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Epidemiology [epidi:mi: ′ ɔlədʒi:] of Respiratory Infectiom

Epidemiology [epidi:mi: ′ ɔlədʒi:] of Respiratory Infectiom. Philip Keith Pattemore and Lance C. Jennings. Teaching Points. Technological developments molecular [mə ' lekjələ] Known viruses are more prevalent [ ' prevələnt] New viruses continue to be discovered

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Epidemiology [epidi:mi: ′ ɔlədʒi:] of Respiratory Infectiom

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  1. Epidemiology[epidi:mi:′ɔlədʒi:] of Respiratory Infectiom Philip Keith Pattemore and Lance C. Jennings

  2. Teaching Points • Technological developments molecular [mə'lekjələ]Known viruses are more prevalent ['prevələnt]New viruses continue to be discovered • The study of morbidity [mɔ ' biditi] and mortality [mɔ'tæliti] …lack of precise definitions and specific, practical diagnostic methds. • Children in developing countries account for [ə'kauntfər] 70% • Malnutrition ['mælnju'triʃən], poverty, indoor smoke, and comorbid conditions including malaria [mə'lɛəriə], tuberculosis [tju:bə:kju'ləʊsɪs]etc greatly increase the risks • Emerging respiratory diseases present an ongoing risk…

  3. Common Respiratory Viruses • Respiratory syncytial virus ['respərə,tɔ:ri:, ri'spaiərə-] • Influenza [influ:'enzə]virus type A and B • Parainfluenza[pærəinflu′enzə]viruses • Adenoviruses • Rhinoviruses [rainəʊ′vaiərəs] • In younger children, viruses are the cause of 90% of LRTIs … • Symptomatic [simtə'mætik]substantial [səb'stænʃəl]

  4. Laboratory Detection • Conventional diagnostic methods - antigen detection, serology[siə'rɔlədʒi], culture… Tab 31-1(1976-1981) • Molecular diagnostic [daiəɡ'nɔstik] methods - PCR, three to five times as sensitive as cell culture… - Figure 31-1 viral identification breakdown in three studies: A: nasal lavage, RT-PCR; B: nasopharyngeal [,neizəufə'rindʒiəl] swabs,PCR/RT-PCR, immunoflurescence and viral culture; C: not described speciments, immunoassay, culture, PCR

  5. Previously Unkown Viruses • human metapneumoviruses(hMPV) -2000 • new human coronaviruses: - SARS-Cov, hCov NL63, hCo-HKU1 • Another viruses: hBoV • nucleic['nju:kliik] acid['æsid]polymerase['pɔlimə,reis]dominant['dɔminənt] • 'Relative pro'portion

  6. Multiple infections • Multiple infection: 1.8-15.8%  27% - more frequently in young children (less than 4yr) - experience a median of 4.4 to 5.5 alternatively[ɔ:l'tə:nətivli] Shedding 脱落 continum 连续区 residual.[ri'zidʒu:əl]

  7. Epidemiology • Periodicity .[piri:ə'disiti:]Seasonality • Circulate • biennial.[bai'eni:əl]两年一次的predominant • tropical.[‘trɔpikəl]热带 • Latitude纬度 • colloquially [kə'ləʊkwi:əl]adj. 口语的 • elucidate.[i'lu:si'deit]

  8. Signs and Symptoms • resemble.[ri'zembl]vt. 看起来像 • surpass.[sə'pɑ:s]vt. 超过 • Croup • typical.['tipikəl]典型的 • classic.['klæsik]febrile.['febrəl, fi:brəl]发热的 • myalgia[mai'ældʒiə] 肌痛Bronchiolitis obliterans • Ubiquitous .[ju:'bikwitəs]adj. 普遍存在

  9. ALRTI: Scope and Limitations • consolidation, parenchyma [pə'reŋkimə] 实质 obliteration [ə,blitə'reiʃən] 闭塞alveolar [ æl'viələ,ælvi'əulə] purulent ['pjuərulənt] 脓的exudate ['eksjudeit] 渗出物 • Indrawing   [in'drɔ:iŋ]吸入,纳Grunting   auscultatory [ɔ:'skʌltətəri]听诊的   crackle [krækəl]爆裂声   immobility  [iməʊ'biliti] 固定性,静止reconciling .['rekənsail]inherent 内在的 facilities expertise [,ekspə'ti:z]

  10. WHO case manage guideline

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