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Musculoskeletal System Diseases and Disorders: Bones, Joints, and Muscles

Explore the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system, including diseases and disorders affecting bones, joints, and muscles. Learn about diagnostic tests, common signs and symptoms, and treatment options.

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Musculoskeletal System Diseases and Disorders: Bones, Joints, and Muscles

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  1. Chapter 6 Musculoskeletal System Diseases and Disorders

  2. Anatomy and Physiology Bones and joints Bones provide framework and support Classified by shape and composition Joints Where two or more bones meet Muscle structure, movement, and heat

  3. Common Signs and Symptoms Bone and joint diseases: Pain, swelling, decreased mobility, and deformity Muscle disorders: Weakness

  4. Diagnostic Tests X-rays Computed axial tomography (CAT) scans Magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs) BMD – DEXA Blood studies Including calcium and phosphorus Electromyography

  5. Diseases of the Bone Vary from mild to severe More common as adults age

  6. Diseases of the Bone Spinal deformities: Kyphosis Curvature of thoracic spine Lordosis Exaggerated anterior or inward curve of lumbar spine Scoliosis Lateral curvature of spine

  7. Spinal Deformities

  8. Diseases of the Bone Osteoporosis Metabolic bone disease causing porosity and leading to decrease in bone mass Osteomyelitis Inflammation of bone caused by staphylococcal infection Osteomalacia Softening of the bones

  9. Diseases of the Joints Most occur as slow process Arthritis Inflammation Osteoarthritis Degenerative process – “wearing out of joint”

  10. Diseases of the Joints Rheumatoid arthritis Autoimmune disorder affecting joints and connective tissue of entire body Rheumatoid vs Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis affects working joints Rheumatoid can affect all joints Gout Metabolic error in breakdown of certain protein foods

  11. Diseases of the Joints Hallux valgus Deformity affecting metatarsophalangeal joint of big toe Also known as bunion Temporomandibular joint syndrome Severe headaches and pain in jaw

  12. Diseases of Muscle and Connective Tissue Muscular dystrophy (MD) Inherited, genetic disorder affecting skeletal muscles Ganglion cyst Fluid-filled benign tumor on tendon sheath near wrist Tetanus Also known as lockjaw

  13. Neoplasms Primary neoplasms of musculoskeletal system uncommon Typically secondary, metastasizing from lungs, breast, and prostate

  14. Neoplasms Osteosarcoma Most common primary tumor of bone Rhabdomyosarcoma Very rare, highly malignant tumor of skeletal muscle

  15. Trauma Main cause of problems in musculoskeletal system Fractures Break in bone Types: Stress – Pathologic Open (compound) – Closed (simple) Complete – incomplete – greenstick Displaced – comminuted – compression Impacted – avulsion Longitudinal, transverse, oblique, spiral, and stellate

  16. Trauma Fractures Types: (continued) Intracapsular – extracapsular Intertrochanteric – femoral neck – subcapital Colles’ Pott’s

  17. Treatment of Fractures Immobilization Closed reduction Open reduction Traction

  18. Strains and Sprains Strain Overstretching injury of muscle Treatment: Rest Moist heat Analgesics Anti-inflammatories

  19. Strains and Sprains Sprain Traumatic injury to joint Treatment (RICE): Rest Ice Compression Elevation

  20. Dislocations and Subluxations Dislocation Complete separation of bone from normal position Causes pain and joint deformity Subluxation Partial separation of bone from normal position

  21. Dislocation and Subluxation

  22. Low Back Pain Very common disorder May be acute or chronic Treatment: Moist heat Analgesics Anti-inflammatories Muscle relaxants

  23. Herniated Nucleus Pulposus Herniated disk, ruptured disk, slipped disk, or bulging disk Pressure on spinal nerve may cause pain in sciatic nerve Treatment same as low back pain

  24. Bursitis Inflammation of bursae or small fluid-filled sac near joints Bursae help reduce friction during movement Symptoms: Severe pain Limits motion

  25. Bursitis Treatment: Moist heat Analgesics Anti-inflammatory agents

  26. Tendonitis Inflammation of tendon or connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone May occur in any tendon

  27. Tendonitis Treatment: Ice Analgesics Anti-inflammatories Exercises Surgery

  28. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Repetitive motion injury affecting hands Affects individuals working at repetitive tasks requiring finger and wrist motions

  29. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment: Rest Splint Anti-inflammatories Physical therapy Surgery

  30. Plantar Fasciitis Also known as calcaneal spur or heel spur Treatment: Rest Ice Analgesics Anti-inflammatories

  31. Plantar Fasciitis

  32. Shoulder and Knee Disorders Torn rotator cuff Muscles that hold head of humerus in shoulder socket area Torn meniscus Attached to top of tibia and provides cushion for distal femur Cruciate ligament tears Located inside knee joint Two ligaments cross to stabilize knee

  33. Shin Splints Overuse injury to periosteum and extensor muscles of lower leg Occur routinely with sudden increase in activity or new exercise routine

  34. Shin Splints Treatment: Rest Analgesics Anti-inflammatories Heat Ice

  35. Rare Diseases de Quervain’s Tendonitis affecting thumb Tuberculosis of bone Develops in tissue cavities; causes bone weakness and pain Paget’s disease Chronic metabolic bone disease affecting bone formation Myasthenia gravis Autoimmune disorder characterized by muscle weakness and fatigue

  36. Effects of Aging Decreased bone density Decreased muscle strength and mass Changed vertebral disks and compression of vertebrae Results in changes in height and spine curvature

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