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DEFINITION OF TRANSLATION PROCESS OF TRANSLATING. DEFINITION AND PROCESS. DEFINITION Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). (Catford, 1965)

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  2. DEFINITION AND PROCESS DEFINITION Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). (Catford, 1965) Translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. (Newmark, 1988: 5)

  3. DEFINITION AND PROCESS Translation is studying the lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation, and cultural context of the source language text, analyzing it in order to determine its meaning, and then reconstructing this same meaning using lexicon and grammatical structure which are appropriate in the receptor language and its cultural context.(Larson, 1984: 3)


  5. DEFINITION AND PROCESS MAIN PURPOSES OF ANALYZING Understanding what it is about (by reading) Learning the readership (age, education, gender) Learning the stylistic scale (degree of language)

  6. DEFINITION AND PROCESS Stylistic Scale (Degree of Formality) Official Formal Neutral Informal Colloquialism Slang Taboo (Newmark, 1988)

  7. You can’t feed your face here Please don’t eat hereThe consumption of any nutriment is categorically prohibited in this establishmentLay off the nosh You are requested not to consume food in this establishmentLay off the fucking noshEating is not allowed here

  8. DEFINITION AND PROCESS Official The consumption of any nutriment is categorically prohibited in this establishment Formal You are requested not to consume food in this establishment Neutral Eating is not allowed here

  9. DEFINITION AND PROCESS Informal Please don’t eat here Colloquialism You can’t feed your face here Slang Lay off the nosh Taboo Lay off the fucking nosh

  10. DEFINITION AND PROCESS STYLISTIC SCALE and TRANSLATION Degree of Formality source language (original text) target language (translation text) Official Formal Neutral Informal Colloquialism Slang Taboo Official Formal Neutral Informal Colloquialism Slang Taboo

  11. DEFINITION AND PROCESS THE APPROACHES TO ANALYZING (how do we start translating) (Newmark, 1988: 21) You start translating sentence by sentence, for say the first paragraph or chapter, to get the feel and the tone of the text, and then you deliberately sit back, review the position, and read the rest of the SL text. (when you trust your intuition) You read the whole text two or three times, and find the intention, register, tone, mark the difficult words and passages and start translating only when you have taken your bearings. (when you trust your power of analysis)

  12. DEFINITION AND PROCESS Time Management ANALYZING DRAFTING REVISING FINALIZING 10 PERCENT 40 PERCENTS 40 PERCENTS 10 PERCENT Understanding & identifying general reproduction accuracy naturalness


  14. METAPHOR and SIMILE DEFINITION A figure of speech used to replace normal or literal language in order help others understand or enjoy the message. --- The substitution of one idea or object with another ---

  15. METAPHOR and SIMILE KINDS OF METAPHOR Dead Metaphor Living Metaphor

  16. METAPHOR and SIMILE Dead Metaphor A metaphor which has lost its poetic meaning and not considered as figurative language any longer due to its frequent use examples: economic wheel – giant step - etc Living Metaphor Considered as figurative language and still contains poetic meaning ex: An angry sky - You are a rose among thorns - etc.

  17. METAPHOR and SIMILE STRATEGIES TO TRANSLATE METAPHOR • Translation of metaphor by reproducing the same image • Translation of metaphor by replacing the image in SL with a standard image in TL • Translation of metaphor or simile by sense • Translation of metaphor by metaphor or simile plus sense • Translation of metaphor by simile

  18. METAPHOR and SIMILE 1. TRANSLATION OF METAPHOR BY REPRODUCING THE SAME IMAGE laut cinta langkah raksasa sea of lovegiant step roda perekonomian economic wheel sinar harapan ray of hope

  19. METAPHOR and SIMILE economic growth pertumbuhan ekonomi stony silence angry sky kebisuan yang membatulangit yang marah Omar Mochtar is the lion of the desert Omar Mochtar adalah singa padang pasir King Richard, the lion heart Raja Richard, si hati singa

  20. METAPHOR and SIMILE Tubuh manusia adalah laboratorium hidup Human body is a living laboratory Jakarta adalah jantung Indonesia. Jakarta is the heart of Indonesia Experience is the best teacher. Pengalaman adalah guru terbaik Jerusalem is the city of God. Yerusalem adalah kota Tuhan

  21. METAPHOR and SIMILE 2. TRANSLATION OF METAPHOR BY REPLACING THE IMAGE IN SL WITH THE STANDARD IMAGE IN TL Your car has wings Lari mobilmu seperti setan Mobilmu kencang bagaikan terbang

  22. METAPHOR and SIMILE 3. TRANSLATION OF METAPHOR OR SIMILE BY SENSE Jerussalem is the city of God Yerusalem adalah tempat Tuhan menurunkan sebagian wahyu dan nabiNya. Time has wings. Waktu berlalu begitu cepat

  23. METAPHOR and SIMILE Bagai pungguk merindukan bulan. Dreaming the impossible thing. Dia ular berbisa. He’s very dangerous. The best advice is found on the pillow. Setelah tidur nyenyak semalaman, mungkin kita akan mendapatkan jawaban dari persoalan kita

  24. METAPHOR and SIMILE The pen is mightier than the sword. Tulisan dan kata-kata memiliki pengaruh yang lebih besar dari pada senjata dan perang Stolen fruit is the sweetest. Sesuatu yang dilarang itu sangat menggoda An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Makanan yang sehat menjauhkan kita dari penyakit.

  25. METAPHOR and SIMILE 4. TRANSLATION OF METAPHOR by METAPHOR OR SIMILE PLUS SENSE Jerussalem is the city of God Yerusalem adalah kota Tuhan, karena di tempat inilah Tuhan menurunkan sebagian wahyu dan nabi-Nya. Yerusalem dianggap sebagai tempat yang sangat suci oleh umat Yahudi, Kristen, dan Islam.

  26. METAPHOR and SIMILE Time has wings. Waktu bagai memiliki sayap, berlalu begitu cepat. Dia ular berbisa. He’s a snake. He’s very dangerous

  27. METAPHOR and SIMILE 5. TRANSLATION OF METAPHOR BY SIMILE Time has wings Waktu bagaikan memiliki sayap

  28. METAPHOR and SIMILE S I M I L E Tempat ini seperti kuburan. This place is just like a graveyard Engkau laksana bintang. You are like a star Mohammad Ali, dance like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Mohammad Ali, menari bagai kupu-kupu, menyengat bagai lebah

  29. METAPHOR and SIMILE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN METAPHOR AND SIMILE Metaphor is an equation while Simile is an approximation Metaphor A wire is a road for electrons Simile A good book is like a good meal Cloud is like cotton candy


  31. SHIFT (TRANSPOSITION & MODULATION) S H I F T (TRANSPOSITION & MODULATION) “Transposition is a translation procedure involving a change in the grammar from SL to TL” (Newmark, 1988: 85) “Modulasi melibatkan pergeseran makna karena terjadi perubahan perpektif dan sudut pandang” (Machali, 2000: 69)

  32. SHIFT (TRANSPOSITION & MODULATION) SHIFT 1 (transposition) A shift from singular into plural (plural into singular) bunga-bunga : flowers banyak rumah : many houses tiga mobil : three cars sepasang celana : a pair of trousers

  33. SHIFT (TRANSPOSITION & MODULATION) SHIFT 2-A A structural change that involves word-position in phrase 1 - 2 - 3 3 - 2 - 1 rumah - bercat merah - yang besar big - red - house

  34. SHIFT (TRANSPOSITION & MODULATION) long - dark - hair rambut - hitam pekat - yang panjang splendid ancient electric train kereta api listrik kuno yang sangat bagus (Machali, 2000)

  35. SHIFT (TRANSPOSITION & MODULATION) phrase with adverb 1 – 2 – 3 3 – 1 - 2 highly - recommended - system sistem - yang sangat - direkomendasikan

  36. SHIFT (TRANSPOSITION & MODULATION) Shift 2-B A structural change that involves word-position in sentence Isu tentang HAM sudah kami bahas semenjak lima tahun yang lalu. We have been discussing the issue of human rights since five years ago Buku ini harus kamu baca You must read the book

  37. SHIFT (TRANSPOSITION & MODULATION) Shift 3 a change in part of speech noun + noun noun + noun adverb + verb verb + noun adj + noun verb + adj

  38. SHIFT (TRANSPOSITION & MODULATION) mesin pembunuh killing machine bahan kimia chemical material partai politikpolitical party ...is categorically prohibited. …dikategorikan terlarang.

  39. SHIFT (TRANSPOSITION & MODULATION) in sentence …… for the pursuit of happiness. …untuk meraih/ mengejar kebahagiaan.

  40. SHIFT (TRANSPOSITION & MODULATION) SHIFT 4 from explicit into implicit (implicit into explicit) Pria yang berdiri di sana itu adalah paman saya The man (who is) standing there is my uncle. implicit The man standing there is my uncle

  41. SHIFT (TRANSPOSITION & MODULATION) SHIFT 5 from clause into particular type of phrase (phrase into clause) – (phrase with adjective verb) bayi yang menangis binatang yang berpikir crying babythinking animal burung yang berkicau singing bird Jendral yang senantiasa tersenyum Smiling General

  42. SHIFT (TRANSPOSITION & MODULATION) SHIFT 6 from word into phrase or clause (clause into word) cozy suasana nyaman, hangat, dan akrab incommunicado kondisi terputus komunikasi dengan dunia luar interchangeability kondisi bisa saling dipertukarkan

  43. SHIFT (TRANSPOSITION & MODULATION) SHIFT 7 (modulation) specific meaning general meaning padi : rice gabah : rice beras : rice nasi : rice kakak : brother, sister adik: : brother, sister

  44. SHIFT OR TRANSPOSITIONNAD MODULATION paklek : paman : uncle pakde : paman : uncle assassinate : membunuh murder : membunuh kill : membunuh anggur : grape anggur : wine mendengar : listen mendengar : hear

  45. SHIFT (TRANSPOSITION & MODULATION) SHIFT 8 (modulation) coining a new term for a series of word train : berlatih training : pelatihan trainer : pelatih trainee : peserta pelatihan

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