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Anti-Worker Efforts & What ’ s Ahead for Oregon

Anti-Worker Efforts & What ’ s Ahead for Oregon. www.KeepOregonWorking.org. Tide of Anti-Union, Anti-Worker Efforts coming soon to Oregon…. November 4, 2014. “ Allows non-union member public employees receiving required union representation to refuse to share representation costs ”. X.

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Anti-Worker Efforts & What ’ s Ahead for Oregon

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  1. Anti-Worker Efforts & What’s Ahead for Oregon www.KeepOregonWorking.org

  2. Tide of Anti-Union, Anti-Worker Effortscoming soon to Oregon….

  3. November 4, 2014 “Allows non-union member public employees receiving required union representation to refuse to share representation costs” X

  4. Who’s Behind this Idea? Koch Brothers Loren Parks Bill Sizemore

  5. Why would big corporations back a measure like this? • They’re not worried about working people. They’re worried about making even more profit by undermining your wages, benefits, and working conditions.

  6. What They Say It’s About “Freedom” “Right to Work” “Choice” “You shouldn’t be forced…”

  7. What It’s Actually About • This measure actually requires unions to pay for representation costs for workers who choose not to join a union and don’t pay dues. • This is to prevent workers from joining together, so we can’t negotiate as effectively for our wages, benefits, and safe working conditions.

  8. Threatens our Wages

  9. Threatens our Wages Workers in “Right to Work” states make an average of $1,500 less

  10. In Idaho, workers earn less Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2012

  11. Idaho • Number 1state with the most minimum wage workers • Workers are nearly 2 times as likely to suffer a fatal workplace injury • 49thin per capita income, below all but Mississippi.

  12. Weakens Public Safety • Limits the ability of workers, like nurses and firefighters, to negotiate for safe staffing levels, modern equipment, and safer working conditions.

  13. The Truth about this Measure • We need to come together to stop this measure, to protect the wages, benefits, and jobs of ALL Oregonians. • This is an attempt by corporate CEOs and billionaires to push their own agenda-- to make it easier for them cut benefits, hold down wages, and ship jobs overseas. • We’re under attack because without us, standards will be lowered for all of Oregon’s working people and middle-class families.

  14. What You Can Do • Talk to your friends and family • Don’t use the other side’s frame • Visit the Keep Oregon Working Website to download information about how to talk about these measures on our terms • Stay informed. • Sign up at KeepOregonWorking.org • Follow us on Facebook • Text “Together” to 88202

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