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Network of woman physiologists in Japan –it’s an experience!-

Gender Equality Symposium, IUPS2009, 090730, Kyoto. Network of woman physiologists in Japan –it’s an experience!-. Kazue Mizumura Res. Inst. Environ. Med., Nagoya Univ., Japan Chairperson of the Committee for Gender Equality, Physiological Society of Japan

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Network of woman physiologists in Japan –it’s an experience!-

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  1. Gender Equality Symposium, IUPS2009, 090730, Kyoto Network of woman physiologists in Japan –it’s an experience!- Kazue Mizumura Res. Inst. Environ. Med., Nagoya Univ., Japan Chairperson of the Committee for Gender Equality, Physiological Society of Japan One-time representative of the Women in Physiology of Japan

  2. Importance and necessity of network of women * Absolute number of women physiologists is low (only c.a. 13 % in Physiological Society of Japan (PSJ) ・often isolated in a research place (e.g. only one woman in a lab or even in a faculty) ・no role model ・no person nearby to consult with *isolation from information about grant, position etc.   ・restriction of social activity after 5 p.m. because of housework and childcare   ・(lower) position having little opportunity to get information

  3. Start of the ‘Women in Physiology of Japan (WPJ)’ Date:March, 1995 Founders:M.Hanba, Y. Sugawara, K.Onodera Number of members at the time of start: 22 Purpose 1. Contribute to cultivation of mutual friendship among women physiologists, improvement of research environment, and development of physiology 2. Create a network for discussion and exchanging information

  4. Various activities of ‘Women in Physiology of Japan (WPJ)’(present representative: Junko Kimura) • Publishes newsletters (2 issues/year) • Organizes gathering of women physiologists (lecture meeting and social)(1/year) • Opens its own website • Organizes Workshops on research and education techniques,and others(not regular) • Questionnaire survey on members’ research environment • Provided information (sometime help) to operate day nursery during annual meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan

  5. Only 4 pages Contents of Newsletter *News on women researchers *OPINION by leading scientists or senior members *Research history and career of WPJ members *letters from WPJ members

  6. WPJ Newsletter The latest issue (No.28)15 pages!

  7. Composition of the newsletter • Journeys in research--- showing role models, records of women physiologists • Letters from WPJ members---topics in everyday life that are familiar to everybody, proposal of issues to be handled • Featured articles:---problems on the term limited positions, system of husband and wife retaining separate family names, research environment, skill improvement courses • Opinions---- social roles of researchers, sex difference in the brain, etc. Opinions of male researchers included

  8. Gatherings of WPJ • Lecture meeting  *to understand the paths of senior women researchers  *to know role models  *to understand recent progresses in research ・Social  *to make new friends, acquaintance *to meet old friends  *to get information

  9. Some lecture titles • Central mechanicm of regulating gonadotropin release F. Kimura (Yokohama City Univ.) • Central Nervous Mechanisms in Revelation and Control in Voluntary MovementsH. Genba (Kansai Med. Univ.) ・ On the trasmitter, glutamate K. Onodera (Tokyo Univ.) ・ Plasticity of nociceptive synapses M. Hamba (Tokyo Med.Dent.Univ) ・ Roles of nerve terminal proteins regulating transmitter release S. Mochida (Tokyo Med. Univ.) ・ Mechanics and energetics of heart M.Takaki(Nara Pref. Med.) ・ 21st century made by women and men-More women should be in decision making positions in politics R. Akamatsu (one-time Ministry of Education) ・ Feedback control mechanism in synaptic transmission T. Shosaku (Kanazawa Univ.) ・ Utilization of women and mentoring system in IBM Y. Watanabe (Japan I.B.M.)

  10. Website of WPJhttp://square.umin.ac.jp/wpj/(linked with the website of the Physiolgocial Society of Japan)

  11. Workshop (2 days) Self-introduction (introduction of one’s research) Research topics (including speakers from outside of WPJ) Discussion on special theme (overnight?!)  1.How to get grant (s)  2.How to survive a term-limited position  3.What do you expect the committee for gender equality, PSJ, and WPJ?

  12. Characteristics of WPJ management • E-mail is the main communication tool. Even members of secretariat meet each other only once a year when its meeting is held during annual meeting of PSJ---Can be run with small budget (annual member fee is only 2000 yen! ) ・Ask as many members as possible to work as a member of secretariat----raise the sense of belonging to the WPJ

  13. Roles that WPJ playedand plays • To offer opportunities for women to get acquainted each other and exchange information on child rearing, going abroad with children, proposals for collaboration— Going to the meetings of PSJ has become fun !!! • To function as a mentor • To presentrole models • Proposalto establish the committee for Equal opportunity for women physiologists, PSJ, and help it to operate its different projects

  14. Establishment of the Committee for Gender Equality, PSJ, in 2002 ・ To expand the network of women to broader population (non-WPJ members) and promote gender eqaulity– -Authorization is necessary • To reflect the opinion of women researchers to PSJ • To strengthen working on men researchers, and to understand their opinion • the head office of the PSJ felt strongly about promoting Gender Equality—Supported the activities of WPJ in many aspects

  15. Activities of the Committee for Gender Equality, PSJ • Supporting the day nursery during the annual meeting • the adviser system (for preparing it, a lecture meeting was held in collaboration with WPJ) ・ Hold symposiums on Gender equality during the annual meeting of PSJ

  16. PSJ Committee for Gender Equality WPJ Collaboration with other networks for promoting Gender Equality Proposals to related government sections and agents Japan Inter-Society Liaison Association Committee for Promoting Equal Participation of Men and Women in Science and Engineering (established in 2002) (EPMEWSE) Science Societies 39 1 38 2

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