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Framing. “What is it that’s going on here?” Notes from Erving Goffman by Stephanie Jo Kent. Small Group Activity. 1. What is a “ frame ” ? What does the term evoke or mean? 2. Is a frame something you find out after the fact, or something that you create?

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  1. Framing “What is it that’s going on here?” Notes from Erving Goffman by Stephanie Jo Kent

  2. Small Group Activity 1. What is a “frame”? What does the term evoke or mean? 2. Is a frame something you find out after the fact, or something that you create? 3. How might “framing” be different than a “frame”?

  3. organizing experience • What have you been doing for the past five minutes? • How did you know what “to do”? • What principles of the event/situation provide guidance for making sense of what (and how) “to do”? • What kinds of things could happen that might challenge the understanding of what/how “to do”?

  4. Erving Goffman • Frame: “definitions of a situation are built up in accordance with principles of organization which govern events – at least social ones – and our subjective involvement in them”(1974: 10-11). • the frame is presumed by how people do get on…

  5. Frame Analysis: • “a slogan to refer to the examination of these terms of the organization of experience”(1974: 11). • Aim? “to isolate some of the basic frameworks of understanding available in our society for making sense out of events and to analyze the special vulnerabilities to which these frames of reference are subject”(1974: 10).

  6. Frame Conflict: Donald Schön “Framing and naming are ways of setting boundaries to things, giving coherence where it would otherwise be lacking. He gives the example of a slum could either be framed as a "blight" (to be excised) or as a "community" (calling for enhancement as a vehicle for social learning). Frames construct the phenomena the user takes to be "there". They provide ways of framing reality. Things are only seldom unframed. People are obliged to deal with realities that have already been framed. Through different frames different realities may be constructed -- leading to frame conflict.”

  7. Re-framing: A generative metaphor in Schön's terms is characterized by the carrying over of frames or perspectives from one domain to another. It allows for frame re-structuring when frame conflict exists. The notion of a generative metaphor may be extended to include a proposed metaphor that frames socially constructed reality in a new, more complex way (S Srivastva and F Barrett, 1988).

  8. conceptual components • strip of activity • keys and keying • Suspicion and Doubt • Containment, inadequate info • Concern about the key • metaphor of theatre

  9. Performance • Staged • Straight • “purity” - based on exclusiveness of claim to attention; refers to the official face of the activity • Mixed • Interaction (“performer” “audience”)

  10. Everyday us with each other, too “The first issue is not interaction but frame.” Erving Goffman. Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization of Experience 1974: 127

  11. group dynamics? “A frame conflict is an alternative way of describing the communication dynamics of mis/understanding that occur when people who think through (as in “from” or “on the basis of”) different paradigms attempt to find agreement on a matter of mutual concern.”

  12. additional citations • Social Construction of Reality ~ wikipedia (Berger & Luckmann, 1966) ~ wikipedia • Frame Conflict, Donald Schön, Transformative approaches project – commentaries, 6.1 Configuring: Using disagreements for superordinate frame configuration, http://www.uia.be/en/node/157?kap=23, retrieved 24 January 2008

  13. additional citations • Re-Framing (Schön)Transformative approaches project – commentaries, 6.1 Configuring: Using disagreements for superordinate frame configuration, http://www.uia.be/en/node/157?kap=23, retrieved 24 January 2008 • Frame Conflict & Group Dynamics (Kent) http://www.reflexivity.us/blog/archives/2008/01/the-chaos-of-fr.html retrieved 24 January 2008

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