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CstM 301 - Management & Organization

CstM 301 - Management & Organization. individual behavior. individual differences…. personalities attitudes perceptions values beliefs philosophies behavioral styles. why should managers care…. individual behavior sets…. performance behaviors withdrawal behaviors

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CstM 301 - Management & Organization

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  1. CstM 301 - Management & Organization individual behavior

  2. individual differences… personalities attitudes perceptions values beliefs philosophies behavioral styles

  3. why should managers care…

  4. individual behavior sets… performance behaviors withdrawal behaviors citizenship behaviors dysfunctional behaviors

  5. perception…

  6. attribution… fundamental attribution error self-serving bias

  7. tendencies & distortions… stereotypes halo effect selective perception projection

  8. impression management…

  9. personality… • per·son·al·i·ty [pur-suh-nal-i-tee] • noun • 1. the quality of being a person; existence as a self-conscious human being; personal identity • the set of individual characteristics that underlie a relatively stable pattern of behavior • the profile of characteristics making a person unique from others

  10. big five personality traits… • extroversion • agreeableness • conscientiousness • emotional stability • openness to experience

  11. myers-briggs types… • extroverted vs. introverted • sensing vs. intuitive • thinking vs. feeling • judging vs. perceiving

  12. personality factors… • locus of control • authoritarianism • machiavellianism • self-monitoring • type a personality

  13. attitude… • at·ti·tude [at-i-tood] • noun • 1. the way a person views something or tends to behave towards it

  14. attitude…

  15. cognitive dissonance… cognition affect behavior my job is interesting i love my job i am going to get to work early and with a smile on my face attitude behavior

  16. job satisfaction factors… work itself quality of supervision coworkers opportunities pay work conditions security

  17. what employers are looking for… job involvement organizational commitment organizational citizenship

  18. other impacts on attitude… • e·mo·tions[ih-moh-shuhns] • - noun • strong feelings directed toward someone or something • moods [moods] • - noun • generalized positive and negative feelings or states of mind • stress [stres] • - noun • a state of tension caused by extraordinary demands, constraints or opportunities

  19. sources & types of stress… • stres·sor[stres-er] • - noun • anything that causes stress • constructive stress • destructive stress

  20. stress relief…

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