  8. INVESTIGATE “A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds” - Francis Bacon Working smarter with numbers is a perfect combination for speed of accomplishment. Dennis Franks Notes: filling the bean jar, the funnel to find the nuts...getting through the quantity to find the quality.
  9. A GOOD INVESTIGATOR begins with a case Looks beyond the obvious but never overlooks the obvious. Asks a lot of questions. Makes detailed notes and keeps accurate and current records.
  10. A GOOD INVESTIGATOR Checks out every possibility. 5. Manages time effectively-do the right thingat right time. 6. Follows up every lead.
  11. SEARCHING FOR QUALIFIED PROSPECTS Detectives search for suspects (possibilities). MA Shop Consultants and UnFranchise® Owners search for qualified prospects.
  12. A SUSPECT(possibility) is a person who... may have limited communications. may have a need you can satisfy. may or may not have the resources to buy. may or may not listen to you. may or may not be qualified.
  13. Why be an investigator?

    The better job of finding qualified prospects, the higher your closing ratio will be!
  14. WHO Whohas the most obvious need or desire… Whoare my ideal prospects… Whodo I know that might lead me to… Whodo I know who fits that description… Whohas the money… Whobuys similar products...
  15. WHOare my ideal prospects? For Business Partners Self-Starter Driven Well-Connected Communication Skills Wants more money, time, change the world
  16. WHOare my ideal prospects? For Retail Customers Need the benefits Has pain, conscious about it Can afford the product / service Wants to act now
  17. WHERE Wheredo my ideal prospects live… Wherecan I find a list… Wherecan I find the directories…
  18. WHY Why would this person buy from me... Why would this person resist buying... Why might this time be good to approach...
  19. WHAT Whatwill this person find most attractive about my product and service... Whatwill this person find least attractive... Whatquestions or statements will get attention... Whatinformation should I gain from my prospect...
  20. WHEN Whenis the best time to prospect this person... Whenis it the most productive time from the prospectsviewpoint... Whenwill the prospect most likely listen... Whenshould I prospect them a second time...
  21. HOW Howcan I make more time... Howcan I be more productive... Howcan I sharpen my skills... Howcan I be sure I’m doing a good job prospecting... This is a major challenge for shop consultants.
  22. Investigate

    for qualified prospects.

    Show people what they want most and how they can have it, and they will move heaven and earth to get it!- Dennis Franks
  23. Meet Provide you the best-selling environment Make your prospects feel important and relaxed Make your prospects to talk about themselves Build rapport
  24. Meet How to get suspects and qualified prospects involved in what you want to happen. (the desired outcome). To Buy A Product! To Become A Business Partner!
  25. THE MEETING GOALS Become personally acquainted Establish a strong trust or bond Build a warm and courteous rapport Set the selling process in motion This can take time, minutes, hours or days.
  26. MEETING FUNDAMENTALS Establish a clear, desired outcome Initiate the right amount of contacts Take a simple and honest sales approach Eliminate tension Present a positive posture Note: What is the number of people we need to take to get the desired income. Don’t be tentative in conversation. Need confidence in your ideas and systems confidence in understanding the market.
  27. MEETING FUNDAMENTALS Create Trust Dress With Respect Be Mindful Of Mannerism Be A Good Guest
  28. MEETING FUNDAMENTALS Build Rapport Show you care about them…get involved Gain eye contact, find the emotional field Get Your Prospect To Talk About Themselves Ask questions to draw them out Really listen Show a genuine interest Note: Every prospect given the opportunity and prompted correctly, will provide you the path to partner or do business.
  29. MEETING FUNDAMENTALS Starting A Successful Sales Talk... Set The Stage For Action Not Reaction Think like your prospect, get to the point Who are you Whom do you represent What do you want What’s in it for me…”WIIFM” Avoid being abrupt Make it natural…find the bridge and cross it Bring your prospect back across the bridge…test the bridge VERY IMPORTANT
  30. Starting A Successful Sales Talk Setting The Stage – (Opening Remarks) Thank you____ for taking the time to speak with me. I am very confident that our time spent will be quite enlightening. _______, I am the President of Dennis Franks Marketing, a product brokerage and internet marketing company. We distribute products and services through one-to-one marketing company and social shopping.
  31. Starting A Successful Sales Talk Setting The Stage – (Opening Remarks) I specialize in (beauty or wellness), weight loss and anti-aging products. You probably know quite a few people that are looking for these results. What makes my business so successful is that we partner with a very successful internet marketing company, Shop.com, powered by Market America. This enables us to compete in the major markets online and focus on the results producing activities that generates profits.
  32. Starting A Successful Sales Talk Setting The Stage – (Opening Remarks) Our business is built on the premises that people love to buy but hate to be sold. In understanding this, we have learned to match people to products and products to people. Different than traditional retail stores or online shopping. We use the power of people to make this happen. This marketing trend is referred to as social shopping. Best of all, we have monetized this process to earn both traditional and retail profits and ongoing income without the traditional high cost of doing business.
  33. Starting A Successful Sales Talk Setting The Stage – (Opening Remarks) What I am looking for are select business partners who are self starters, forward thinking, entrepreneurial and want more money or free time. You may or may not be interested to partner with me. However, I am confident you could refer me to some qualified candidates. These candidates, starting part time, would have the potential to earn a six-figure, ongoing income. Earnings are dependent on how well the candidate implements our proven systems.
  34. Starting A Successful Sales Talk Setting The Stage – (Opening Remarks) Personally, I believe you are an excellent candidate and would do very well. Is there any room for additional income in your life... The distribution industry is... Internet marketing and sales is... Today, more people are looking for... Average incomes in our country are regressing... Working form home is becoming...
  35. Probe Discover what your potential client wants Uncover real and perceived needs Get your prospect involved in the selling process To assess their buying questions Note: If you could improve one part of your health, what would it be? If you had to do it all again, would you choose the same profession? What was your best weight and when was that? What are your favorite hobbies? Do you get to do them enough?
  36. Probe How to help people discover what they want most. Enable people to focus on their needs and wants in their own mind. Listen people into buying. Note: What has to be in place to reach your existing goals? Or what has to change to reach your existing goals?
  37. THE FATAL FLAWin selling “The Jawbone Theory” Sales people who talk their way out of sales. Simply put, talking more than listening.
  38. ACCORDING TO WEBSTER PROBE: An instrument used to penetrate, usually for the purpose of measuring or investigating.
  39. ACCORDING TO DENNIS PROBE: To look beneath the surface to discover and reveal what’s really going on in the prospects mind and heart.
  40. THE ART OF PROBING Determine The Tool – in our case is the interview Ask The Question “In order for me to be of better service to you, do you mind if I ask a few questions?” To Take a few notes? Listen Do not say a word until the prospects gives you permission to ask those questions.
  41. OPENING QUESTIONS If I would be able to provide you a business plan to increase your financial position substantially, would you spend 30-60 minutes to consider it?
  42. OPENING QUESTIONS If this business plan was assured to work and you could identify a meaningful income amount each week that you could add to your bottom line in addition to your current income, what amount would that be?
  43. FOLLOW UP QUESTIONSTO OPENING QUESTIONS Tell me what the extra, ongoing income would allow you to accomplish? How would that make a difference in your life? How would that make you feel?
  44. TIPS ON ASKING QUESTIONS Prepare in advance Ask open-ended questions Ask broad questions first then narrow the focus Should be easy to answer with thought Ask dominant need questions, avoid offensive questions Remember to ask then listen Note: Until the dominant needs are met, a person can not begin to see their financial future.
  45. Probing a person who may want to increase their financial position... If you could be any where right now, where would it be? If you had to choose your career path over again, would you do the same thing? Is there room in your life for financial improvement? Where do you see yourself in 5 years...10 years...25 years?
  46. Probing a person who may want to increase their financial position... Do you currently have a financial goal? Are you on track to achieve it in the timeline? Would you be interested to accelerate your timeline to meet your financial goal? What amount of annual income would reduce your financial stress and allow you to meet all of your essential financial needs? What is the difference between that and what you currently earn?
  47. PROBING A PERSONWHO TAKES SUPPLEMENTS Do you currently take nutritional supplements? How long have you had an interest in nutrition? What prompted you take this interest? What are your ultimate goals of supplementation?
  48. PROBING A PERSONWHO TAKES SUPPLEMENTS Are you currently taking specific supplements for this? When would you like to start enjoying the results? Is there room for improvement? Are you satisfied with the results of your program?
  49. PROBING CONSIDERATIONS Seek to understand the prospect’s deepest feelings Assure the prospect you want to help them meet their needs Ask questions to focus issues and find the pain, the want or need
  50. Apply Show your prospect that you understand their needs Present the product or plan that will fulfill their needs Let them experience how the product or plan will meet their needs Make sure the prospect understand the benefits
  51. Apply Provide a personal testimonial or 3rdparty testimonial. You can reference local newspaper or magazine articles. Note: Do not over sell, but position the solution to work over time.
  52. Convince Validate and prove every claim you made Answer any questions your prospect may have Justify your price or start up capital to emphasize value Re-emphasize the importance and relieve any fears of buying or committing Note: Preparation is critical based on your efforts. All or most references should already be available to use...best electronically. Break price down to daily dosage of ingredients.
  53. Tie-up Negotiate a win-win agreement Welcome, identify and answer all objections Reinforce your prospect’s positive feelings of buying Close the sale Set the follow-up
  54. NEGOTIATE THE CONDITIONS OF SALE Remember, people want what you are selling. If they want it and you want it, then it is a simple process of tying up the sale.
  55. HOW TO FIND THE CONDITION OF SALE Is there anything that would keep you from going ahead with this? If I could show you how to solve this problem, would you be ready to go ahead? Note: make sure you understand the conditions. Okay, let me see if I can understand what you have told me…
  56. CLEAR THE OBJECTION Simplify the objection What I hear you saying is… Be understandable to their objections, accept their feelings. Assure the person. Be sure to respond in the best interest of prospect. Put yourself in their shoes and respond with conviction.
  57. CLEAR THE OBJECTION Make sure they understand all the benefits. Test to see if the objection is gone, do not sweep it under the table. You are looking for additional sales and referrals – lifetime value.
  58. ASK FOR THE ORDER Use trial closes throughout this step Is there anything else that would keep you from going ahead Can you see how this can work for you Wonder how you will feel when you have… Ask them to buy when it feels right Resume the sale. “Is there anything else we should include before we finalize the agreement?”
  59. ASK FOR THE ORDER Use the either / or close Do you like it in red or blue? Can I schedule delivery on Wednesday or would you prefer it on Monday? Deal with the fear of making a decision If you push, you can lose the sale “Take as much time as you like”…our products are…the benefits are consistent. You will experience an improvement.
  60. Reinforce the Sale andContinue the Relationship Compliment them on their choice Invite them to buy more Assure them of satisfaction Ask for their help – identify great leads Confirm you will follow up, set the appointment
  61. I.M.P.A.C.T. Sales System The 21st Century Approach To Creating Customers And Expanding Distribution
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