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Digitální učební materiál

Digitální učební materiál. Kladno. Kladno is the largest city of the Central Bohemian Region . Location: close to Prague, the capital of The Czech R epublic Area: 36,97 km² Population: 68 551 inhabitants Density: 1,897 / km 2. Obr. 1. History.

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  1. Digitální učební materiál

  2. Kladno • Kladno isthe largest city of the Central Bohemian Region. • Location: close to Prague, the capital of The Czech Republic • Area: 36,97 km² • Population: 68 551 inhabitants • Density: 1,897 / km2 Obr. 1.

  3. History • The first written evidence of Kladno dates back to the 14th century. • There was only a small village which was owned by the family Kladensti of Kladnoatthat time. • In 1543, the lords Zdarsti of Zdar took over the possession of Kladno and the village was promoted a townlet, which gave Kladno a privilege to use its own coat of arms. Obr. 2.

  4. Industry • Poldi steel factory, the region's largest employer. The factory still stands but has been divided into smaller entities after privatization and there have been changes in ownership. • The mining industry began here in 1842, nowadays all the mines are closed. • A series of Western European companies has established production in Kladno, including Quickstep Laminate Floors, Dr. Oetker, NKT Cables and Lego.

  5. Placesofinterest : • Town Hall on Mayor Pavel Square • Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary • Virgin Mary Statuary • Chateau in Zadusni Street • St. Florian‘s Chapel • Fountain and the statue of St. Jan Nepomucky • The Building of the Archdeanery

  6. General information • The city is part of the Prague metropolitan area. • Itisthe 13th largest city in the Czech Republic. • TheMayor of the town is Dan Jiránek. • Kladno has 6 town‘s districts ( Rozdělov, Kročehlavy, Švermov, Dubí, Ostrovec, Vrapice). • There are 10 primaryschools, 4 secondaryscools and 4 Universities. Obr. 3.

  7. Now it‘s your turn :-) What to say when you areasked about YOUR TOWN

  8. MY TOWN • Location • Area • Population • Other general information • Places of interest • Facilities ( school, shop, medical centre, church, restaurant, train station, bus station etc.)

  9. Použité zdroje: • Kladno. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): WikimediaFoundation, 2001- [cit. 2013-10-15]. Dostupné z: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kladno Obrazový materiál • Obr. 1. - [cit. 2013-10-15]. Dostupný pod licencí Public domain na www: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kladno_CZ_Town_Hall_01.jpg • Obr. 2. - [cit. 2013-01-05]. Dostupný pod licencí Public domain na www: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kladno_znak_mesta.jpg • Obr. 3. - MIAOW MIAOW. [cit. 2013-10-15]. Dostupný pod licencí WikimediaCommons na www : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kladno_CZ_CSA_Street_towards_W_192.jpg

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