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Involving young people Commissioning Workshop “Setting the Standards in Sheffield”

Involving young people Commissioning Workshop “Setting the Standards in Sheffield”. Benefits of involving young people in Commissioning. better services developed through feedback from young people that know and use them a greater sense of ownership by young people

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Involving young people Commissioning Workshop “Setting the Standards in Sheffield”

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  1. Involving young people Commissioning Workshop “Setting the Standards in Sheffield”

  2. Benefits of involving young people in Commissioning • better services developed through feedback from young people that know and use them • a greater sense of ownership by young people • young people’s personal and social development and the development of skills for employment and further education for those directly engaged • it sends a clear message about the valued and positive place of young people in their community.

  3. Aim • Sheffield Model • Based on National Youth Agency Good Practice Guidance and existing Sheffield Good Practice • Clear guidance and framework for commissioners • Clear process for involving young people in all stages of commissioning • Tried and tested training package for young people

  4. Benefits of involving young people in Commissioning • better services developed through feedback from young people that know and use them • a greater sense of ownership by young people • young people’s personal and social development and the development • of skills for employment and further education for those directly engaged • it sends a clear message about the valued and positive place of young people in their community.

  5. Framework and Stages of Commissioning Framework defines: • 4 stages of commissioning • Standards and Quality Mark indicators for each stage based on the Hear by Right standards • Recommended activity for involving young people at each stage

  6. Understand Understand (HbR/Quality Mark indicator) • There is a central commitment for the active involvement of young people in the commissioning of young people’s services. • Resources for the active involvement of young people in commissioning services have been identified including key staff roles and resources. • Young people involved in commissioning have appropriate skills and support to allow them to participate fully in the commissioning process. • A range of approaches are in place that encourage and enable the participation of a diverse range of young people in commissioning young people’s services in their own terms and in ways they feel comfortable with

  7. Plan Plan HbR/Quality Mark indicator) • Young people views are integral to the needs analysis and planning young people’s services. • Young people are involved in procuring young people’s services (e.g. panels, visits to potential providers).

  8. Do Do HbR/Quality Mark indicator) • There is a contractual agreement with successful providers to ensure there is a central commitment to the active involvement of young people. • Providers ensure young people are involved in the recruitment, selection and induction of staff across the organisation.

  9. Review Review HbR/Quality Mark indicator) • Young people’s feedback is used to review the quality of the commissioning process and ongoing assessment of providers. • Recording and evaluation systems are in place to identify the impact of involving young people in the commissioning process.

  10. Young People’s Activities Existing service providers consult with young people to identify young people’s priorities that in turn inform the needs analysis. Activity includes collating recent consultation findings and learning from current work with Young People.On-going consultation and feedback to young people through existing groups and structures, web based fora (e.g. Facebook groups, survey monkey Understanding: Assessing needs, identifying resource and setting priorities Young people involved in co design events to plan services based, on needs analysis. YP trained as Young Commissioners and involved in procurement processes, including developing service specification, marking tenders, shortlisting, interviews and awarding contracts. Planning and Procuring Participation and Involvement of Young People Doing Commitment to involvement is part of contract for providers including adoption of Involvement Standards Frameworks. YP assess commitment as part of involvement in procurement. Young people involved in recruitment, selection of staff in delivery organisations. Reviewing Young People involved in service inspections and evaluations, including mystery shopping, project advisory groups, surveys and blogs. Young people assess involvement against Involvement Standards frameworks.Case studies collected for evaluation and learning.

  11. Levels of involvement in commissioning Existing service providers consult with young people to identify young people’s priorities that in turn inform the needs analysis. Activity includes collating recent consultation findings and learning from current work with Young People. On-going consultation and feedback to young people through existing groups and structures, web based fora (e.g. Facebook groups, survey monkey) Consultation – High number of young people Young people involved in co design events to plan services based on needs analysis. YP trained as Young Commissioners and involved in procurement processes, including developing service specification, marking tenders, shortlisting, interviews and awarding contracts. YP assess commitment as part of involvement in procurement. Young people involved in recruitment, selection of staff in delivery organisations. Young People involved in service inspections and evaluations, including mystery shopping, project advisory groups, surveys and blogs. Young people assess involvement against Involvement Standards frameworks. Case studies collected for evaluation and learning. Involvement – Recruited young people for specific activities Participation and Involvement of Young People Influencing- Smaller representative groups Young people represented at strategic decision making level on boards and planning groups, through participation groups and representation structures (STAMP, Sheffield Youth Council, UKYP) and feedback from Consultation and Involvement activity to influence services and decisions.

  12. Young Commissioners Training • Communication/Listening Skills • Equality/Diversity • Questioning Skills • Prepare and design a presentation and questions • Evaluation • Specific training for each tender • Introduction and Information session • Processes of Commissioning • Young People’s Involvement • Policies and Procedures • Recorded Outcomes • Monitoring and Quality Assurance

  13. Objectives Objectives

  14. Thank you for listening www.chilypep.org.uk

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