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Recorder Lesson 1. Mr. Quinn Patrick Henry School. Today’s Lesson Summary. I can perform a simple song from memory on the recorder using the notes B A and G. Standards Addressed. Creative Expression and Communication Students sing, play instruments, improvise, compose, read and notate music
Recorder Lesson 1 Mr. Quinn Patrick Henry School
Today’s Lesson Summary • I can perform a simple song from memory on the recorder using the notes B A and G.
Standards Addressed • Creative Expression and Communication • Students sing, play instruments, improvise, compose, read and notate music • Grades 5-8 • Benchmark A: Perform a piece of music, independently or in a group, with technical accuracy and expression. • Grade 6- 2. Play a variety of instruments, alone and with others, with increasingly complex rhythms and melodic phrases. • Grade 8 - 2 2. Perform accurately, alone and in small and large groups, with good posture producing an appropriate tone quality. • ODE Fine Art Standards located at: http://tinyurl.com/7otmwo6
Background Knowledge • Follow the link below to watch a video summary of our lesson today • www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video...Recorder_Lesson_1
Recorder Notes to Learn • We will learn 3 notes today on the recorder. • B • A • G • We can use the interactive fingering chart to help us learn our notes: http://www.musick8kids.com/html/recorder_training.php
Mystery Song • We are going to play a game of name that tune. I have a series of notes shown below that will play a tune you know. Can you name that tune? • B A G A B B B
Mary Had a Little Lamb • Can you figure out the rest of the song? • B A G A B B B
The Complete Code • B A G A B B B • A A A B B B • B A G A B B B B • A A B A G
Lets review what we learned • Watch our video summary again to review • http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=61128&title=Recorder_Lesson_1