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Caesar de bello Gallico VI. 17-18 noun s-adjectives

Caesar de bello Gallico VI. 17-18 noun s-adjectives. quaest us , -us m . quaest us , -us m . acquisition, gain. mercatura , - ae. mercatura , - ae. commerce, trade; ( f.pl .) goods. opus, operis n . opus, operis n . work (NOT ops, opis power, might

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Caesar de bello Gallico VI. 17-18 noun s-adjectives

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  1. Caesar de belloGallico VI.17-18nouns-adjectives

  2. quaestus, -us m.

  3. quaestus, -us m. acquisition, gain

  4. mercatura, -ae

  5. mercatura, -ae commerce, trade; (f.pl.) goods

  6. opus, operisn.

  7. opus, operisn. work (NOT ops, opispower, might NOR opeswealth, resources)

  8. initium, -ii n.

  9. initium, -ii n. beginning

  10. caelis, -is, -e

  11. caelis, -is, -e heavenly (n.pl. the heavenly bodies)

  12. tumulus -i

  13. tumulus -i mound, swelling; burial mound

  14. quispiam, quaepiam, quippiam

  15. quispiam, quaepiam, quippiam any, anybody

  16. dis, ditism.

  17. dis, ditism. god of the underworld, Father Dis

  18. prognatus, -a, -um

  19. prognatus, -a, -um sprung from

  20. spatium, -ii

  21. spatium, -ii space, extent, distance; interval, (time)period

  22. mensis, mensism.

  23. mensis, mensism. month

  24. liberi, -orumm.pl.

  25. liberi, -orumm.pl. children NOT libertusfreedman

  26. munus, munerisn.

  27. munus, munerisn. task, service, duty; gift

  28. aetas, -tatisf.

  29. aetas, -tatisf. age (NOT aestassummer)

  30. turpis, -is, -e

  31. turpis, -is, -e ugly, foul, nasty

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