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C anada - Balkans Youth and Health Project

C anada - Balkans Youth and Health Project. CCIH Ottawa, 2007. Where is Balkan?. Where is Balkan?. Where is Balkan?. Project Objective.

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C anada - Balkans Youth and Health Project

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  1. Canada-Balkans Youth and Health Project CCIH Ottawa, 2007

  2. Where is Balkan?

  3. Where is Balkan?

  4. Where is Balkan?

  5. Project Objective to contribute to the achievement of responsive and accountable youth-friendly primary health care systems that promote increased access to youth primary health services and help improve the health status of citizens. Youth in the Balkans are affected by a high incidence of adverse health and social issues such as: • Mental health problems (including increasing rates of depression and suicide), • HIV/AIDS, sexual and reproductive health problems, including low rates of condom use, high abortion rates, and increasing rates of STI, • Substance use and abuse (including tobacco, alcohol and drugs), • Violence, neglect and trafficking

  6. YOUTH Project Structure Ministry of Health Canadian International Development Agency MOU Project Steering Committee Project Management Committee CSIH/WUSC Field Staff Project Director Project Coordinating Committee (PCC) Canadian Technical Advisory Team Gender and Youth Participation Cross-Cutting Themes Youth Advisory Team (Youth Health in Action Network) Services and Outreach Information for Action Policy Development & Coordination Working Groups Local Action Site and Youth voices Local Action Site and Youth voices Local Action Site and Youth voices

  7. Expected Outcomes 1-Strengthened health policy development and implementation for youth health, coordination and harmonization among civil society, stakeholders, government agencies and donors; 2-Improved gender-sensitive, youth-friendly PHC policies, programs,and services; and 3-Increased access to PHC servicesby youth, VGs, and EVGs and young women.

  8. Cross-cutting issues:GenderandYouth Participation • BYHP Gender Strategy developed and continually implemented to ensure the integration of gender in all Project activities • Youth participation is constantly emphasized in all project activities and throughout project structure

  9. Youth Participation • Youth Advisory Team – YAT :: • primarily dedicated to ensuring that youth attitudes and opinions are recognized in the project by conducting continuous M&E of youth participation and playing youth-perspective advisory role in decision making processes • overall goal is reaching the highest level of youth participation, presented in form of youth-adult partnership • Implementation of Youth Voices Methodology • Youth presence on study tours to Canada • Other activities

  10. Youth Voices A process for youth expression and action Engage youth in expressions of their lives Identify issues of importance to young people Plan projects that address youth concerns Act for youth-driven social change Reward achievements and learning Sustain growth of youth-driven initiatives

  11. Photovoice Photographic technique for community-driven issue identification and collective action • Developed by Caroline Wang at the University of Michigan

  12. Photovoice Goals • To enable people to record and reflect their community’s strengths and concerns • To promote critical dialogue about community issues • To reach policy makers

  13. Paolo Friere’s critical pedagogy LISTENING, precedes DIALOGUE, precedes ACTION

  14. Why Photovoice? • Givesvoiceandpowerto community members • Engagingand participatory • Allows for possibility of “viewing the world” from another perspective • Focuses on needs and assets • Cameras produce interesting, tangible results

  15. YOUTH Project Structure Ministry of Health Canadian International Development Agency MOU Project Steering Committee Project Management Committee CSIH/WUSC Field Staff Project Director Project Coordinating Committee (PCC) Canadian Technical Advisory Team Gender and Youth Participation Cross-Cutting Themes Youth Advisory Team (Youth Health in Action Network) Services and Outreach Information for Action Policy Development & Coordination Working Groups Local Action Site and Youth voices Local Action Site and Youth voices Local Action Site and Youth voices

  16. LAS Novi Pazar

  17. LAS Novi Sad

  18. LAS Banja Luka

  19. LAS Banja Luka

  20. GROUP WORK Participation in workshop “Rotating mural” Participants create their image in the space in front of them. After some time they move over to the image on their right, look at this image and then add something to it. Include details and represent other people as well as yourselves in the picture. You may add words or phrases. OBJECTIVES: To help participants share their reflections with other members of the group To help participants see they are not alone in their reactions

  21. Analyzing … S What do you see here? H What is really happening here? O How does this relate to our lives? WWhy does this problem or strength exist? E How can we becomeempowered? DWhat can we doabout it

  22. “Thank you for your participation” game • “Virtual gift game” • Purpose: creative way of saying thank you for participation in this workshop

  23. Go on… Write on your postcards…  • Share your impressions with your friends, coworkers, organisations that would be interested in the process of BYHP and we will mail them for you…

  24. Any questions? jelenars@kastelbl.org Bosnia and Herzegovina Ilija.bilic@yahoo.com Serbia, Belgrade nemanja.tenjovic@yahoo.com Serbia, Novi Sad

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