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Health Conditions Which Associate the Mouth and Body

Here are some periodontal (mouth and body related) health conditions that must be treated as soon as possible in order to reduce the chances of serious illnesses.

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Health Conditions Which Associate the Mouth and Body

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  1. Health Conditions Which Associate the Mouth and Body

  2. Periodontal disease and chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, pregnancy complications and respiratory disease are strongly connected and this has been backed up by numerous research on mouth and body connection. If you gums are significantly inflamed this is a sure case of periodontal disease. Infection below the gum line means there is the presence of disease-causing bacteria in your mouth.

  3. Treating and stopping the progression of periodontal disease and maintaining a good standard of oral hygiene will reduce the risk of having gum disease and bone loss. Treatment and maintenance of good oral health will also reduce the chances of developing other serious illnesses. Health conditions connected to periodontal disease

  4. Diabetes Periodontal disease can increase blood sugar levels which make controlling the amount of glucose in the blood difficult. If you have diabetes, your blood vessels will thicken and your mouth will have a hard time of ridding itself of excess sugar. If you have excess sugar in your mouth and teeth, you will have more oral bacteria and this condition causes gum disease.

  5. Heart Disease There are many theories explaining the link between heart disease and periodontitis. One says that the oral bacteria that causes periodontal disease can attach themselves to the coronary arteries when they enter the bloodstream. This can contribute to both blood clot formation and the narrowing of the coronary arteries, possibly leading to a heart attack.

  6. A second study says that the inflammation caused by periodontal disease causes severe plaque build up. This can then lead to swelling of the arteries and worsening pre-existing heart conditions.

  7. Pregnancy Complications In general, it is the women who are more at risk of developing periodontal disease because of their hormone fluctuations during puberty, pregnancy and menopause. Pregnant women who have periodontal disease are more at risk of preeclampsia and delivering underweight, premature babies.

  8. Respiratory Disease Oral bacteria linked to gum disease can be drawn into the lower respiratory tract during the course of normal inhalation and cause bacterial infections. Inflammation in gum tissue can also lead to severe inflammation in the lining of the lungs, which worsens pneumonia. People who suffer from chronic or persistent respiratory issues generally have low immunity. This means that bacteria can readily settle beneath the gum line unchallenged by the body’s immune system.

  9. Do you have questions or concerns about periodontal disease and the mouth-body connection,? Ask trusted OC Dental Specialist dentist today. Call us at (949) 408-0372 to schedule an appointment and discover how much we care about your overall health and your smile!

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