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4 Best Exercises You Can Do with Kettle bells

Are you Using Kettle Bells for your Exercise or Workout. So here are some Quick Tips of using best Kettle Bells. Read Now Improve you Workout. Strength & Fitness Supplies

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4 Best Exercises You Can Do with Kettle bells

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  1. UPPLIES STRENGTH & FITNESS S STRENGTH & FITNESS SUPPLIES 4 Best Exercises You Can Do With Kettle Bells INTRODUCTION Kettle bells are a terrific exercise tool, and if you haven't tried kettle bells workout before, we suggest you do it. You can do a complete total-body workout with just a single high- quality kettle bell, which makes them one of the most universal pieces of exercise equipment you can find in your gym. Compared to dumbbells, Kettle bells have many benefits. What makes them unique is the ever-shifting center of gravity. As kettle bell travels during exercise, the center of gravity moves too, which puts more stress on your muscles, providing a better, but much harder workout. Athletes love kettle bells as they promote better overall strength and conditioning than regular weights. To help you up, we have created this short list of 4 best exercises you can do with kettle bells. https://strengthandfitness.ie/ Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook | YouTube

  2. UPPLIES STRENGTH & FITNESS S STRENGTH & FITNESS SUPPLIES 1. SINGLE ARM KETTLE BELL SWING This is the essential kettle bell movement. Loved by athletes, especially Cross Fit, kettle bell swing will not only build muscle but also burn a tone of fat. That makes it a great two for one solution when you are short on time. Nothing wrong with the two-handed version, but using one hand will work your abs and lats even more. How to do it? You start by holding a light to moderate-weight kettle bell in one hand. Your feet should be spread apart, a little wider than the shoulder-width. Now, squat down, while moving the weight through your legs and a bit behind, using only one arm. Now use the created momentum to explosively thrust your hips forward, extend the knees, and swing the kettle bell in front of you. Use just enough force for it to finish at chest-level. Your arm should be completely straight during the whole movement. Then let the kettle bell drop back between your legs, while maintaining complete control, and repeat. It's much easier to perform than it looks, but it is much more tiring than you think, try it. 2. KETTLE BELL GOBLET SQUAT Any front-loaded version of the squat is excellent, but the kettle bell goblet squat is the best one of all, at least in our opinion. The unique shape of the kettle bell lets you comfortably hold it across your chest. Your goblet squat form will be much better using a kettle bell than while performing it with a dumbbell or a plate. How to do it? Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a kettle bell with both hands across your chest. Look straight ahead. Now, start squatting down by bending your knees and pushing your hips back. Go for depth, but only to your comfort level. Ideally, you want your upper legs to be at least parallel to the floor. Maintain an upright torso throughout the whole movement, and never bend your lower back. Your feet should be in full contact with the ground, don't raise your heels. Use the power of your quads to stand back up, reverse the movement by pushing through your heels as well as the middle of your foot. 3. KETTLE BELL REVERSE LUNGE TO PRESS Kettle bell Reverse Lunge to Press a bit more advanced, but it is a great exercise to hit multiple muscle groups, all at once, which makes it a great time saver. It will work your legs, shoulders, but also abs since it is a single hand movement. How to do it? Start by holding a kettle bell leaning against the front of your right shoulder, with your elbow bent. Brace your core. Now, lunge back with your right leg while simultaneously lifting the kettle bell directly above you into a press. Try not to go too far https://strengthandfitness.ie/ Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook | YouTube

  3. UPPLIES STRENGTH & FITNESS S STRENGTH & FITNESS SUPPLIES back, and don't let your knee touch the floor. Push back to the starting position while lowering the weigh back to your shoulder. Switch legs and arms when you finished the desired number of reps. 4. KETTLE BELL STRICT PRESS This is a version of a regular shoulder press performed with dumbbells. However, because of the kettle bell’s unique shape, it will have a more natural travel motion as you press up, as it will rotate. Also, because of the moving center of gravity, you will work out your muscles even more, including abs that will work overtime to stabilize you. Because of the more natural plane of motion, you will feel much stronger while pressing with a kettle bell, which will allow you to use more weight while maintaining form. How to do it? It's just a simple shoulder press but with a kettle bell. Hold a kettle bell across your shoulder, while standing up straight, with your knees slightly bent and your lower back naturally arched, core braced. Press the kettle bell directly in front of you, letting your hand naturally rotate and move to balance the weight. CONCLUSION Kettle bells are an awesome exercise tool, there’s no denying that, they only have one drawback - price. When you look at the kettle bells price alone, they are expensive. However, because you only need one, and they hit your muscles hard, a kettle bell is an awesome investment. If you are looking to buy kettle bells in Dublin, you can find various kettle bell sets for sale on our website. Once you try working out with them, you will never go back, and they will become an integral part of your routine, mark our words. For More Detail Reach Strength & Fitness Supplies Address: Unit 3 Primeside Business Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin, Ireland D15 X935 Contact: +353 1-899 1679 Email: contact@strengthandfitness.ie Website: https://strengthandfitness.ie/ https://strengthandfitness.ie/ Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook | YouTube

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