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HAYS GLOBAL SKILLS INDEX COMMS UPDATE. February 2013. PRESS COVERAGE : Newswires and Global. Bloomberg: Hays Global Index finds U.S., Germany lacks skilled labor Bloomberg: Hays CEO says world economy feels fragile, no visibility ahead

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  2. PRESS COVERAGE : Newswires and Global • Bloomberg: Hays Global Index finds U.S., Germany lacks skilled labor • Bloomberg: Hays CEO says world economy feels fragile, no visibility ahead • Thomson Reuters: Skills – an international crisis: Countries’ skill shortages are getting deeper and spreading to new levels in organisations • Workpermit.com: UK lobbyist says hiring immigrant workers to plug skills gaps is 'lazy‘ • Workpermit.com: Report calls for targeted immigration to combat global skills shortages • Workpermit.com: Australia and New Zealand labour market report from Hays

  3. PRESS COVERAGE: APAC Australia, Sky News: Australian labour market needs boost Australia, Herald Sun: Australian labour market needs boost: recruiters Australia, Australian Associated Press: Australian labour market needs boost Australia, The Age: Australian labour market needs boost Australia, Visa Bureau: Global recruiter: Australia needs skilled workers New Zealand, PA: Chronic skills shortages despite high unemployment New Zealand, Voxy: Chronic skills shortages despite high unemployment New Zealand, NZ City: NZ wage disparity tops global index New Zealand, NZ News: NZ has worst wage disparity – report New Zealand, Yahoo! News: NZ wage disparity tops global index China, China Daily: Report: More flexibility needed in labour market Japan, Sys-Con: Chronic Global Skills Shortages Despite High Unemployment Japan, IT News: Strong Talent Mismatch Intensifies Skills Shortage Japan, Finanzen100: Strong Talent Mismatch Intensifies Skills Shortage

  4. PRESS COVERAGE: APAC Sky News– 13 November 2012 The Age – 13th November 2012 Herald Sun – 13 November 2012 Voxy – 13 November 2012 China Daily – 20 December 2012 Yahoo! New – 13 November 2012

  5. Belgium: Belgium are looking to target specific publications to launch the Hays Global Skills Index within the media such as: Références, Vacature, Jobat, HR magazine and HR update. Brazil: Pitched an exclusive story to EXAME Magazine. This due to appear in print in February. Czech Republic: The Index was presented to 60 VIP clients at the Christmas party. France: A press conference was held on Tuesday 11 December. Alan Thomson gave an overview of why we commissioned the report, background information on Oxford Economics and an overview of the report. Fabien Stut then presented the report and specifically the findings for France and Europe. Hungary: Alarge event is planned in February with Mark Brunning that will showcase the Hays Global Skills Index to local press contacts. Mexico: Selected one on one business and media meetings with release distribution Netherlands: De Telegraaf attended the launch event in London. An event was also held in the Netherlands at Recruiters United in January 2013. Poland: Distributed copies at an HR Breakfast Portugal and Spain: Hard copies/ press release to be sent round to main national newspapers and TV stations. Russia: Russia held exclusive interviews with top-three publications (Vedomosti, Kommersant, RBC) with Mark Brunning on the 12th December MEDIA LAUNCH: CEROW

  6. PRESS COVERAGE: CERoW Colombia, Colombia Politics: Colombia´s unemployment – education reform required France, Agence Education Emploi Formation:Des taux de chômage élevés et chroniques n’empêchent pas l’existence de pénuries de compétences France, Emploi-pro, Malgré le chômage: la France manque de compétences élevées France, Les Echos: Hays recherche ingénieurs expérimentés, actuaires et consoliduers France, Le Mag IT: le problème du décalage entre l’offre et la demande persiste France, Courrier Cadres: Emploi: tendances du marché dans les 27 économies développées et émergentes France, Le Figaro Economie: les secteurs qui résisteront en 2013 France, Focus RH: Hays lance son Index Mondial des Compétences France, Monster: Le cabinet Hays lance le premier Index Mondial des Compétences France, Channelnews.fr: Emploi IT: le problème du décalage entre l’offre et la demande persiste Hungary, Világgazdaság Online: Alulképzett munkaerőben világelsők között vagyunk Hungary, Profession: Világelsők között vagyunk az alulképzett munkaerővel

  7. PRESS COVERAGE: CERoW Hungary, HVG.hu: Alulképzett munkaerő: a világelsők között Magyarország Hungary, Jobline.hu: Hiány van a szakképzett dolgozókból Hungary, HRPortal.hu: A bérkülönbségek Magyarországon nőnek a leggyorsabban Hungary, Piac és Profit: Hogy lehet egyszerre munkanélküliség és szakemberhiány? Hungary, Ügyvezetõ.hu: Hogy lehet egyszerre munkanélküliség és szakemberhiány? Hungary, HumanPolitika: Alulképzett munkaerőben világelsők között vagyunk Italy, National Economic News: AAA professionisti specializzati cercasi Italy, Economic New Magazine: I Paradossi del lavoro Italy, AdnKronos Labitalia: Hays, sul mercato mondiale mancano professionisti specializzati Italy, Catania Oggi: Hays, sul mercato mondiale mancano professionisti specializzati Italy, Libero 24x7: Hays, sul mercato mondiale mancano professionisti specializzati Italy, Quotidiano.net: Hays, sul mercato mondiale mancano professionisti specializzati Italy, Radio Venonica One Online: Hays, sul mercato mondiale mancano professionisti specializzati

  8. Italy, Sassari Notizie: Hays, sul mercato mondiale mancano professionisti specializzati Italy, Wall Street Italia: Hays, sul mercato mondiale mancano professionisti specializzati Italy, Yahoo! Notizie: Hays, sul mercato mondiale mancano professionisti specializzati Italy, Yahoo! Finanza: Hays, sul mercato mondiale mancano professionisti specializzati Italy, Affari Italiani: Cresce la disoccupazione nel mondo. Ma calano i professionisti specialzzati Italy, Soldi People: I professionisti specializzati non rispondono all’appello Italy, Tribuna Economica: Sul mercato mancano professionisti altaments specializzati Netherlands, De Telegraaf: Veel vacatures onvervulbaar Netherlands, BG Magazine: Wereldwijd chronisch tekort aan hoogopgeleiden ondanks hoge werkloosheid Netherlands, AutomatiseringGids: Hoge loondruk in hightech-sector Netherlands, HR Praktijk: Weredwijd chronisch tekort aan hoogopgeleiden Netherlands, Recruitment Matters: Hays Global Skills Index, over 5 jaar waardevol Russia, The Moscow Times: Russia’s education system and labour market demands PRESS COVERAGE: CERoW

  9. PRESS COVERAGE: CERoW VG.hu - 13 November 2012 Quotidiano.net - 6 December 2012 Les Echos - 17 December 2012 AutomatiseringGids – 13 November 2012 Piac és Profit– 16 December 2012 The Moscow Times - 21 December 2012

  10. PRESS COVERAGE: NORTH AMERICA Canada, Business News Network, The Business News – Part One, November 28, 2012, 12:00 p.m.: Discusses Hays Canada’s Global Labour Market Index news release. Canada, Calgary Herald: 30% of Canadian businesses face a labour shortage Canada, The Globe and Mail: Upgrading your skills? Better read this first Canada, Canadian HR Reporter: Canada well-positioned to resolve skills shortages challenge Canada, BNN: The Business News

  11. PRESS COVERAGE: NORTH AMERICA HR Reporter – 29 November 2012 Calgary Herald - 3 December 2012 The Globe and Mail - 3 December 2012

  12. The Global Skills Index was launched in London on 12th November 2012. Alistair Cox delivered key messages from the report The Global Skills Index was promoted through the HR business nationally There is Hays sponsored CPO conference in London on March 6th, with Nigel Heap presenting our findings from the Hays Global Skills Index. Nigel will be in good company with other presentations by CPOs from organisations such as Astra Zeneca, Fujitsu, Marks & Spencer and Cap Gemini amongst others and this is the first time we have been involved in a conference of this nature with CPOs from over a 100 leading UK and global organisations. EVENTS: UK & I

  13. PRESS COVERAGE: UK & I • UK, Financial Times: Where have all the skills gone? • UK, Recruiter: World’s labour forces ‘deeply worrying’, says Hays’ Cox • UK, Recruiter: Hays report proposes plan to combat skills issues • UK, City A.M.: Open borders to help solve skills shortage • UK, The Daily Telegraph: Chronic skills gaps driving up wages, Hays claims • HR Magazine: Chronic skills shortages despite high unemployment • UK, The Daily Telegraph: Pay forces higher despite jobs crisis • UK, Human Resources Magazine: Addressing the skills gap in workforces today • UK, Relocate: Unemployment remains high despite global skills shortage • UK, Yahoo!: Chronic skills gaps driving up wages, Hays claims • UK, PR Web: Hays report/chronic skills shortages despite high unemployment • UK, Pay & Benefits: Skills shortages lead to wage spikes • UK, Financial Times: Job preservation key in UK downturn • UK, Procurement Leaders, Watch out for pressure on skills • Ireland, The Irish Examiner: Difficult for skilled Irish workers to find jobs

  14. PRESS COVERAGE: UK & I Recruiter - 12 November 2012 Daily Telegraph - 13 November 2012 HR Magazine - 12 November 2012 Financial Times - 28 November 2012 PR Web - 14 November 2012 City A.M. 13 November 2012

  15. Visits to the page turner of Hays Global Skills Index • Highlights: • The number of visits the report has received is 8,987. 7,706 of these were unique. • The bounce rate is low; only 5.94% didn’t continue on to another page. • The high pages per visits figure (8.26) implies that there were many visitors that looked at pages more than once. • The average visit duration is 3 minutes 25 seconds.

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