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Phases of World War II First Phase - At first Canadians didn’t want to go to war.

Phases of World War II First Phase - At first Canadians didn’t want to go to war. Prime Minister McKenzie King didn’t commit the Canadian Army. Instead sent equipment and and food – very few military

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Phases of World War II First Phase - At first Canadians didn’t want to go to war.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Phases of World War II First Phase - At first Canadians didn’t want to go to war. Prime Minister McKenzie King didn’t commit the Canadian Army. Instead sent equipment and and food – very few military 1940 Bliztkrieg – Lightning War - Hitler kept promise to the people and got back land lost by Treaty of Versailles. Without warning attacked Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg. Had most powerful army in Europe.

  2. Canadians realized Hitler wasn’t going to stop until he controlled all of Europe including Britain. Canadians didn’t and don’t believe in dictatorships or fascism. Hitler in Paris http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_22BId61KAc

  3. Phase 2 – Not going well for the Allies Germany attacks its Axis partner the Soviet Union The Fall of Hong Kong 1975 Canadian Soldiers were sent to defend Hong Kong – 1685 became POWs Defeated at Dieppe disaster 900 killed 1900 POWs Japan attacks Pearl Harbour and the US enters the World War II US Battle of Midway destroys Japan’s navy and airforce…. The course of war starts to change.

  4. Hour of Darkness http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3qj8f_ww2-hongkong-1941-part-1_shortfilms Savage Christmas http://gamma.onf.ca/film/Savage_Christmas_Hong_Kong_1941/

  5. Phase 3 – Balance shifts to the Allies From 1943 onward Allies on offensive on all fronts. US pushes Japan back Soviet Army pushes Germany back Allies bomb Germany Canadians fight in Italy

  6. Eastern Front http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2d4MTVmSdQ Eastern front German Propaganda http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hgw4xHr1Za0

  7. Final Phase Allies invade Europe - D-Day Germany fighting on two fronts Western Front- Europe and Eastern Front with Soviet Union Canadians and Allies liberate the Netherlands War ends May 8 1945

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