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Explore the rich history and cultural attractions of Baia Mare town in Maramures County, Romania. Learn about the mineralogy museum, rural scenery, and traditional crafts. Get insights into the educational activities managed by the Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Maramures.

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  2. Baia Mare town have multiethnic population Romanian (84.11 %) Hungarian (12.25 %) Ukrainiens Germans Gypsis Jews Others – bussiness man (Turks, Italians)

  3. Baia Mare town - actualy

  4. Baia Mare town (first mentioned in 1329) • One of the most important mining centers of Romania, Baia Mare has a history of more than 2,000 years of gold, silver, and other nonferrous metals extraction.

  5. Baia Mare- history - Steven Tower Old Centre Old city

  6. Cultural attraction: The region is known for its beautiful rural scenery, local small woodwork (UNESCO World Heritage) and craftwork industry as well as for its wooden churches and original rural architecture. • The Merry Cemetery of Sapanta (the tombostones, with naïve paint and funny epitaphs)

  7. Traditional products and costumes

  8. Mineralogy Museum from Baia Mare possesses outstanding examples from several points of view, as follows: rare species in the world of andorra, fizelyit, semseyit, klebersbergit, fuloppit, Berthier, cinnabar, pirotina, Rhodochrosite, Scheel, Wolframite, Vivian, cronstedtit etc – all from bathroom from Maramures county

  9. InspectoratulScolarJudeteanMaramures The most important orientation of the activity of our institution: quality, efficiency, professionalism.

  10. The main roles of our institution: - to ensure the quality of educational process and the compliance with the legislative framework in all educational activities: 1) To monitor the organization and operation of the pre-university education network and to inspect schools; 2) To ensure compliance with the law in the organization, management and provision of education; 3) To set up public education units – kindergartens, primary schools, gymnasiums and art and trades schools; 4) To propose to the Ministry of Education the local school network under their jurisdiction and the students’ enrolment plan; 5) To ensure, jointly with the local public administration, school attendance for the duration of compulsory education;

  11. 6) To ensure that schools are adequately staffed with teachers in accordance with the provisions of the Teaching Staff Statutes; 7) To organize and guide the teaching staff's continuous training and professional development, research work and other complementary activities in pre-university education; 8) To ensure, jointly with the local public administration, the educational conditions as well as the development of the material resources in all schools, according to the national standards; 9) To coordinate admission competitions and graduation examinations in education units, as well as other scholar competitions;

  12. 10) To monitor all pre-university education activities and services provided by economic agents, foundations, associations, religious denominations and other natural persons or legal entities in the area under their jurisdiction; 11) To identify any infringements of the law and take such measures as the law provides; 12) To coordinate and guide the activity of libraries in the education units under their subordination; 13) To coordinate and monitor the activity of the Teaching Staff House. In order to exercise the above mentioned functions, each CSI elaborates an annual evaluation of the education system under their jurisdiction and – based on this evaluation – a management plan for the next school year, detailing objectives, activities, resources and responsibilities. The management plan is discussed with the advisory board. After approval in the administration council of the CSI, the management plan becomes compulsory for all CSI staff and schools’ managers.

  13. www.isjmm.ro; isjmm@isjmm.ro InspectoratulScolarJudetean Maramures represents the National Ministry of Education in Maramures County, concerning the educationatpre-universtitarylevel. The mission of our institution is to apply the national politics and strategies in educationalfield, at the level of ourcounty, for: • 168 schools • 5674 teachers

  14. Our team: • 1 general school inspector • 2 deputy general school inspectors • 26 school inspectors • 14 non didactical specialists

  15. The scholar inspections: • are carried out mainly by the inspectors of the CSI. • On certain occasions, inspectors of the Ministry of Education may perform scholar inspections – as part of the evaluation of the CSI activity or in order to elucidate complains registered with the Ministry of Education. • The objectives of scholar inspections and the procedures, rules and regulations that govern the scholar inspections are established through ministerial order.

  16. Purposes of scholar inspection: • To support schools and teaching staff to improve education & training activities. • To support evaluation of the quality of the educational offer and the scholar performances of the students – at local, county and national level – by providing accurate information to the decision makers through the inspections reports.

  17. During a scholar inspection, the inspectors focus on all or part of the following aspects: • 1) The scholar performances of the students in comparison to the national educational standards; • 2) The school’s methods to encourage and support students’ personal development; • 3) The quality of the teaching staff activities; • 4) The quality of the management and the efficiency in using the resources; • 5) The quality of the curriculum, the quality of the extra-curricular activities and the ability of the school to implement the national and the school-based curriculum; • 6) School-parents relationship; • 7) School-local community relationship; • 8) Compliance with the in-force legislation, procedures, rules and regulations; • 9) Students’ attitude towards the education offered by the school.

  18. The inspectors have to strictly obey the following rules of conduct: • 1) To act in schools in accordance with the scholar inspection procedures, rules and regulations; • 2) To respect students as participants in the educational process; • 3) To communicate openly, ensuring at the same time the confidentiality of the data regarding the school and its personnel; • 4) To objectively evaluate the school’s personnel; • 5) To ensure that data are correctly collected and analyzed; • 6) To be flexible in evaluations and in application of the inspection procedures, rules and regulations in order to adapt to the concrete situations encountered.

  19. THE MANAGERIAL STRATEGIES (to be „accountable school”) - staff - methodical commission MANAGERIAL TOOLS Managerial offer Educational offer Educational planning Institutional developing project of school Job design Functional strategies Contract management

  20. The diagnose of educational ecosystem • The prognosis • The way(concrete planning) • The finality of education: • Abilities • Aptitudes • Competencies

  21. Few results of our students for 2012-2013: International school competition for Mathematics, July 2013, Santa Maria, Columbia: Silver medal Balkan school competition for Mathematics (for seniors), June 2013, Argos, Cyprus: Gold medal International school competition for Mathematics, February 2013, Bucharest, Romania: Gold medal International school competition for Astronomy and Astrophysics, August 2013, Greece: Gold medal International school competition for Astronomy, September 2013, Lithuania: 2 Gold medal International school competition for Chemistry, “D. I. Mendeleev”, Tashkent, April 2013: Silver medal International school competition for Chemistry, July 2013, Muscovy: Bronze medal

  22. Projects: Lifelong Learning Programme of European Commission: Individual mobilities for teachers and school managers Comenius Comenius network RESAU EUROPSCHOOL Comenius Regio BENEFICT Leonardo da Vinci mobilities (VET and VETPRO) Grundtvig Grundtvig Centralized action Grundtvig partnerships LITTLE STORIES, WORDSBRIDGES, REAL LIFE Phare Phare Cross-borders Romania - Ukraine Phare “Access to education for disadvantaged people” Phare TVET (vocationally education) Education for the environmental protection The projects with the financial support of structural founds Provence – Maramures (intercultural education) Education form information in rural disadvantaged areas

  23. Durus Ligia, school inspector for educational projectsligiadurus@yahoo.fr

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