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Objectives. Explain how opposition to the war caused problems for both sides. Identify the reasons that both sides passed draft laws. Describe the economic hardships the war caused in the North and South. Describe the contributions of women to the war efforts. Key Terms.

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  1. Objectives • Explain how opposition to the war caused problems for both sides. • Identify the reasons that both sides passed draft laws. • Describe the economic hardships the war caused in the North and South. • Describe the contributions of women to the war efforts.

  2. Key Terms • Habeas corpus - Constitutional protection against unlawful imprisonment • Draft- A system of required military service • Income tax - Tax on the money people receive • Inflation - A general rise in prices

  3. How did the war affect people and politics in the North and South? • The war caused political divisions in both the North and South • Changed the lives of civilians and soldiers • People hope to cope with the pains of war

  4. Opposition in the South • South divisions were strongest in Georgia & North Carolina

  5. Opposition in the South Many peace protests in North Carolina States’ right created more division

  6. Opposition in the North • In the North some people opposed the Emancipation Proclamation • Others blamed Lincoln for forcing the South into a war

  7. Copperheads

  8. Dealing with Disruptions • Disrupting the war effort by desertion • Some northerners helped confederate prisoners escape

  9. Dealing with Disruptions In the South peace groups worked against the confederacy

  10. Dealing with Disruptions • Lincoln & Davis suspended habeas corpus in some places • North imprisoned some 13,000 people-jailed without a trial

  11. The Draft Laws • Why did many men desert on a temporary basis? They were farmers who tended their fields, went home, then returned • Desertion was a big problem for both sides at times • 1/3 to ½ of the army was away from the unit without permission

  12. The Draft Laws • Each side established a draft • 1862 Confederacy – White men age 18 to 35 to serve for 3 years Age range changed to 17 to 50 • 1863 North- soldiers age 20 to 45

  13. Exceptions to Draft • Wealthy people were easily excused • Both sides allowed hired substitutes to serve • Northerners could pay $300/ about a year’s pay to the government

  14. Exceptions to Draft • Poor man’s fight • Riots erupted in July 1863 • New York riot –mobs of factory workers rioted for several days attacking African Americans and wealthy white men

  15. New York Draft Riots

  16. New York Draft Riots

  17. New York Draft Riots

  18. New York Draft Riots

  19. The War and Economic Strains • How did the shortage of goods cause people to behave? They stole, looted, and pleaded for help. • Northern industry boomed • Plenty of jobs needed but draft took workers away

  20. The War and Economic Strains • Aug 1861, Congress levied 1st income tax

  21. The War and Economic Strains • Union printed first federal currency causing inflation • Prices in the North during the war rose 80%

  22. The War and Economic Strains • Blockades in the South prevented them from selling cotton overseas • Food production fell as armies destroyed farmland and crops

  23. Women in the Civil War • 400 women disguised themselves to serve

  24. Women in the Civil War • Some were spies, worked dangerous jobs • Worked in factories, government jobs, and teachers • Took over farms, plantations, and businesses when the men were away

  25. Women in the Civil War • Many worked as nurses like Elizabeth Blackwell, Clara Barton • Barton helped to set up the American branch of the Red Cross

  26. Women in the Civil War Dorthea Dix Harriet Tubman

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