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Remembrance day. Web quest. Click on the link below and answer the questions on your handout. 1 http :// www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/history/other/remember/why 1)Why do we have Remembrance Day ?
Remembrance day Web quest
Click on the link below and answer the questions on your handout. 1http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/history/other/remember/why • 1)Why do we have Remembrance Day ? • Read the first paragraph to find an answer. If you copy it be sure to use quotation marks or put it in your own words.
2) What were Canadian soldiers fighting for ? The answer will be in the fourth paragraph. You can quote from it or put it in your own words. http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/history/other/remember/why
Whom should we remember ? 3)List some wars Canadians participated in 4)Why did Canadians voluntarily sign up to go to war ? http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/history/other/remember/whom The answer should be in the first or second paragraph. • http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/teach_resources/peacefact • Read the bold headings to see the list of 3 big wars Canada participated in. Canada has also been in many peace keeping missions such as Haiti, Bosnia, Afghanistan
5)How do we Remember ? • http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/history/other/remember/how • http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/teach_resources/50ways_remember On your sheet you can answer this from either article or both. You can list 2 or 3 ways to remember or you can give your personal perspective on how you will Remember.
6)What do Poppies stand for and why do we wear them ? • http://www.britains-smallwars.com/Anecdotes/Why%20WearPoppy.html • http://www.warmemorials.net/redpoppy.htm You can put your answer in your own words or get ideas form these sites. One to three sentences should do it.
The Battle of Vimy Ridge • One of the well known battles that Canadian troops participated in was the Battle of Vimy Ridge. On August 4,1914 Britain declared war on Germany and thus began the Great War. During this war 100 000 Canadian troops went to the Battle of Vimy Ridge where they gained world recognition by capturing Vimy Ridge form the French in 1914 and the Canadian troops along with the British were to regain it for France. German forces had built a maze of trenches and tunnels. While the British forces attacked the nearby town of Arras. Canadian troops built the tunnels under the enemy forces and attacked. The tunnels allowed soldiers to get in without being seen and they gave wounded soldiers a way out.Canadian soldiers captured Vimy Ridge but not without loss-of the 100 000 that took part in the battle, 3598 soldiers were killed and 7004 were wounded. • During the next part of this assignment you will be looking at the tunnels and trenches where the Battle of Vimy Ridge took place.
Battle of Vimy Ridge –the tunnels • http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/memorials/ww1mem/vimy/vtour/vtour3 7)What material were they digging through to make the tunnels ?
Tour the tunnels • http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/memorials/ww1mem/vimy • Click the table of contents on the side. Tour the tunnels. • http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/memorials/ww1mem/vimy/vtour/vtour7 • 8)Why is this room called the maple leaf room ?
Take some time exploring the other areas of the tunnels. 9) Write down some thoughts and feelings you get as you think about what it was like forth soldiers working in the tunnels while at war. Make sure you name is on your page, HP format and hand it to your teacher when you are done.