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Chapter 4

Chapter 4. Plants 5 th Grade Science. Plants. Plants make their own _____. This process is called ___________ and takes place in their __________. Leaves are _______ made of _____ and _________. Layers of similar _______ make up the _______ in the leaf.

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Chapter 4

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  1. Chapter 4 Plants 5th Grade Science

  2. Plants • Plants make their own _____. This process is called ___________ and takes place in their __________. • Leaves are _______ made of _____ and _________. • Layers of similar _______ make up the _______ in the leaf. • Plant tissues are very similar to animal tissues. food photosynthesis leaves cells organs tissues cells tissues

  3. Photosynthesis • _______________ is the process that plants use to make sugar for food. • Photosynthesis happens in the ___________ which are located in plant cells. • In photosynthesis ____________ and ________ are used to make _________ and ____________. • ___________ supplies the energy needed for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis chloroplasts Carbon dioxide water sugar oxygen Sunlight

  4. Chemical Equation for Photosynthesis • Carbon dioxide + water → oxygen + sugar • The plant gets water from the _______ and carbon dioxide through the ________ which are small pores on the underside of leaves. • Once the plant makes the sugar it is transported to all of the ______ in the plants including the roots. soil stomata cells

  5. Sugar • Plants use some of the sugar immediately as _______ to continue the process of ____________ during the day. • Some sugar is _______ to use at night. • Thousands of sugars combine in plant cells to form ________. • ________ is a chemical that makes up the strong _______ of plants. energy photosynthesis stored cellulose Cellulose Cell walls

  6. Chlorophyll • Inside of the chloroplasts are structures that look like plates called __________. • Chlorophyll contains a ________ that gives the plant its color. • The function of the chlorophyll is to absorb _________from the sun in the chloroplast. • __________ gives the cell energy to make sugar from ___________ and ________. chlorophyll pigment energy Sunlight Carbon dioxide water

  7. Stems • Stems provide ________ for the plant and hold the leaves and flowers. • __________ plants have stems have a transport system just like the _____________ in the human body. • The tissues in plant stems that transport materials are __________ and ________. support Vascular Circulatory system xylem phloem

  8. Xylem and Phloem • ________ - are tissues that carry materials from the roots to the leaves. • The _______ soak up the water from the soil. _______ - are tissues in the shape of tubes that carry sugar away from the leaves. -The sugar from plants is dissolved in _______. -In trees, phloem is made below the ____. Dead phloem makes the bark. Xylem roots Phloem water bark

  9. Roots • ___________ - anchor the plant into the ground and hold it in place as it grows. • Root systems: • ___________ - a large root that grows straight down. Taproots may store _______ for the plant. Small roots may grow sideways out of the main taproot. • ________________ - many roots grow out in all directions. Roots Taproot food Fibrous root systems

  10. Root Tip • Roots grow longer because of special _________ near the root tip. • At the __________, cells quickly divide and form new cells. • The new ______ push the root further into the ground. • Roots also _______ water for the plant. tissues Root Tip cells absorb

  11. Functions of Roots • Roots _________ a plant and may _______ food. • Roots absorb ______ and ________ or ___________ from the soil. • The materials that are taken in from the soil are used in the processes of ___________, ________, ____________, and ____________ anchor store water minerals nutrients photosynthesis growth maintenance reproduction

  12. Parts of a Plant

  13. Parts of a Flower • _______ - male part of a flower • __________ - a grainy yellow powder is made in the stamen. • A single flower may have many_________. • ________ - female part of a flower. • _______ often has a wide bottom an a narrow neck • A single flower may have more than one ____. stamen pollen stamens pistil pistil pistil

  14. Flowers • _______________ - do not have both a stamen and a pistil. • _______________ - flowers with both male and female parts. • _______________ - one flower unit is made up of hundreds of tiny flowers • ________ - the moving of pollen from the stamen to the pistil. • ____________ - can involve the stamen and pistil of the same plant or two different plants Imperfect Flowers Perfect Flowers Composite Flowers Pollination Pollination

  15. Pollination • Pollination takes place in different ways. • _______ or ______ can move pollen. • ________, _____, or ________ moving from plant to plant can transport pollen. • Some plant species are only pollinated in one way while others can be pollinated in different ways. wind water insects bats birds

  16. Pollination of a Pea Plant • 1. Pollen sticks to the _________ at the end of the ________. • 2. Pollen tubes grow down the _______ to the __________. • 3. _________ from the pollen move down the tubes. • 4. ___________ combines the DNA of both plants pollen pistil pistil Egg cell Sperm Fertilization

  17. Pollination / Parts of a flower

  18. Seeds • A seed is made of three main parts: • ____________ • ____________ • ____________ The __________ is a covering that protects the new plant and stores food. The __________ is the new plant contained in the seed coat. The __________ is a stash of food stored in the seed coat Seed coat embryo endosperm Seed coat embryo endosperm

  19. Parts of a seed

  20. Monocots / Dicots • An _________ has structures called _________ or __________. • ___________ - seeds that have one cotyledon – example: corn • __________ - seeds that have more than one cotyledon – example: beans embryo Seed leaves cotyledons Monocots Dicots

  21. Compare and Contrast

  22. Spreading Seeds • Some plants ______ their seeds on the ground and the seeds begin to grow. • _________ are helpful in scattering seeds. • The seeds of berries pass through the _______________ of animals and are eliminated as waste. • Outside conditions such as _________ and __________ must be right before the plant can begin to grow. drop animals Digestive system temperature moisture

  23. Spores • __________ and ________ are plants that do not produce flowers. • The life cycle of these plant have _______: • ____________ • ____________- fern and mosses use _______ to reproduce. A plant ________ is a single plant cell that can develop into a new plant. mosses ferns Two parts fertilization reproduction spores spore

  24. Differences between spores and seeds • Spores do not have a multicellular _________ • Spores are not made by __________ • Both spores and seeds have____________ • Reproducing without sperm cells and egg cells: • _________ reproduction – there is only one parent • The offspring are identical to the parent • ___________ and ____________ embryo fertilization Stored food Asexual Runners Budding

  25. Runners and Budding • ________- growing new plants from stems or roots of the plant. Example: strawberries • __________- buds form on the plant and drop off to grow as separate plants. Runners Budding

  26. Life Cycle of a Moss plant • Page 109

  27. How Do Plants Grow? • A plants growth depends on ______ and its ___________ conditions • ____________ - when a seed sprouts • _______ will grow out of a seed __________ • ________ will grow out of a seed _________ • _________ - genetic information that instructs the plant on how to grow and in what conditions DNA Environmental Germination roots downward stems upward DNA

  28. Tropisms • ___________ - ways in which the plant changes direction to get what it needs • Tropisms often occur when the ___________ conditions change. • _____will grow faster on one side of the plant causing the plant to bend in a certain direction. • _____________ - kind of chemical that affects plant growth. Tropisms environmental cells Growth hormone

  29. Growth Hormone in Plants • Growth hormones in plants cause more cells to grow in the plant. • The hormone may make the plant grow larger • Plants make their own growth hormone.

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