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An Overview of The Senior’s Choice Membership Model

An Overview of The Senior’s Choice Membership Model. The U.S. senior population will continue to grow rapidly in the foreseeable future – offering long-term growth opportunities for a senior care business. Source: Administration on Aging.

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An Overview of The Senior’s Choice Membership Model

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  1. An Overview of The Senior’s Choice Membership Model

  2. The U.S. senior population will continue to grow rapidly in the foreseeable future – offering long-term growth opportunities for a senior care business. Source: Administration on Aging

  3. Using TSC’s proven operating system, a Senior’s Choice member can generate considerable revenue and profits in a relatively short time frame. Income projections are based on the median average of 20 Senior’s Choice members

  4. In franchise, which charges royalty fees as a percentage of your Total comparison to a typical Gross Revenue, the cost of monthly membership with TSC is minute and remains fixed. Franchisee royalty payment projections are estimated using a royalty fee of 3.5%. Actual royalty fees vary by franchise, but range between 5% to 2.9%.

  5. Cumulative Total Cost of TSC Membership vs. Traditional Franchise - 9 year period TSC Membership, $37,800 Traditional Franchise, $638,188 After nine years, a typical franchisee will have paid their franchise approximately $638,188 in royalty fees.

  6. Franchise royalty fees significantly impact your Discretionary Profits, the amount of money that goes into your pocket at the end of the year.

  7. Senior’s Choice members get to keep much more of their hard earned income. How you spend it is up to you. Susan Dost of Sheridan Care with her new toy. Senior’s Choice member since 2002.

  8. Let’s Review - Membership Benefits • The Senior’s Choice Membership Model offers all the benefits of a franchise • But without the restrictions of a franchise • And for a fraction of the cost of a franchise

  9. Let’s Review - Membership Benefits • We offer you Choices • You pay no royalties • You sign no long-term contracts • It’s YOUR business, not ours

  10. Let’s Review - Membership Benefits • We can help you start your business

  11. Let’s Review - Membership Benefits • And we have over 200 members to prove it

  12. Take The Next Step • Contact Steve Everhart today • Call 888.725.3655 • Email info@theseniorschoice.com

  13. Take The Next Step • You’ll be glad you did!

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