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EXPOSITORY WRITING. HSPA & SAT Ms. Amorin. What is EXPOSITORY WRITING ?. Writing that “explains” a topic/ theme which proves a point (thesis*) The writer should use outside connections to explain topic Connections include: Text to text
What is EXPOSITORY WRITING? • Writing that “explains” a topic/ theme which proves a point (thesis*) • The writer should use outside connections to explain topic • Connections include: • Text to text • Text to world (history, current events, society) • Text to film • Text to self • Etc……………
How long is an Expository Essay? • FOUR- FIVE Paragraph essay
How much time are students given to complete the Expository Essay? • HSPA= 30 minutes • SAT= 25 minutes • Five minutes should be spent “pre-writing” and the rest of the time should be spent writing the essay (then revising)
FORMAT for Writing an Expository Essay • 4-5 paragraph essay • Introduction • Body Paragraphs • Body #1 • Body #2 • and/or Body #3 • Conclusion
INTRODUCTION • 1.) Hook- • Bold opening sentence • Rhetorical question? • Interesting statement or scenario in relation to topic • Metaphor/ Simile • 2.) Explain topic/ theme from writing prompt> (see chart) • 3.) THESIS* (last sentence of introduction that proves main point of paper (support/ oppose topic; general sentence)
Examples of “Hooks” in Introduction • Theme: Choices/ life decisions • Bold opening sentence- Very often people are faced with difficult life decisions in which the outcome may affect their future for better or worse, therefore it is very important to make the right decision. • Rhetorical question- When faced with a difficult decision, is it always best to do what others think is right? • Scenario- When one reaches a fork in the road, the decision of going right or left can make a big difference in their destiny. If one goes right, they may encounter obstacles, but if one goes left, they may have a smooth ride to their final destination. Therefore, one must carefully think about what may happen on the route along the way. • Metaphor/ Simile-Decisions are fruits of life that can end up being sour or wonderful.
BODY Paragraphs • First, think of possibleconnectionsto write about (pre-writing) • Connectionsinclude: • Literature* • History* • Society/ World news* • Current Events • Science • Movies • Self
BODY Paragraphs-Connections • Draw connections to outside sources to prove point in relation to topic given. • Outside connections will also support the THESIS. • NOTE: Students can use the same ‘type’ of connection for each body paragraph or have a different connections for each separate paragraph. • Ex.) Body 1, 2, 3 = All literature connections • Or • Ex.) Body 1, 2, 3 = Literature, history, society (varied)
FORMAT for BODY Paragraphs • 1.) Introduceevent- give background info. (name, time period if possible, location) • 2.) Briefly explain the connection/event in own words (keep topic/ thesis in mind) • 3.) Close each body paragraph by reflecting how the connection proves the idea of the topic and THESIS
MODEL* Body Paragraph In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, taking place in Salem, Massachusetts in the 1600s, the protagonist, John Proctor, is presented with the choice of doing what he wants to do or what he ought to do. At one point in the play, John Proctor is brought to court to prove his wife’s and his friends’ innocence. To maintain his good reputation, Proctor should have not confessed to lechery so that he would not stain his name to the public. However, he followed his heart and chose to do what he wanted to do. Proctor admits to lechery in court hoping to have proven that the accusers are giving a false testimony. By choosing what he “wanted to do” over what he “ought to have done”, he made the attempt to spare his wife and friends while sacrificing his own life. Therefore, this character proved himself to be a noble man who tried to help others as a result of doing what he truly felt was right.
CONCLUSION* • Wrap up main points (connections) from body paragraphs • Re-state thesis (in different words from introduction) • Re-state topic and position (in different words from introduction) • End with a strong closing statement
NOTE: • Avoid “I” and “you” in writing • Include transitional phrases • Pre-write so that ideas in paper are better organized and make sense • Revise and edit!
Write a strong Expository Essay! Good Luck! Fortune Favors the Bold. CHS motto