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Caesar de bello Gallico I.1- 2 verbs. incolō , incolere , incoluī. incolō , incolere , incoluī. to inhabit, dwell in. commeō , commeāre. commeō , commeāre. to visit frequently. effeminō , effemināre. effeminō , effemināre. to make womanish, to weaken.
incolō, incolere, incoluī to inhabit, dwell in
commeō, commeāre to visit frequently
effeminō, effemināre to make womanish, to weaken
bellō, bellāre, bellāvī, bellātum to wage war
pertineō, pertinēre, pertinuī to relate to, belong to
contineō, continēre, continuī, contentus to hold together, confine, contain
pateō, patēre, patuī to be open, lie open, extend
adficiō, adficere, adfēcī, adfectus to influence, work upon, affect by, treat with
praecedō, praecedere, praecessī to go before, precede; surpass, excel
attingō, attingere, attigī, attactus to touch
vergō, vergere to bend, turn, incline; to lie, be situated
obtineō, obtinēre, obtinuī, obtentus to hold, possess
praestō, praestāre, praestitī, praestitus to excel, be superior to (+ dat.)
oriōr, orīrī, ortus sum to arise, spring from, proceed from
arbitrōr, arbitrārī, arbitratus sum to think, judge
vagōr, vagārī, vagatus sum to wander, roam
potiōr, potīrī, potītus sum to become master of, take possession of, obtain (+abl.)