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Leadership. The basis of leadership. Competence. Community. Call. Character. Credibility. Confidence. Chosen. Courage. James Lawrence; Growing Leaders. Our relationship with God. ‘The forming of the soul that it might be a dwelling place for God is the

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  1. Leadership

  2. The basis of leadership

  3. Competence Community Call Character Credibility Confidence Chosen Courage James Lawrence; Growing Leaders

  4. Our relationship with God

  5. ‘The forming of the soul that it might be a dwelling place for God is the primary work of the Christian leader. This is not an add-on, an option, or a third-level priority. Without this core activity, one almost guarantees that she/he will not last in leadership for a life-time or that what work is accomplished will become less and less reflective of God's honour and God's purposes.’ Gordon MacDonald

  6. For most of us, the great danger is not that we will renounce our faith. It is that we will become so distracted and rushed and preoccupied that we will settle for a mediocre version of it. We will just skim our lives instead of actually living them.’ John Ortberg

  7. SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES • ‘Discipline: any activity I can do by direct effort that will help me to do what I cannot now do by direct effort. • Spiritual discipline: any activity that can help me gain power to live as Jesus taught and modelled it.’ • John Ortberg

  8. Abstinence Solitude Silence Fasting Frugality Chastity Secrecy Sacrifice Engagement Prayer Scripture Study Worship Celebration Service Fellowship Confession Accountability

  9. Apostolic spirituality • at home on the road • learning to see & listen • learning to take nothing • for the journey • learning to live • rhythmically

  10. What helps us to grow in our relationship with God ? What leads us to neglect it?

  11. How do we grow in character ?

  12. Mature: build on strengths, integrated,self aware. Personality Increased change Mature: humble about strengths, prayerful about weaknesses, committed to growth Character

  13. Fulfilling personal commitments Handling suffering well Exercising spiritual disciplines Develop self- awareness Facing our dark side Dealing with disappointments Breaking through quitting points

  14. Self-leadership. Nobody - I mean nobody - can do this work for us. Every leader has to do this work alone, and it isn’t easy. In fact, because it’s such tough work most leaders avoid it. We would rather try to inspire or control the behaviour of others than face the rigorous work of self reflection and inner growth.Bill Hybels

  15. "We should invest 50 percent of our leadership amperage into the task of leading ourselves; and the remaining 50 percent should be divided into leading down, leading up, and leading laterally.“ Dee Hock

  16. ‘the best gift you can give the people you lead is a healthy, energized, fully surrendered, focused self. And no one can do that for you. You've got to do that for yourself." "

  17. Leaders who are Christ like in • love • integrity • serving • compassion • truthful • faithful • forgiving

  18. Agencies of change for leaders • scripture • reflection • taking time out • relationships

  19. Where might I need to grow in character?

  20. How do we grow in competence ?

  21. Passion Ability strength Temperament Knowledge Skill Something you can learn Something you acquire through training Talent Gift Something that is given to Christians by God Something that is formed by the time you’re an adult

  22. Seeks God with you • Challenges you to think • Corrects you • Listens to you • Laughs and plays with you • Supports you The people we need

  23. Where do I need to develop? What support do I require to help with this?

  24. The icebergs

  25. The danger of expectations

  26. The problem of measurement

  27. Beware of the default position

  28. Losing the focus

  29. Isolation

  30. Taking the tough decisions

  31. What is the next step for me ? • What resources might I need? • Who will ensure • support and accountability • for this?

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