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Anatomy Final Exam Review

Anatomy Final Exam Review . Anterior . Anterior - front or toward the front of the body. Posterior. Posterior - back or toward the back of the body. Lateral & Medial. Lateral - Further from the midline of the body. The arms are lateral to the spine.

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Anatomy Final Exam Review

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  1. Anatomy Final Exam Review

  2. Anterior • Anterior- front or toward the front of the body

  3. Posterior • Posterior- back or toward the back of the body

  4. Lateral & Medial • Lateral- Further from the midline of the body. The arms are lateral to the spine. • Medial- closer to the midline of the body. The spine is medial to the arms.

  5. Metabolism The sum of all chemical processes that occur in the body.

  6. Catabolism Catabolism provides the energy to sustain life. The breakdown of complex organic molecules into simpler components, accompanied by the release of energy.

  7. Feedback System Receptor- Sensor that is sensitive to a particular stimulus Control center- Receives and processes the info supplied by a receptor and sends out commands to an effector. Effector- Cell or organ that responds to the commands from the control center and effects an activity to enhance or oppose the stimulus.

  8. pH • An acid solution (pH below 7) contains more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions. • A basic solution (pH above 7) contains more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions.

  9. Peptide Bond • A peptide bond is a covalent bond between the amino group of one amino acid and the carboxyl group of another.

  10. CHONPS • Carbon • Hydrogen • Oxygen • Nitrogen • Phosphorus • Sulfur • These elements make up 96% of the bodies mass

  11. Electron • An electron is the part of an atom that participates in a chemical reaction.

  12. Crenation of a red blood cell may occur if it is placed in a hypertonic solution.

  13. Translation begins when a mRNA strand binds to a small ribosomal sub unit.

  14. Translation stops when there is a stop codone.

  15. An isotonic solution has an osmotic pressure equal to the solution to which it is compared.

  16. 4 types of tissue in the body

  17. Epithelial tissue- covers exposed surfaces, lines internal passageways and chambers, forms glands

  18. Connective tissue- fills internal spaces, provides structural support for other tissues and transports materials within the body, and stores energy reserves.

  19. Muscle tissue- specialized for contraction and includes the skeletal muscles, cardiac muscle and the smooth muscle that lines hollow organs.

  20. Neural tissue- carries info from one part of the body to another in the form of neural impulses.

  21. Connective tissue is where our major energy reserves are located.

  22. Connective tissue contains collagen, elastin and reticular fibers, and several kind of cells embedded in a semi fluid ground substance.

  23. Skeletal muscle tissue consists of cylindrical in shape with striated fibers, and many peripheral nuclei just inside the plasma membrane.

  24. Dense regular connective tissue forms tendons and ligaments.

  25. Elastic fibers contain the protein elastin.

  26. Epithelial tissue is avascular.

  27. Simple squamous epithelium has only one layer with thin, flat, irregular shaped cells

  28. Skeletal muscle is the most abundant tissue in the human body.

  29. The main function of sweat is to cool the surface of the skin to reduce body temperature.

  30. Melanin is a pigment in the skin which absorbs UV rays and contributes to skin color.

  31. Nails are keratinized epidermal cells.

  32. The stratum lucidum is only found in the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

  33. The first stage in deep wound healing is a blood clot forms at the site of injury.

  34. The rule of 9’s

  35. Keratinocytes are the epidermal cells that make keratin which makes the skin waterproof.

  36. The stratum germinavatum has a single layer of cuboidal to columnar cells that are capable of continued cell division.

  37. The haversian canal or central canal within an osteon provides a pathway for the diffusion of nutrients within compact bone.

  38. Metaphysis • The metaphysis is located between the epiphysis and the diaphysis.

  39. Over secretion of growth hormone can cause an excessive growth in height.

  40. A child whose bones are not fully ossified is more likely to have a greenstick fracture.

  41. Periosteum is the dense, white, fibrous covering around a bone.

  42. Ostoeblasts are cells that form bone.

  43. Osteoclasts are cells that function in the reabsorption of bone.

  44. Oseocytes are mature bone cells.

  45. The foramen magnum is located in the occipital bone.

  46. The squamous suture is located between the parietal bone and the temporal bone.

  47. The illiac crest is a narrow ridge like projection on the hip bone.

  48. The pectoral girdle consists of the clavicles and the scapulae

  49. In a symphysis fibrous connective tissue connects the articulating bones.

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