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Political Changes

Political Changes. How did the War of 1812 change everything?. #1: What is changing/different?. A. B. #2 What is changing/different?. A. B. #3: What is changing/different?. B. A. What was the Era of Good Feelings?.

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Political Changes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Political Changes How did the War of 1812 change everything?

  2. #1: What is changing/different? A B

  3. #2 What is changing/different? A B

  4. #3: What is changing/different? B A

  5. What was the Era of Good Feelings? • From the end of the War of 1812 to the end of James Monroe’s presidency (1824)

  6. Why was it called this? • One party because of the Hartford Convention. No party fighting = good feelings! • Nationalism because of victories over Britain • No more problems with European countries.

  7. What did the government do to help the economy? • New National Bank to solve money problems (inflation = the money did not have value). New bank meant the money will mean something again. • New Tariff (of 1816) to keep British goods out and help American factories grow.

  8. What did this lead to? • Leads to sectionalism • Argument still the same – battles over power • People in the South were against the new plans. • Bank was too powerful! • The tariff helped the North and hurt the South!

  9. The American System • What was the American System? • Who came up with it? • Why didn’t it work? • System to help build the American economy • Road improvements, canal construction, and a higher tariff. • Henry Clay came up with it. • Unpopular in the South because of sectionalism. • Did not need the roads and canals and the tariff hurt them!

  10. How did the Federal (national) government grow in power? Two court cases supported national government: • McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) –the national government had power over the states. • Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) – national government power over all interstate commerce = business! VS

  11. Why was it important? • South unhappy about power of the government. • Push for states’ rights and nullification begins. • Scared of losing slavery  • Led to arguments over slave and free states. SOUTHERNERS

  12. What do you see? What conclusions can you draw from this?

  13. What was the Missouri Compromise? • Missouri wanted to be a slave state. • Led to a big argument over slave states and free states. • Compromise: draw a line across the country dividing slave and free states • Maine = new free state • Missouri = new slave state • Keep free and slave states equal • Sign of problems in the future over slavery in new parts of America

  14. How did Foreign Policy change? • Latin American nations began to get their independence from Spain • Britain and the United States joined together to issue the Monroe Doctrine: • Said that no European nation should try to take land in America anymore • United States Army led by Andrew Jackson invaded Florida to fight Indians. • Forced Spain to give up Florida in the Adams Onis Treaty. • Importance: The U.S. could grow without anymore European interference = get total control of North America! • No more European problems! • Now only had ourselves to fight with (sectionalism)!

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