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Outlooks for increase of oil and gas industry  potential

Outlooks for increase of oil and gas industry  potential. Authors: Kuandykov B.M. , Yeskozha B.A. - Association of Petroleum Geologists of Kazakhstan. Almaty , October 04, 2012. KIOGE 2012 Conference. Oil Production- Ranking by Countries ( top 26 countries, as of the end of 2010 ).

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Outlooks for increase of oil and gas industry  potential

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  1. Outlooks for increase of oil and gas industry potential Authors: Kuandykov B.M. , Yeskozha B.A. - Association of Petroleum Geologists of Kazakhstan Almaty, October 04, 2012 KIOGE 2012 Conference

  2. Oil Production- Ranking by Countries(top 26 countries, as of the end of 2010) Million Tons 2020 productionplannedranking: 8 place Kazakhstan ranks 9th by proved reserves of oil, with a 2.9% share of total world reserves and 18th by proved reserves of gas with a 1.0% share of total world reserves.(All figures are at end 2010. Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2011.) Kazakhstan Kazakhstan: 2011 - 80.6 mln tons (1.6 mln bbls/day). Forecast for 2020 - 132 mln tons (2,6 mln bbls/day) 1

  3. Kazakhstan: Oil & Gas Production (1965-2020) 132 FORECAST 92 80.6 Gas, bln m3 Oil, mln tons 59 41 FORECAST 23 19651970 1975 1980 1985 19901995 2000 2005 2011 2020 2

  4. Kazakhstan: Hydrocarbon Reserves Growth 2010 Kazakhstan is currently implementing the first-rate world oil and gas industrial projects:Tengiz, Kashagan, Karachaganak 2000 5.3 Bln. t (more than 38 blnbarr.)*** 3.4 Bln. t (25 blnbarr.)** The total forecast recoverable hydrocarbon resources  - 17 bln tons, of which 8 bln tons fall on the the  Caspian Sea shelf* (2009) Ranks 9th  in the world by its proved oil reserves ** (as of the end of 2010) Ranks 18th in the world by its proved gas reserves ** (as of the end of 2010) Recoverable Oil Reserves 2010 2000 3.3 trln. cub. м*** 1.8 trln. cub. м** Excluding new fields discovered in the Caspian Sea shelf.* Including new fields discovered in the Caspian Sea shelf.* Recoverable Gas Reserves Sources *Governmental Program on development of oil and gas sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010-2014; ** BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2011 www.bp.com; *** Interview of the Kazakh Minister of oil and gas to the magazine“Oil and Gas of Kazakhstan”, Dec, 2011. 3

  5. Sedimentary Basins of Kazakhstan 4

  6. Pre-Caspian Basin 5

  7. Development of Export Infrastruxture 6

  8. Lower Permian salt and shale top seal Devonian-Carboniferous carbonate bioherm reservoirs Devonian-Carboniferous SR charge Some Major fields of Kazakhstan: Kashagan 7

  9. Karachaganak Estimated S T OLI P 1,1 Billion. tonns Oil 1,4 T rln. m Gas 3 Some Major fields of Kazakhstan: Karachaganak 8

  10. The Example of Deeply Buried Reef Bodies in the Precaspian Basin: 9

  11. Model of Traps –Reservoirs and Types of Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Post-salt Sequence Precaspian Basin 10

  12. Geological Section Across the Caspian Sea 11

  13. Map of offshore blocks in the Kazakhstan part of Caspian Sea CaspianSea 12

  14. Chu – Sarysu Basin Geological Geophysical Cross-Section 13

  15. Syr-Dariya Basin Geological Geophysical Cross-Section 14

  16. CONCLUSION • Main activities for further geological exploration in the Republic of Kazakhstan: • Exploration for deep-seated intra-basinal carbonate platforms (up to 7 km and more) in the Precaspian basin, subthrust structures in the edge zones and suture areas of heterochronous platforms, areas of Devonian large arched uplifts; • Investigation of areas adjacent to major and unique fields Tengiz, Kashagan and Karachaganak with the aim to discover their so -called “satellites”; • Prospecting for new oil-bearing fields in the post-salt sequence, particularly in the interdome zones and distant peripheries of salt domes, active study of the intermediate Permian- Triassic sequence and Paleozoic rocks in Ustyurt and Mangyshlak; • Stirring up of geological prospecting in the Paleozoic sequence in the South Torgai basin and Shu-Sarysu depression; • In view of the start of construction of the intra-Kazakhstan gas pipeline Bozoi-Shymkent, prospecting for gas reservoirs will be intensified in the areas of the East Aral, Syr-Darya, Shu-Sarysu basins adjacent to the gas pipeline route; • Planned and detailed studies of nonconventional for us sources of hydrocarbon accumulation such as kirs, bituminous sands will start as well prospecting for hydrocarbons in shale rocks. 15

  17. Thank you for your attention! 16

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